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What does artificial intelligence think of us

We asked Google Gemini what it thinks of Moko, with two very specific questions relating to our headquarters in Reggio Emilia and Milan, and here is the result.Reggio Emilia headquartersMoko Srl in Reggio Emilia appears to be a solid web and mobile development company with proven experience in carrying out projects for various companies. Here are some highlights I've gathered from several online sources:Skills:Web and mobile development: Moko Srl has extensive experience in creating websites and mobile applications for B2B and B2C clients. They have worked on a variety of projects, including e-commerce websites, business portals, and productivity apps.NFC app development: Moko Srl specializes in the development of NFC apps for various applications, including certificate management, access control and asset tracking.Digitalization of business processes: Moko Srl helps companies digitize their business processes to improve efficiency and productivity.Experience:Founded in 2006: Moko Srl has over 18 years of experience in the web and mobile development sector.Large portfolio of projects: They have successfully delivered projects for clients of different sizes and industries.Team of experts: Moko Srl boasts a team of expert developers and designers with proven experience.Positive opinions:Some online reviews praise Moko Srl for its professionalism, competence and customer care.The company has a 4.5 star rating on Google Reviews.Overall, Moko Srl seems to be a good choice for companies looking for a reliable partner for web and mobile development in Reggio Emilia.However, it is always advisable to do your own research and speak directly to the company to discuss your specific needs and get a quote.Other factors to consider:Price: Moko Srl prices may not be accessible to all small businesses.Customer Services: It is important to ensure that the company offers a good level of customer support if you have any problems with your project.Communication: It is important to have good communication with the company throughout the development process.
Milan headquartersMoko s.r.l. is a company based in Milan that offers a wide range of IT consultancy and software development services.Services:Business process analysis and digitalization: Moko helps companies optimize their business processes by analyzing existing workflows and identifying areas for improvement. Next, they develop digital solutions to automate these processes and make them more efficient.Development of web and mobile solutions: Moko designs and develops websites and mobile applications customized for the specific needs of its customers. The company has experience developing applications for a variety of platforms, including Windows Phone, iOS, Android and web.Constant Support and Growth: Moko offers a variety of support services to help its customers make the most of their software solutions. The company also offers consulting services to help businesses grow and expand.Sectors:Moko serves a wide range of customers in a variety of industries, including:Sales forceInnovationIOT - IIOT - Industry 4.0Internal communication and HRWorkflow managementBusiness unitsUX/UI
Milan headquarters:Moko's Milan office is located in Via Ponte di Legno. You can find more information about the location, including contact details, on the company's website.Conclusions:Moko s.r.l. is an Italian company that offers a variety of IT consultancy and software development services. The company has an office in Milan and serves a wide range of customers in a variety of industries.To form a complete opinion on Moko s.r.l. in Milan, I recommend you visit their website to learn more about their services and read reviews from other customers.

Seta - Corporate App

Provide citizens with information and services on public transport with a simple and immediate instrument.

Corporate App
Audit and Digitalization: A New Era for Business

In the modern era, the term "audit" has taken on a fundamental connotation for business, closely integrating with the digitalization of business processes. Technological evolution has led to the adoption of digital tools that improve the efficiency and precision of audits, making production processes more transparent and manageable. A digital audit is an in-depth and systematic analysis of a company's digital health. It's like a medical examination for your online business: it serves to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This article will explore how digitalisation is transforming auditing and offer concrete examples of success, with a particular focus on moko's experience.The importance of Audit in BusinessAuditing is essential to ensure that companies operate in compliance with industry regulations and standards. Through in-depth data analysis, audits identify inefficiencies, risks and opportunities for improvement. Digitalisation, in this context, has revolutionized the way audits are conducted, leading to greater accuracy and speed in the process.Digitalization of AuditsMobile and Web AppsMobile apps and web platforms have become indispensable tools for conducting audits. They allow auditors to collect data in real time, even in remote environments, and access reports and analysis instantly. The ability to digitize documents and automate procedures significantly reduces the risk of human errors and increases operational efficiency.Productive processThe digitalization of the production process through digital audits allows companies to monitor every phase of production precisely. The integration of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) facilitates data collection and analysis, providing useful insights to optimize production and improve the quality of the final product.Company Intranet AnalysisA successful example in the implementation of digital audit solutions is the analysis of the company intranet, such as the one created by moko.it. In this project, moko used advanced technologies to evaluate the effectiveness of a company's internal network, identifying areas for improvement and implementing digital solutions to optimize communication and information sharing between employees.Special Inspections Project AnalysisAnother example is the analysis of the special inspection project conducted by Moko. In this case, the company leveraged digital tools to perform detailed inspections, collecting precise data and providing accurate reports. This approach has allowed us to improve the management of inspections, increasing the safety and quality of the processes.The Moko ExperienceMoko has extensive experience implementing digital solutions for audits. Thanks to their expertise, companies can benefit from more efficient and accurate audits. Moko uses cutting-edge technologies to offer customized solutions that respond to the specific needs of each client, ensuring tangible results and significant improvements in business processes.ConclusionDigitalization is radically transforming the way audits are conducted in business. The adoption of mobile apps, web platforms and other digital technologies improves the efficiency, accuracy and transparency of audit processes. With concrete examples like those from Moko, it is clear how integrating technology into audits can lead to extraordinary results. Companies that embrace these innovations are poised to gain a significant competitive advantage in the modern marketplace.For further information on how to improve your audit processes through digitalisation, visit the moko.it website.

NFC: Revolution in WebApp Technology

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology is transforming the webapps landscape, offering new opportunities for B2B companies. Due to its ability to facilitate short-range wireless communication, NFC has become an essential component for mobile apps, improving efficiency and interactivity in various business sectors.NFC: A Technology OverviewNFC is a contactless communication technology that allows the exchange of data between devices located within a short distance of each other, usually within a few centimeters. This technology is already widely used in mobile payment solutions, access control, asset management and much more. Web apps that integrate NFC can offer advanced user experiences, simplifying complex operations and reducing waiting times.Advantages of NFC in B2B Mobile AppsB2B companies can benefit from integrating NFC technology into their mobile apps. Here are some key benefits:1. Operational EfficiencyNFC can automate many manual tasks, such as tracking shipments, managing inventory, and verifying identities. This allows companies to reduce operating costs and increase productivity.2. Advanced SecurityTransactions and data exchange via NFC are highly secure thanks to advanced encryption. This makes NFC ideal for applications that require a high level of security, such as electronic payments and access to sensitive data.3. Improved User ExperienceNFC-equipped web apps offer an intuitive and interactive user interface. For example, employees can simply tap their smartphone to an NFC reader to access detailed product information, update inventories or confirm deliveries.Examples of NFC ImplementationsOne of the most significant examples of the implementation of NFC in a webapp is the Moko.it project for certificate recovery. This solution uses NFC technology to simplify the certificate verification and recovery process, making the entire process faster and more efficient.Case Study: Moko.itMoko.it, a leading company in the supply of innovative technological solutions, has demonstrated excellent expertise in the use of NFC technology. With a broad portfolio of projects, Moko.it has developed NFC apps for various B2B applications, including certificate management, access control and asset tracking. The success of these projects highlights Moko.it's ability to provide tailor-made NFC solutions, which respond to the specific needs of their customers.ConclusionsIntegrating NFC technology into web apps represents an extraordinary opportunity for B2B companies looking to improve operational efficiency, security and user experience. With expert partners like Moko.it, companies can develop advanced NFC solutions that offer significant competitive advantages.NFC technology is destined to become a central element in the future of mobile apps and enterprise web apps. Investing in this technology today means preparing for a more connected and intelligent future.For more information on Moko.it's NFC solutions and to find out how they can help your business grow, visit their portfolio of NFC projects.

Digitalization for sustainability and environmental respect

Digitalization is revolutionizing the business world, radically transforming processes, products and services. But there is one aspect of this revolution that is emerging strongly: the ability to combine digitalisation with sustainability and respect for the environment. For companies, this is not just a trend, but a necessity to maintain competitiveness and social responsibility.Digitalization and Respect for the EnvironmentDigitalization is not only synonymous with efficiency and innovation; it also represents a unique opportunity to reduce the environmental impact of company activities. Through the adoption of digital solutions, companies can significantly decrease the use of natural resources, reduce waste and lower CO2 emissions.A concrete example of how digitalisation can promote sustainability is the implementation of intranet applications for the internal management of company communications and documents. For example, Moko has created custom intranet applications that significantly reduce paper use and improve operational efficiency.Sustainability in Practice: Successful ExamplesAnother illuminating example is the CMB app developed by Moko. This application made it possible to manage complex construction projects by reducing the use of paper and optimizing resource management. The digitalisation of construction site processes has not only increased operational efficiency, but has also significantly contributed to reducing the environmental impact of construction activities.EasyContact: The Free App for Going Paperless at Fairs and EventsA particularly interesting case is that of EasyContact, a free app that allows companies to completely eliminate the use of paper during trade fairs. This innovative solution allows you to exchange contact information digitally, via QR code, avoiding the use of business cards and flyers. Adopting EasyContact not only reduces waste but also makes interactions more efficient and trackable, improving the overall event experience.The Advantages of Sustainable Digitalization1. Cost ReductionThe adoption of digital solutions brings with it a significant reduction in operating costs. The elimination of paper, the dematerialisation of documents and the electronic management of communications can reduce expenses related to the purchase of materials, printing and archiving.2. Efficiency and ProductivityThe digitalisation of processes allows for more efficient management of human and material resources. Digital workflows are generally faster and less error-prone, thus increasing the company's overall productivity.3. Corporate Image and Social ResponsibilityCompanies that adopt sustainable practices improve their reputation in the market. Consumers are increasingly attentive to companies' environmental policies and prefer to support companies that demonstrate a concrete commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment.4. Regulatory ComplianceThe adoption of digital technologies helps companies remain compliant with increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Digitalizing business processes facilitates the monitoring and reporting of environmental performance.Digitalization and sustainability: an essential combination for business successIn today's competitive landscape, companies are faced with increasingly complex challenges, including the growing demand for sustainability from consumers and investors. In this context, digitalisation emerges as a key tool for combining economic success and respect for the environment.Embracing digitalization for a sustainable futureImplementing innovative digital solutions not only optimizes business processes, but concretely contributes to protecting the environment. Here are some examples:Reduction of paper consumption: the dematerialisation of documents, invoices and contracts allows us to drastically reduce the use of paper, with a positive impact on the production chain and waste management.Optimization of energy consumption: the adoption of intelligent monitoring and control systems allows you to optimize energy consumption, reducing the company's environmental footprint.Smart working and alternative mobility: encouraging remote working and the use of sustainable means of transport helps to reduce CO2 emissions and improve the quality of life of employees.In conclusion, digitalisation represents a unique opportunity for companies to combine economic growth and respect for the environment. By adopting innovative and sustainable digital solutions, companies can optimize processes, reduce environmental impact and improve their image on the market. Investing in digitalisation means investing in the future of the planet and of their business.Digitalisation, when combined with sustainability and respect for the environment, offers a significant competitive advantage to companies. Solutions such as those developed by Moko and the innovative EasyContact app demonstrate how it is possible to achieve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact through the intelligent use of technology.Investing in sustainable digitalisation is not only an ethical choice, but also a winning strategy for the future. Companies that are able to seize this opportunity will not only help preserve our planet, but will also obtain tangible benefits in terms of costs, productivity and reputation.

New features in iOS and Android and how they affect app development

With the recent release of iOS 17 and Android 14, mobile app developers have a set of new features that promise to revolutionize the way applications are created and used. These updates introduce significant improvements that not only enrich the user experience, but also provide new opportunities for innovation in app design and functionality.iOS 17: Innovations for Constant EvolutionApple presented iOS 17 with a series of improvements that promise to simplify developers' lives and offer end users an even more fluid and integrated experience.Main new features of iOS 17:Interactive Widgets: Interactive widgets allow users to interact directly from the Home screen, improving the accessibility and usability of apps.StandBy Mode: A new mode that transforms the iPhone into a useful smart device while charging, offering quick information and interactions.Enhanced Privacy Features: New privacy options that provide greater security for user data, such as blocking third-party tracks.AI Enhancements: Advanced AI integration to improve voice and photo recognition capabilities, making apps smarter and more responsive.Android 14: Power and CustomizationGoogle hasn't been left behind, with Android 14 bringing with it numerous improvements, aimed at making apps more efficient and customizable.Main new features of Android 14:Customizable Lock Screen: New options for customizing the lock screen, allowing users to create unique experiences.Improved Battery Management: Significant optimizations for power consumption that extend battery life, improving app performance.Advanced Security Features: Enhanced security features, including protection against malicious apps and better permission control.Multiscreen Capabilities: Greater support for foldable devices and multiple screens, allowing apps to better adapt to different hardware configurations.Impacts on App DevelopmentThese new features give developers a range of tools to innovate and improve their applications. That's how:Enhanced User Experience: With interactive widgets and advanced lock screen customizations, developers can create more engaging and intuitive experiences.Efficiency and Performance: Battery management optimizations and new multiscreen capabilities allow you to build apps that are both powerful and resource-efficient.Enhanced Security: New privacy and security options provide a safer environment for users, increasing trust in apps.AI integration: Improvements in artificial intelligence pave the way for more sophisticated and personalized features, such as advanced voice assistants and contextual recognition.ConclusionsThe evolution of iOS 17 and Android 14 represents a significant step forward for the mobile ecosystem. Developers now have the opportunity to leverage these new capabilities to create more innovative, secure and efficient apps, leading to an unprecedented user experience. We, as an agency specializing in mobile app development, are excited to implement these innovations in our future projects, ensuring our clients have cutting-edge solutions that meet the growing market expectations.

Evolution of the App and Web Development Market

In recent years, the app and web development market has undergone radical transformations, driven by technological innovations, changes in consumer needs and the adoption of new business models. These developments have not only changed the current landscape, but are also shaping the future of the sector.  Let's see how this market is evolving and what we can expect in the coming years.1. The Rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)Progressive Web Apps are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to combine the advantages of native apps and traditional websites. PWAs offer a fast, reliable and engaging user experience, working offline and loading quickly. This technology allows businesses to reach a wider audience without the need to develop separate apps for different platforms.2. Adoption of Modern Frameworks and LibrariesFrameworks like React, Angular and Vue.js are becoming de facto standards in web development. These tools allow developers to create complex, dynamic web applications with modular, reusable code. The use of these frameworks not only speeds up the development process, but also improves the quality and maintainability of the code.3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningThe integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into apps and websites is revolutionizing user interaction. Intelligent chatbots, virtual assistants, personalized recommendations and predictive analytics are just some of the examples of how AI is transforming the user experience. In the future, we expect these technologies to become even more sophisticated and pervasive.4. Cybersecurity and Data ProtectionWith the rise of cyber threats, cybersecurity has become a top priority for developers. Advanced encryption techniques, multi-factor authentication, and continuous vulnerability monitoring have become standard in the development process. In the future, attention to safety will continue to grow, driven by increasingly stringent regulations and consumer awareness.5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) experiencesAugmented reality and virtual reality technologies are opening new frontiers in digital interaction. These immersive experiences are finding applications in industries as diverse as e-commerce, education, healthcare, and entertainment. The continuing evolution of AR and VR promises to radically transform the way users interact with apps and websites.6. The Rise of No-Code and Low-Code PlatformsNo-code and low-code platforms are democratizing app development, allowing even those without technical skills to create functional applications. These tools streamline the development process and shorten release times, making greater innovation and experimentation possible.7. Mobile-First and Responsive DesignMobile-first design has become a necessity, given the growing dominance of mobile devices in internet access. Developers are focusing their efforts on creating user experiences optimized for smaller screens, while ensuring compatibility and smoothness across a wide range of devices.Future perspectivesLooking ahead, we can expect the app and web development market to continue to evolve rapidly. Emerging technologies like 5G will further accelerate real-time connectivity and interaction. The growing emphasis on sustainability and the ethical use of digital technologies will influence development practices, pushing towards greener and more privacy-friendly solutions.In summary, the future of the app and web development market is promising and dynamic. Companies and developers who can adapt to these new trends and take advantage of the opportunities presented by emerging technologies will be uniquely positioned to thrive in an ever-changing digital landscape.

The Advantages of Creating a Web Frontend with Data from Power BI or SAP

In the era of digitalization, companies are increasingly looking for effective solutions to visualize and analyze data. Power BI and SAP are powerful tools for data management and analysis, but there is often a need to build custom interfaces that make data accessible and usable for a wide range of users. In this context, PHP proves to be an excellent choice for developing dynamic and interactive web frontends. Let's see the main advantages of using PHP to create web frontends that interface with databases provided by Power BI or SAP.Easy IntegrationOne of the main advantages of PHP is its ability to easily integrate with different data sources. Thanks to numerous libraries and frameworks, PHP can interface directly with Power BI and SAP. For example, you can use Power BI REST APIs to retrieve data in real time and display it in a PHP web application. Likewise, SAP offers several connection methods, including OData services and PHP-specific libraries such as SAP RFC.Flexibility and CustomizationPHP offers a high degree of flexibility, allowing developers to create custom user interfaces that exactly meet business needs. Using frameworks like Laravel or Symfony, it is possible to build modular and scalable applications, with customized layouts and functionality. This level of customization is especially useful when it comes to visualizing complex data from Power BI or SAP, where a standard interface may not be sufficient.Large Community and SupportPHP boasts one of the largest developer communities in the world, which translates to a vast number of resources, documentation, and support available. This is a great advantage for companies, as it means that there will always be developers available and a rich supply of open source tools that can be used to speed up development. The active community also ensures that PHP is constantly updated and improved, maintaining a high level of security and performance.Cost-EfficiencyPHP is an open source language, which means there are no licensing costs associated with its use. Additionally, the wide availability of PHP developers can help reduce development costs. When integrating complex systems like Power BI or SAP, reducing development and maintenance costs is a significant benefit.Performance and ScalabilityBy adopting modern development practices and using tools like OPCache, PHP can deliver high performance even in complex web applications. Furthermore, scalability is one of the intrinsic characteristics of PHP, especially when combined with cloud infrastructures. This means that web applications developed in PHP can grow with business needs, handling an increasing number of users and data without compromising performance.SafetySecurity is a crucial aspect in web application development, especially when handling sensitive data from tools like SAP. PHP, thanks to its large community and consolidated best practices, offers numerous tools and frameworks to guarantee a high level of security. Features such as SQL injection protection, XSS (Cross-site Scripting), and CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) are standard in major PHP frameworks, making it easier for developers to implement secure solutions.ConclusionBuilding a web frontend in PHP to view and manage data from Power BI or SAP offers numerous benefits, including ease of integration, flexibility, large support community, cost-effectiveness, high performance, and security. Thanks to these characteristics, PHP confirms itself as an ideal choice for companies that wish to maximize the value of their data through dynamic and personalized web interfaces.

The Potential of PHP as a Programming Language

PHP, acronym for "Hypertext Preprocessor", is one of the most widespread and used programming languages ​​in the world of web development. Since its debut in 1995, PHP has undergone numerous evolutions, becoming a powerful and versatile tool for developers of all levels. In this article, we will explore the power of PHP and why it remains a popular choice among web development professionals.Ease of Learning and UseOne of the main advantages of PHP is its ease of learning. Thanks to the simple and intuitive syntax, new programmers can start developing web applications relatively quickly. This makes PHP an ideal choice for those new to programming.PHP is also highly documented, with a wide range of resources available online, including manuals, tutorials, and discussion forums. This community support facilitates problem solving and continuous learning.Flexibility and IntegrabilityPHP is extremely flexible and can be easily integrated with a variety of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and many others. This ability to interact with different database management systems makes it an excellent choice for applications that require complex data storage and retrieval.Additionally, PHP integrates well with other programming languages ​​and web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX. This compatibility allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications with ease.Performance and ScalabilityPHP is known for its good performance in web environments. It can handle a large number of concurrent requests without compromising speed or efficiency. Thanks to caching tools like OPCache, PHP can significantly reduce page load times, improving the user experience.PHP's scalability makes it suitable for projects of any size, from small personal websites to large enterprise applications. Modern development practices, such as the use of frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter), further help keep code organized and scalable.SafetySecurity is a critical concern in web development, and PHP offers several features to protect applications. With PHP, programmers have access to numerous libraries and functions that help prevent common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).However, it is essential that developers follow best security practices when writing code. The PHP community is actively involved in continuously improving the language's security measures, making it a reliable choice for applications that require a high level of data protection.Community Support and Continuous UpdatesPHP enjoys a large and active community that constantly contributes to its development and improvement. This vibrant ecosystem ensures that PHP stays up to date with the latest industry trends and needs.Regularly updating the language means that PHP continues to improve in terms of performance, security and functionality. Recent versions, such as PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1, have introduced significant improvements, including JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation, new syntax features, and performance improvements.ConclusionPHP continues to prove itself as a powerful and versatile programming language, capable of satisfying a wide range of needs in the world of web development. Its ease of use, flexibility, ability to scale, and strong community support make it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced developers. As the technology landscape evolves, PHP remains a robust and reliable language for building dynamic, secure web applications.Despite the emergence of new languages ​​and technologies, PHP remains a solid and advantageous choice for web development. Its simplicity, flexibility, versatility and large community make it a precious ally for creating dynamic, high-performance and secure websites and web applications.If you are a developer or a company looking for a reliable, versatile and widely used programming language, PHP is a choice that should not be underestimated. Its potential makes it a valuable tool for tackling the challenges of today's web and building innovative and long-lasting digital solutions.

The Importance of a Unified Collector of Enterprise Software and Apps

In the ever-changing digital landscape, companies are constantly looking for solutions that can improve operational efficiency, productivity and security. One of the emerging and crucial strategies is the implementation of a collector of corporate software and apps that allows you to centralize all applications in a single access point. This solution offers numerous benefits that can transform the way companies operate and manage their technology assets. Centralization and Simplified AccessHaving a unified access point for all business applications greatly facilitates the management of digital assets. Employees can quickly access all the tools they need without having to search through multiple systems or remember multiple credentials. This not only improves operational efficiency, but also reduces time wasted on search and login tasks.Security ImprovementSecurity is a key concern for any business. A centralized collector allows you to implement tighter and more consistent security controls. Access and authentication policies can be managed from a single platform, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and improving protection against cyber threats. Additionally, you can monitor and log user activity more effectively, making it easier to detect suspicious or unauthorized behavior.Easy Updates and MaintenanceManaging software updates and maintenance across multiple platforms can be complex and time-consuming. A centralized collector simplifies this process, allowing IT administrators to deploy updates and patches from a single console. This ensures that all applications are always up to date and that vulnerabilities are resolved promptly, reducing the risk of compatibility issues and improving system stability.Customization and IntegrationA corporate app collector allows a high degree of customization, adapting the digital work environment to the specific needs of the company. Applications can be integrated to work together more efficiently, improving workflows and promoting collaboration between teams. Furthermore, a centralized environment facilitates the adoption of new technologies and the integration of new tools into the existing system.Cost ReductionCentralized application management can lead to significant cost reductions. Simplifying IT operations, reducing the time needed to manage resources and decreasing security-related expenses contribute to a more efficient use of the company budget. Additionally, a single point of access reduces the need for ongoing training across multiple systems and platforms, further reducing operational costs.Improved User ExperienceLast but not least, a business software manifold improves user experience. Employees can focus on their work without having to deal with interruptions caused by technical issues or access difficulties. A more fluid and integrated work environment increases staff satisfaction and productivity, contributing to the overall success of the company.Increased collaborationA collector can facilitate data sharing and collaboration between employees, improving communication and workflow.ConclusionImplementing a unified collection of corporate software and apps is a strategic move that offers numerous advantages, from security to productivity, from cost reduction to improved user experience. In a world where operational efficiency and security are crucial, this solution represents a significant step forward for any company that wishes to remain competitive and innovative in today's digital landscape.A collection of business software and apps can be a valuable investment for businesses of all sizes. By offering centralized access to applications, a collector can improve productivity, reduce costs and increase security.

The Evolution of Analysis Tools: From Corporate Dashboards to Data Analysis Platforms

In the modern world of business, data management and interpretation have become essential for making informed and strategic decisions. Among the most used tools for this purpose we find corporate dashboards, also known by other names, each of which reflects specific nuances of their functions and uses. Let's explore the various terms that describe these powerful data management interfaces.Corporate DashboardThe term coporate dashboard conjures up the image of a car dashboard, where all critical data is presented in an easily readable format. This tool allows executives to monitor business performance in real time, providing an overview of all essential operations.Control PanelAnother common term is control panel, which emphasizes the ability to manage and control various aspects of the business through a single interface. These panels allow users to intervene quickly in the event of anomalies, ensuring efficient and timely control.Monitoring PanelSimilar to the dashboard, the monitoring panel mainly focuses on continuous surveillance of company data. It is particularly useful for detecting emerging trends and issues before they become critical, facilitating proactive resource management.Business Intelligence interfaceThe business intelligence interface represents a technological evolution, integrating sophisticated analytical tools that transform raw data into strategic information. This interface is essential for companies that want to maximize the value of their data, supporting decisions based on detailed and in-depth analysis.Reporting SystemThe reporting system is essential for communication and information sharing within the company. It allows you to generate detailed and personalized reports that help various departments better understand their performance and identify areas for improvement.Analytical PortalAn analytics portal offers a centralized access point for all data analysis activities. This tool is ideal for large organizations that need to consolidate information from multiple sources, facilitating an integrated view of business performance.Management ConsoleThe management console is often used by managers to supervise and coordinate company activities. This console provides direct control over various processes, allowing for more efficient management of daily operations.Management FrameworkThe management framework is similar to the corporate dashboard, but with a particular focus on governance functions. This tool helps business leaders maintain strategic control of the organization by monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and ensuring business objectives are achieved.Command CenterThe command center evokes an environment where crucial decisions are made, often in real time. This tool is essential for emergency situations or for managing complex operations that require an immediate and coordinated response.Data Analysis PlatformFinally, the data analysis platform represents the technological infrastructure that supports all other terminologies. This platform integrates various tools and technologies to collect, process and analyze data at scale, offering comprehensive support for business intelligence.ConclusionsRegardless of the term used, the importance of these tools in modern business management is undeniable. Corporate dashboards, panels, and all other forms of data management interfaces play a crucial role in transforming raw data into useful information, supporting strategic decisions and efficient operations. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect these tools to become even more sophisticated, offering ever-new possibilities for improving business management.

Artificial Intelligence Security: Challenges and Opportunities

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, influencing industries ranging from healthcare to finance, education to transportation. However, while we benefit from its potential, it is essential to address the many challenges related to AI safety. AI security is not just about protecting against cyber attacks, but also about ensuring that AI systems are fair, reliable and operate predictably.Vulnerabilities and ThreatsOne major concern is the vulnerability of AI to attacks. Adversarial attacks are sophisticated techniques that manipulate input data to fool an AI model. For example, an almost imperceptibly changed image of a stop sign can be misinterpreted by a self-driving car as a speed limit sign, with potentially disastrous consequences.Another significant threat is model theft. AI models, especially those based on deep neural networks, require significant resources to train. If a model is stolen, an attacker can exploit it for malicious purposes or resell it, causing considerable economic damage.Bias and DiscriminationAI safety also includes preventing bias. AI models learn from the data they are trained with. If this data contains bias, AI can perpetuate or even amplify it. This can lead to discriminatory decisions in critical areas such as employment, credit and criminal justice. Ensuring that data is representative and models are fair is crucial for safe and reliable AI.Transparency and ReliabilityLack of transparency in AI models is another significant issue. Deep learning models, in particular, are often considered “black boxes” because it is difficult to understand exactly how they arrive at certain decisions. This opacity can be problematic, especially in areas where explainability is key, such as medicine or the justice system.To address this challenge, AI explainability research is seeking to develop methods that make models more interpretable. Explainability not only increases users' trust in AI systems, but also helps identify and correct any errors or biases.Rules and RegulationsGlobally, regulations are emerging to regulate the use of AI and ensure its safety. The European Union, for example, has proposed the "AI Regulation", which aims to ensure that AI systems are safe, transparent, traceable, non-discriminatory and environmentally friendly. These regulations seek to balance innovation with the protection of citizens' rights.Opportunities for the FutureDespite the challenges, AI security also offers opportunities. Advances in secure AI can improve our ability to detect and respond to cyber threats. Furthermore, creating fairer and more transparent models can increase public trust and facilitate the adoption of AI in crucial sectors.Collaboration between researchers, industries and governments is essential to address these challenges. Investing in research and development of safe AI technologies, as well as promoting training and awareness of ethical and security issues, will be critical to ensuring that AI continues to serve the common good.How to ensure AI safety?Responsible AI development and deployment: There is a need to adopt clear guiding principles for AI development and deployment, which emphasize safety, transparency, accountability and fairness.Robust cybersecurity: AI systems must be designed with strong cybersecurity safeguards to protect them from attacks and intrusions.Fair data and algorithms: Data used to train AI systems must be carefully evaluated and corrected to remove bias and discrimination. AI algorithms must be designed to be transparent and auditable, allowing their decision-making process to be understood.Governance and oversight: There is a need to establish effective governance and oversight mechanisms for AI, involving governments, industries and civil society. These mechanisms should set standards, monitor the impact of AI and ensure compliance with ethical principles.Collaboration and awareness: It is crucial to promote collaboration between different stakeholders, such as researchers, developers, governments and citizens, to address AI security challenges in an open and inclusive way. Raising public awareness of the risks and potential benefits of AI is crucial to building trust and support for a safe and positive AI future.ConclusionAI security is a complex, multidisciplinary field that requires constant attention. Addressing technical vulnerabilities, ensuring fairness and transparency, and developing appropriate regulations are crucial steps to unlock the full potential of AI. With a proactive and collaborative approach, we can build a future where AI is not only innovative, but also safe and reliable.AI safety is a fundamental issue that must be addressed seriously and urgently. Ensuring a trustworthy future in the age of AI requires a collective commitment to develop and use AI responsibly, ethically and safely. Through collaboration, innovation and effective governance, we can harness the full potential of AI for the good of society, while mitigating risks and ensuring a safe and prosperous future for all. 

The Importance of Scalability of App and Web Services

In the increasingly digital business landscape, the importance of scalability for companies offering app and web services has become critical to long-term success. The ability to quickly adapt technology resources to handle an increase in workload, without compromising performance or user experience, has become a key element to remaining competitive and meeting ever-changing market needs.Scalability: the engine of business growthScalability, in this context, refers to the ability of a system to efficiently grow or shrink in response to demand. In the case of app and web services, this means being able to handle a sudden increase in user traffic, an increasing number of transactions or the integration of new features without compromising the quality of service.For businesses, scalability offers a number of key benefits:1. Address usage peaks:Unexpected events such as viral marketing campaigns, special events, or simply a seasonal increase in demand can lead to sudden peaks in traffic. Companies with scalable infrastructure can handle these surges without service interruptions or downtime, maintaining user trust.2. Quickly adapt to market needs:The digital market is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends constantly emerging. Businesses must be able to quickly adapt to these changes, updating and improving their services to remain relevant. Scalability allows them to do this efficiently and seamlessly.3. Optimize operating costs:Proper scalability management allows companies to optimize operating costs. They can allocate resources dynamically based on actual needs, avoiding investing in oversized infrastructure that would remain underutilized during periods of low activity.To ensure the scalability of their app and web services, companies must adopt a series of strategies and best practices:1. Cloud architecture:Using cloud services offers virtually unlimited flexibility and scalability. Resources can be quickly allocated and released based on actual needs, allowing businesses to dynamically adapt to traffic and user demands.2. Scalable Design:Applications and websites should be designed from the start with scalability in mind. This includes adopting distributed architectures, separating services into microservices, and using technologies and frameworks that support horizontal scalability.3. Performance Monitoring and Management:Constant performance monitoring is essential to identify any scalability issues early and take corrective action. Businesses should use advanced monitoring tools to monitor traffic, system resources, and performance metrics in real time.4. Load Test:Load testing allows companies to evaluate their systems' ability to scale by simulating high traffic conditions and monitoring system performance under stress. These tests should be conducted regularly to identify any scalability limitations and plan appropriately for the future.The scalability of app and web services: the key factor for business success in today's digital landscapeIn today's digital age, an online presence has become a critical necessity for businesses of all sizes. Websites, mobile apps and e-commerce platforms are crucial elements for connecting with customers, promoting products and services and generating growth. However, to ensure long-term success, it is critical that these digital services are scalable.What is scalability?Simply put, scalability refers to a system's ability to handle an increase in workload or traffic without compromising performance. In the context of app and web services, this means being able to manage a growing number of users, requests and data without experiencing slowdowns, waiting times or even crashes.Why is scalability important for businesses?There are several reasons why scalability is critical to business success:Better user experience: A scalable service ensures a smooth and responsive user experience, even during peak traffic. This translates into greater customer satisfaction, increased time spent on the site and a greater likelihood of conversions.Reliability and availability: Unreliable or frequently interrupted service can seriously damage a company's reputation and lead to lost revenue. Scalability helps ensure that the service is always available, even in the event of a sudden increase in demand.Growth and innovation: A scalable infrastructure allows companies to grow and innovate without worrying about capacity constraints. This allows you to add new features, expand your customer base and enter new markets.Cost optimization: Scalability can help optimize IT costs by allowing you to pay only for the resources you actually use. By avoiding investing in excess infrastructure, companies can save money and allocate resources more efficiently.How to scale app and web servicesThere are several strategies that companies can adopt to achieve scalability of their app and web services:Cloud Architecture: Using a cloud architecture based on scalable services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure gives businesses the flexibility and agility to scale quickly and efficiently.Microservices-based development: A microservices-based development approach breaks down an application into smaller, independent components, making it easier to scale individual components as needed.Automation: Automating tasks such as provisioning and managing infrastructure resources can help scale operations efficiently and reduce manual intervention.Monitoring and analytics: Continuous monitoring of performance and resource usage helps you identify bottlenecks and proactively implement corrective actions.ConclusionIn an increasingly digitalized world, the importance of scalability for companies offering app and web services cannot be underestimated. The ability to quickly adapt to changing market needs and handle sudden usage spikes is essential to long-term success. Investing in scalability is not only a technological necessity, but also a critical factor for business competitiveness and sustainability.By investing in scalable infrastructure and development strategies, companies can ensure an optimal user experience, improve reliability, promote growth and optimize costs. Scalability isn't just about technology, it's also a critical business strategy that allows companies to adapt to changing market needs and thrive in today's digital landscape.

Modernization and Speed of Web Apps for Corporate Business

In the digital age we live in, web apps represent an essential tool for the success of any business. Their importance in the business world continues to grow, as more and more companies rely on them to interact with customers, manage internal processes and even conduct financial transactions. However, it is not enough to have a web app; modernization and speed are crucial elements to ensure a significant competitive advantage.The role of Web Apps in corporate businessWeb apps perform a variety of crucial functions for businesses, including:Global Accessibility: Web apps allow companies to reach a large audience without geographical boundaries. With Internet access, customers can interact with the company and access its services from anywhere in the world.
 Operational Efficiency: Web apps automate business processes, reducing reliance on manual procedures and improving overall efficiency. This can translate into greater savings of time and resources.
 Improved User Experience: Modern web apps offer an engaging and intuitive user experience. Through intuitive design and smooth navigation, businesses can improve interaction with their customers, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
 Data Collection and Analysis: Web apps allow companies to collect a wide range of data on customer behaviors and preferences. This data can be analyzed to gain valuable business insights and drive strategic decisions.The Importance of Web App ModernizationModernizing web apps is essential to ensuring competitiveness in the business market. This includes:Device Adaptability: With the growing variety of devices used to access web apps, it is essential that they are optimized to work on a wide range of platforms, including desktops, smartphones and tablets. Modernizing web apps to ensure cross-device compatibility is crucial to maximizing reach and impact.
 Security: Cybersecurity threats are always evolving, and businesses must constantly adapt to protect their data and that of their customers. Modernizing web apps to integrate the latest security technologies is critical to mitigating the risks of security breaches and ensuring customer trust.
 Agility and Scalability: Web apps must be able to quickly adapt to changes in business needs and handle sudden traffic spikes without compromising performance. Modernizing web app infrastructures and architectures to make them more agile and scalable is essential to ensure operational continuity and customer satisfaction.The Importance of Web App SpeedSpeed is a key element for the success of enterprise web apps for several reasons:User Experience: Users expect fast loading times and smooth performance from web apps. Slow speed can compromise user experience and lead to decreased customer engagement and loyalty.
 SEO: Search engines like Google consider page loading speed as an important factor in ranking in search results. Faster web apps are more likely to rank higher in search results, increasing site visibility and traffic.
 Conversions: Slow performance can negatively impact online conversions and transactions. Users tend to abandon web apps if loading times are excessive, reducing opportunities to generate revenue and profit for the company.Why is modernizing and speeding up web apps important for businesses?There are several reasons why companies should modernize and speed up their web apps:Improve user experience: Slow and outdated web apps can frustrate users and lead to site abandonment. A modern and fast webapp will offer a better user experience, which can lead to greater customer loyalty and increased conversions.Increase Productivity: Slow webapps can also slow down employees, which can lead to lost productivity. A modern and fast webapp will allow employees to work more efficiently and productively.Improve your search engine rankings: Search engines like Google prioritize fast websites in their search results. A modern, fast webapp will be more likely to rank higher in search results, which can lead to increased traffic and conversions.Reduce costs: Outdated web apps can be expensive to maintain and update. A modern webapp is more efficient and requires less maintenance, which can save businesses money.
How to modernize and speed up web appsThere are several ways to modernize and speed up web apps:Use a modern web framework: There are several modern web frameworks available, such as React, Angular, and Vue.js. These frameworks can help businesses build faster, more efficient, and scalable web apps.Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network): A CDN is a network of distributed servers that delivers web content to users based on their geographic location. This can help improve the performance of web apps, especially for users who are located far from the company's servers.Optimize images: Images are often one of the biggest performance bottlenecks for web apps. Businesses can optimize images by reducing their size and using efficient file formats.Minify code: Code minification removes white space and other unnecessary characters from JavaScript and CSS code. This can reduce file size and improve performance.Use a cache server: A cache server stores a static copy of your web content, which can reduce the load on your company's servers and improve performance.In conclusion, the modernization and speed of web apps are critical to the success of businesses in today's digital environment. Businesses must invest in modernizing their web apps to ensure multi-device compatibility, data security and operational agility. At the same time, they need to ensure their web apps are optimized for performance, ensuring fast loading times and a superior user experience. Only by embracing modernization and speed can companies maintain a competitive advantage in today's increasingly digital marketplace.Modernizing and speeding up web apps is an important investment for companies of all sizes. It can improve user experience, increase productivity, improve search engine rankings and reduce costs. There are several ways to modernize and speed up web apps, and businesses should choose the best approach for their specific needs.In addition to the above, here are some other points that companies should consider when modernizing and speeding up their web apps:Security: It is important to ensure that modern web apps are secure and protected from cyber attacks.Accessibility: Modern web apps should be accessible to all users, regardless of their disabilities.Maintainability: Modern web apps should be easy to maintain and update.Modernizing and speeding up web apps is an ongoing process. Businesses should monitor the performance of their webapps and make adjustments when necessary to ensure they provide the best possible experience for users. 

The Importance of Blockchain and Web 3.0 Issues

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of business, companies are constantly looking for new technologies and innovative business models that can give them a competitive advantage. Among many emerging trends, two concepts are rapidly gaining traction: Blockchain and Web 3.0. These two topics not only promise to revolutionize the way companies manage their operations, but also fundamentally transform the entire digital landscape.Blockchain: The Foundation of Digital TrustBlockchain, a technology underlying cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, is much more than just digital currency. It is an immutable and decentralized digital ledger that allows for the secure and transparent recording of transactions. This has profound implications for businesses in industries such as finance, supply chain, healthcare and more.One of the main advantages of Blockchain is its ability to build trust. Since every transaction is permanently and verifiable recorded, companies can eliminate the need for intermediaries and ensure greater transparency throughout the process. For example, in the supply chain, companies can use Blockchain to track the provenance of their products to ensure quality and safety. Furthermore, Blockchain can reduce operational costs by eliminating the need for manual checks and controls.Web 3.0: The Decentralized Internet RevolutionWeb 3.0 is the next evolution of the Internet, characterized by greater decentralization, security and privacy. Compared to Web 2.0, where centralized platforms dominate and collect massive amounts of user data, Web 3.0 aims to return control to individuals through the use of technologies such as Blockchain and cryptography.For businesses, this means adapting to a new paradigm where data privacy and security are priorities. Companies must be aware of regulatory changes and consumer expectations regarding the management of personal data and privacy. Furthermore, they must explore business models based on decentralization and equal sharing of value with their users.Capitalize on the Digital FutureFor businesses that want to remain competitive in the era of Blockchain and Web 3.0, it is critical to adopt a proactive mindset and embrace these technologies strategically. This may mean investing in pilot projects to explore the potential of Blockchain within your supply chain or developing decentralized applications that respect user privacy.Additionally, companies should consider staff training and recruiting talent specializing in Blockchain and Web 3.0. Knowledge of these technologies will become increasingly crucial in the world of work of the future, and companies that invest in these skills will have a significant competitive advantage.The digital world is evolving at a dizzying pace, and with it the way companies operate and interact with their customers. The emergence of technologies such as Blockchain and Web 3.0 is opening the door to a new paradigm, offering businesses new opportunities to innovate, increase efficiency and build stronger relationships with their stakeholders.What are Blockchain and Web 3.0?Simply put, Blockchain is a distributed and immutable digital ledger that enables secure and transparent transactions between multiple parties. Web 3.0, on the other hand, represents the next iteration of the web, based on principles of decentralization, user autonomy and data ownership.How can Blockchain and Web 3.0 benefit businesses?The potential advantages for companies that adopt these technologies are many:Greater transparency and traceability: Blockchain guarantees complete traceability of transactions and data, increasing trust and collaboration between the different parties involved in a production chain or business process.Greater efficiency and cost reduction: Automating Blockchain-based processes can lead to significant cost reduction and greater operational efficiency.New business models: Web 3.0 opens the door to new business models based on decentralization and tokenization, which can generate new sources of revenue and value for companies.Improved customer loyalty: User ownership of data and the possibility of more direct interactions with companies can strengthen customer loyalty and create longer-lasting relationships.Examples of use of Blockchain and Web 3.0 in companiesSeveral companies are already experimenting with the use of Blockchain and Web 3.0 in various sectors:Finance: For faster and cheaper cross-border payments, decentralized lending systems and identity management.Supply chain: to trace the origin and movement of goods, combat counterfeiting and optimize logistics.Media and entertainment: to create new forms of digital content and distribution models, such as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).Voting: for more secure and transparent electronic voting systems.ConclusionsBlockchain and Web 3.0 represent a unique opportunity for companies to innovate, increase efficiency and build stronger relationships with their customers. Despite the challenges to be faced, companies that are able to seize these opportunities in time will be able to best position themselves for the future of the digital world. In conclusion, Blockchain and Web 3.0 represent an epochal turning point in the world of digital business. Companies that are able to seize the opportunities offered by these technologies will be able to create value, build trust and maintain their relevance in an increasingly competitive and ever-changing market.

The importance of creating accessible websites and apps

In an ever-evolving digital world, the accessibility of websites and apps has become a matter of primary importance. Not only for the ethical and legal duties, but also to recognize concrete opportunities for business growth. In today's digital world, equitable and inclusive access to onlin resourcese is a crucial advantage. With the growing reliance on digital technology for everyday activities, such as working, studying, communicating and accessing services, it is essential that your website and applications develop and make accessibility a priority. Digital accessibility refers to the practice of viewing and displaying digital content so that it is usable by a person with a wide range of abilities and disabilities.A web for everyone:Creating accessible websites and apps means making them accessible to anyone, regardless of their disabilities. This includes people with visual, hearing, motor or cognitive disabilities, but also users with slow internet connections or who use assistive technologies.Benefits for companies:In addition to the ethical and social aspect, accessibility offers numerous concrete advantages for companies:Expanding the audience: An accessible website allows you to reach a broader user base, including people with disabilities who would otherwise be excluded.Improved reputation: Demonstrating commitment to accessibility strengthens the company's image and positions it as an inclusive organization that is sensitive to everyone's needs.Greater usability for all: Accessible design benefits all users, not just those with disabilities. Creates a smoother and more pleasant user experience, increasing overall satisfaction.Improved SEO: Search engines reward accessible websites, helping them rank in search results.Reducing Legal Risks: In many countries, there are laws that require companies to make their websites and apps accessible. Failure to comply with these laws may result in fines and legal action.How to make accessible websites and apps:There are several guidelines and regulations that define the accessibility requirements of websites and apps. The most widespread are the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), issued by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).Following these guidelines when designing and developing websites and apps is critical to ensuring their accessibility. Furthermore, it is important to thoroughly test final products with users with disabilities to identify and eliminate any barriers.Accessibility is a Fundamental RightFirst of all, it is important to understand that digital accessibility is not just a matter of convenience, but is a fundamental right. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by numerous countries around the world, including the principle of access to information and communication, including information and communications systems and technologies, is a fundamental human right.Expand the Scope of UseMaking accessible websites and apps not only benefits people with disabilities, but can also improve the experience for all users. For example, design that makes navigation easier for people with visual impairments, such as using descriptive text for images, also improves the experience for users who browse on devices with slow internet connections or who use devices with small screens.Improve the Company's Image and Comply with the LawIn many countries, there are laws and regulations that require digital accessibility to ensure fairness and equality of opportunity for all people. Complying with these regulations is not only ethical, but can also protect companies from lawsuits and improve their reputation.Inclusion is a Good DealInvesting in digital accessibility is also a smart investment from an economic point of view. Increasing accessibility can expand a website or application's audience, leading to greater user participation and, consequently, increased revenue or business opportunities. It also reduces costs associated with legal claims or retroactive repairs for accessibility issues.Conclusion:Creating accessible websites and apps is not just an obligation, but an advantageous choice for companies. It means creating a more inclusive web, improving the user experience and seizing new business opportunities. Investing in accessibility means building a digital future that is fairer and more accessible to all.

The Essential GPTs: How Technology is Revolutionizing Businesses

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way businesses operate around the world. Among the many innovations that have dominated the scene, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) have emerged as one of the most powerful and versatile technologies available. But what exactly are GPTs and why are they so crucial to modern businesses?What are GPTs?GPTs are AI models that use machine learning to generate text and understand its context. Developed by OpenAI, these models are pre-trained on massive amounts of text from the Internet and other sources, allowing them to understand and generate natural language with astonishing accuracy.How do GPTs work in companies?Companies use GPTs in a wide range of applications, including:Content Generation: GPTs can be used to create high-quality written content, such as articles, product descriptions, social media posts and much more. This not only saves time and resources, but also ensures consistency in style and tone.
 Virtual Assistance: Chatbot-powered GPTs can answer customer questions quickly and effectively, improving the overall customer experience and reducing the need for human intervention.
 Data Analytics: GPTs can analyze large amounts of unstructured data, such as customer feedback, online reviews and social media sentiments, to extract valuable insights into market trends and consumer preferences.
 Machine Translation: With their ability to understand and generate natural language in multiple languages, GPTs can be used to automatically translate documents and communications, allowing businesses to expand into new global markets.
 The importance of GPTs for companiesGPTs offer a number of significant benefits for businesses, including:Operational Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks and manual labor, GPTs allow companies to reduce costs and increase operational efficiency.
 Personalization: Thanks to their ability to understand context and individual preferences, GPTs can create personalized experiences for customers, improving customer engagement and loyalty.
 Innovation: The use of GPTs opens up new possibilities for innovation, allowing companies to develop completely new or improved products and services.
 Competitiveness: Companies that adopt GPTs effectively can gain a significant competitive advantage by distinguishing themselves from the competition and better meeting customer needs.​​​​​​​In an age where technology powers every aspect of business operations, GPTs stand out as one of the most valuable resources available to businesses. With their ability to understand and generate natural language, these AI models are fundamentally transforming the way businesses create content, interact with customers and analyze data. For companies seeking to remain competitive in an ever-evolving marketplace, the adoption and effective integration of GPTs has become not only a wise choice, but also a prerequisite for future success.GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) represent the latest frontier of artificial intelligence and are revolutionizing the way companies operate. These advanced language models, capable of generating human-quality text, offer a number of advantages that make them valuable tools for business success.Automate repetitive tasks: One of the main benefits of GPTs is their ability to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as generating reports, drafting emails, and creating marketing content. This frees employees from tedious tasks and allows them to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.Improved Customer Service: GPTs can be used to significantly improve customer service. For example, they can be used to create chatbots that can answer customer questions quickly and accurately, 24/7. Additionally, they can be used to analyze customer conversations and identify areas where the service can be improved.Marketing personalization: GPTs allow you to personalize marketing campaigns more effectively. By analyzing customer data, they can create targeted messages that address each individual's needs and interests. This increases the likelihood that customers will engage with brand messages and convert.New Product and Service Development: GPTs can be used to generate ideas for new products and services. By analyzing market data and industry trends, they can identify opportunities that might otherwise be overlooked. Additionally, they can be used to create product prototypes and test different ideas with customers.Increased Productivity: Overall, GPTs can help increase employee productivity by automating tasks, improving communication, and providing valuable information. This can lead to reduced costs and increased profits.It is important to highlight that GPTs are still under development and that their implementation in companies presents some challenges. For example, it is important to ensure that the data used to train models is accurate and free of bias. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop guidelines for the ethical and responsible use of this technology.However, the potential of GPTs for businesses is enormous. Companies that are able to adopt this technology effectively will be able to gain significant competitive advantage and thrive in the age of artificial intelligence.Ultimately, GPTs are versatile tools that can be used to improve almost any aspect of a business. Companies that are able to make the most of this technology will be able to reach new levels of success.

Improving Business Efficiency: The Importance of Expense Report Management Software

In the modern era of business, where efficiency and precision are critical to business success, the adoption of targeted technological tools becomes increasingly crucial. Among these tools, software for managing expense reports stands out for the importance they play in simplifying business processes and optimizing financial resources. These tools not only automate repetitive tasks related to expense management, but also offer a variety of benefits that can make a difference for businesses of any size. Let's take a closer look at the importance of these software and the benefits they bring.1. Process AutomationOne of the main benefits of adopting expense report management software is the automation of manual processes. Eliminating the need to fill out spreadsheets or paper, employees can record expenses in real time through the mobile app or web platform. This not only saves valuable time, but also reduces the risk of human error, improving data accuracy and reliability.2. Greater Transparency and ControlWith expense report management software, companies gain greater transparency and control over business expenses. Managers can monitor employee expenses in real time, identify any anomalies or violations of company policies and take timely action. This level of control helps prevent fraud and abuse, ensuring responsible financial management.3. Saving Time and ResourcesProcess automation and increased transparency allow companies to save valuable time and resources. Employees no longer have to spend hours filling out and approving expense reports, but can focus on activities that generate added value for the company. Additionally, reducing errors and fraud helps save money and preserve company reputation.4. Regulatory ComplianceExpense report management software is designed to ensure regulatory compliance, helping businesses comply with tax laws and regulations. These tools track the information needed for tax reporting and generate detailed reports that can easily be provided to the relevant authorities in the event of an audit.5. Improved Relations with EmployeesAdopting expense report management software can also improve employee relations. By reducing bureaucracy and simplifying processes, companies demonstrate that they take the well-being of their employees seriously and value their time. Additionally, automating expense reimbursements ensures that employees are reimbursed in a timely manner, improving overall employee satisfaction.In conclusion, using expense report management software represents a valuable investment for companies, which brings numerous tangible benefits. From automating processes to reducing costs and improving employee relations, these tools play a vital role in improving business efficiency and ensuring responsible financial management.In addition to the advantages listed above, it is important to highlight that expense reporting software can be customized to the specific needs of each company. Some solutions offer advanced features such as travel management, travel and hotel booking, integration with company accounting and creation of customized reports.The adoption of expense report management software represents an important step towards the digitalisation of business processes, with a positive impact on efficiency, productivity and regulatory compliance.We talked about it in a dedicated landing page.

Moko celebrates 18 years of innovation and success!

Since it was founded, Moko has consistently revolutionized the way businesses manage their operations, offering innovative, scalable solutions that transform the way we work.In these 18 years we have embarked on an exciting journey in the world of technology, helping numerous companies overcome the challenges associated with digital transformation. Thanks to our constant commitment to innovation and customer focus, we can proudly say that we have become a point of reference in the corporate digitalisation sector.This extraordinary achievement would not have been possible without the support of our valued customers and without the know-how and expertise of the entire Moko team. We want to thank everyone who believed in our vision and chose Moko as their partner for corporate digitalization.Looking to the future, Moko is committed to continuing to drive digital transformation, anticipating market needs and providing cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to adapt and thrive in an increasingly digital world.A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to our success over these years. We are excited and eager to continue sharing our progress with you.Thank you for 18 amazing years, and more years of digital transformation together!

Addressing Cyber Threats from Frontend to Backend. Best Practices for B2B Websites and Apps

In today's increasingly complex digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a key priority for businesses operating online. In particular, in the B2B website and smartphone app development industry, protecting sensitive data and business information is crucial to ensuring customer trust and business continuity.On the one hand, the frontend, i.e. the visual interface with which users interact, and on the other, the backend, the beating heart that processes and manages data, both represent potential access points for cyber attacks. Therefore, adopting a comprehensive security strategy that covers all aspects of the development process is essential to protect B2B applications from any threat.Frontend: Implementation of Advanced Security PracticesOn the frontend, security starts with designing a secure and resilient user interface. Best practices include:Input data validation: Ensure that all data entered by users is validated and sanitized to prevent injection attacks, such as SQL injection or XSS.
 Using HTTPS: Implement HTTPS encryption to protect communications between the user's browser and the server, ensuring that transmitted data is safe from eavesdropping.
 Secure session management: Implement robust mechanisms for managing user sessions, using CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) tokens and secure cookies to prevent unauthorized access.
 Protection against DDoS attacks: Use DDoS mitigation services to protect your website or application from Distributed Denial of Service attacks, which could compromise its availability.Backend: Strengthening Defenses and Constant MonitoringOn the backend, security requires a combination of preventative and reactive measures:Firewall and Access Protection: Configure firewalls to filter unauthorized traffic and implement role-based access controls to limit access to sensitive data to only authorized users.
 Regular Updates and Patching: Constantly keep all system components updated, including frameworks, libraries and third-party software, to remediate known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of exploits.
 Event Logging and Monitoring: Implement detailed logging and event monitoring systems to detect suspicious activity or anomalies in the system, enabling timely response to attacks.
 Backup and Recovery: Perform regular backups of critical data and develop data recovery plans in the event of a security breach or data loss.Addressing cyber threats from frontend to backend requires a holistic approach to cybersecurity, involving both user interface design and backend architecture. Investing in the right security measures and constantly staying up to date on new threats and best practices is critical to protecting B2B websites and apps and maintaining customer trust.In an increasingly interconnected digital world, cybersecurity has become a critical factor for any company, especially those operating in the B2B sector. A vulnerable website or smartphone app can be an easy target for hackers, resulting in disastrous consequences for your business, such as loss of sensitive data, reputational damage, and business disruptions.La cybersecurity è un processo continuo che richiede attenzione costante. Implementando le misure di sicurezza adeguate sia sul frontend che sul backend del tuo sito web o app per smartphone B2B, potrai proteggere la tua azienda da minacce informatiche e ridurre il rischio di attacchi dannosi.

The most common acronyms to define business software

In the world of enterprise software, you often come across a variety of acronyms that can cause confusion. Here is a guide to the most popular ones:ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning. A complete management software that integrates different business areas, such as accounting, production, warehouse, sales and human resources.CRM: Customer Relationship Management. Focuses on customer relationship management, acquisition, retention and support.SCM: Supply Chain Management. Manages the supply chain, from the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of the finished product.HRM: Human Resource Management. Automate human resources processes, such as hiring, training, personnel management and payroll.BI: Business Intelligence. Analyze company data to provide useful information for making strategic decisions.WFM: Workforce Management. Optimize staff management, shifts, holidays and productivity.EAM: Enterprise Asset Management. Manages company resources, such as property, plants and machinery.PIM: Product Information Management. Centralize and manage product information.TMS: Transportation Management System. Plan and optimize transport activities.SFA: Sales Force Automation. Automate sales, lead generation and sales cycle management processes.CMS: Content Management System. It allows you to create and manage websites and digital content.BPM: Business Process Management. Model and optimize business processes.PLM: Product Lifecycle Management. Manages the product life cycle, from design to disposal.MRP: Material Requirements Planning. Plan material procurement needs.MES: Manufacturing Execution System. Manages and controls production in real time.QMS: Quality Management System. Manages the quality of products and business processes.HCM: Human Capital Management. Integrate different HR functions into a single platform.SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. Monitor and control industrial systems in real time.EHS: Environment, Health & Safety. Manages compliance with environmental, health and safety regulations.ITIL: Information Technology Infrastructure Library. Collection of best practices for IT service management.COBIT: Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies. Framework for the governance and control of information systems.In addition to these, there are many other acronyms specific to industries or business functions. It is important to know the most popular ones to orient yourself in the world of business software and choose the solution that best suits your needs.

The importance of RMM Software for IT Companies: Remote Management just a click away

As networks grow in complexity and require proactive maintenance, Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software has become an indispensable tool for IT companies of all sizes.What is an RMM Software?RMM Software is a software solution that allows system administrators to remotely monitor and manage computing devices within a network. These devices can include computers, servers, IoT systems, networking devices, printers and more. Through a centralized interface, administrators can check device status, perform software updates, deploy security patches, perform performance monitoring, and more, all without needing to be physically present at the devices themselves.Benefits of RMM softwareProactive Monitoring: RMM Software allows system administrators to detect and resolve problems before they cause operational disruption. By continuously monitoring the performance and safety of devices, it is possible to identify potential hardware or software failures in their early stage.
 Remote Management: Thanks to the remote management functionality, administrators can intervene on devices from anywhere connected to the Internet. This is particularly beneficial in situations where you need to resolve a problem urgently, even outside of business hours.
 Automating Tasks: RMM Software allows you to automate many routine tasks, such as applying security patches, configuring devices, and creating reports. This not only saves administrators time, but also reduces the risk of human error.
 Improved Security: With the growing threat of cyber attacks, cybersecurity is a priority for all businesses. RMM Software facilitates the implementation of security policies, the monitoring of anomalous events and the management of vulnerabilities, thus helping to protect the company's IT environment.
 Reduction of Operational Costs: By using RMM Software, companies can reduce operational costs related to the maintenance of IT systems. Automating tasks reduces the need for repetitive manual interventions, while proactive monitoring helps prevent costly downtime.In the digital age, technology has become a critical element to the success of any business. With an increasing number of devices and software used daily, managing and maintaining IT infrastructure can become a complex and time-consuming task.RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) software represents an effective solution to simplify and optimize IT management, offering numerous advantages to companies:1. Proactive monitoring: RMM software constantly monitors the health of devices and systems, identifying potential problems before they cause disruption or disruption. This proactive approach allows critical issues to be resolved in a timely manner, avoiding costly productivity losses and downtime.2. Saves time and money: Automating repetitive tasks, such as installing security patches or updating software, allows IT technicians to focus on more strategic, value-added tasks. Furthermore, the reduction in problem resolution times translates into money savings for the company.3. Better Security: An RMM software can be used to implement advanced security measures, such as antivirus and anti-malware protection, access control, and data encryption. This helps protect the company from cyber threats and cyberattacks.4. Greater Efficiency: RMM software provides a centralized view of your entire IT infrastructure, allowing technicians to monitor and manage all devices from a single interface. This makes IT management more efficient and productive.5. Scalability: RMM software can be easily adapted to the needs of any size business, offering the ability to add or remove devices as needed.In an increasingly complex and connected business landscape, RMM Software has become a fundamental tool for IT companies. Through proactive monitoring, remote management and task automation, these solutions enable companies to maintain high standards of performance and security for their IT systems. Investing in RMM Software is not only a wise choice, but has become an essential requirement to remain competitive in the modern market.

The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning in BtoB: How they are revolutionizing the way businesses operate

In the world of business to business (BtoB), the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is rapidly transforming the way companies operate and interact with their customers. These advanced technologies offer a wide range of benefits, from automating operational processes to personalizing user experiences on websites and mobile apps.Automation of operational processesOne of the main areas where AI and machine learning are transforming BtoB is the automation of operational processes. Businesses can use intelligent algorithms to optimize back-office operations, reducing costs and improving efficiency. For example, AI-powered inventory management systems can analyze historical sales data and predict future demand, allowing companies to plan orders more accurately and reduce the risk of stock-outs or excess inventory.Personalization of user experiencesAnother area where AI and machine learning are revolutionizing BtoB is the personalization of user experiences on websites and mobile apps. Businesses can use machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data and create personalized experiences that address individual needs and preferences. For example, a company can use AI to analyze customers' browsing behavior on its website and provide personalized product or content recommendations based on the customer's interests and preferences.Improved business decisionsAI and machine learning enable companies to make more informed, data-driven decisions. Businesses can use intelligent algorithms to analyze large amounts of data from different sources and identify patterns and trends that may not otherwise be apparent. This can help companies make more effective decisions about strategic planning, resource management and pricing.Marketing and sales optimizationAI and machine learning offer BtoB operators advanced tools to optimize their marketing and sales strategies. Businesses can use intelligent algorithms to analyze customer data and identify the most qualified potential leads, improving the efficiency of their lead generation efforts. Furthermore, AI can be used to personalize marketing campaigns to reach the most relevant market segments with targeted and relevant messages.Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are rapidly revolutionizing the world of business, and the BtoB sector is no different. AI offers BtoB companies a number of benefits, including:Improved Efficiency: AI can automate many repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.Better market intelligence: AI can analyze large volumes of data to identify trends and opportunities that might otherwise be overlooked.Better customer experience: AI can be used to personalize customer interactions and provide a more efficient and responsive service.Here are some examples of how AI and machine learning can be used to improve BtoB websites and mobile apps:Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can provide 24/7 customer support and answer frequently asked questions.Recommendation Engines: Recommendation engines can suggest relevant products or services to customers based on their browsing history and previous purchases.Personalization: AI can be used to personalize website or mobile app content based on individual customer preferences.Implementing AI and machine learning can be a complex process, but the potential benefits are enormous. BtoB companies that adopt these technologies will be in a strong position to compete in the global market.Here are some tips for BtoB companies looking to implement AI and machine learning:Start with a clear strategy: Define your goals and identify the areas where AI can have the greatest impact.Invest in high-quality data: AI is only as good as the data it is trained on.Find the right technology partner: Choose a partner with experience implementing AI and machine learning solutions for the BtoB sector.Be patient: Implementing AI and machine learning takes time and effort.The rise of AI and machine learning is one of the most important trends in the world of BtoB business. Companies that adopt these technologies will be in a strong position to compete in the global market and gain a competitive advantage.ConclusionsIn conclusion, artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing the way BtoB companies operate. These advanced technologies offer a wide range of benefits, from automating operational processes to personalizing user experiences and optimizing marketing and sales. Companies that adopt AI and machine learning can improve their operational efficiency, make more informed decisions, and deliver more engaging experiences to their customers, thus gaining a significant competitive advantage in the increasingly competitive BtoB market. 

The Crucial Importance of Software for the Management of PPE Personal Protective Equipment in the Company

In the current global context, characterized by growing attention to workplace safety and employee health, the adoption of technological tools for the management of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the company has become an absolute priority. This has become particularly evident in the post-pandemic era, where protecting workplace health and safety has become a central concern for businesses of all sizes and sectors.PPE, which includes masks, gloves, goggles, helmets and other similar equipment, is essential to protecting employees from health and safety risks in the workplace. However, their effectiveness largely depends on proper management and distribution within the company. In this context, the implementation of software dedicated to PPE management proves fundamental for several key reasons. An example of one of our projects can be found here.1. Better tracking and monitoring: PPE management software allows you to track all devices in use within your company. This includes detailed information on which employees received which PPE, when it was distributed and when it needs to be replaced or serviced. This level of monitoring allows you to ensure that all employees have the necessary devices to protect their health and safety at work.2. Reduce compliance risks: Occupational health and safety regulations have become increasingly stringent in recent years. PPE management software can help companies maintain compliance with these regulations by providing accurate documentation of equipment use and maintenance. This reduces the risk of sanctions and fines due to regulatory non-compliance.3. Optimize inventory and reduce waste: With PPE management software, companies can optimize their inventory, ensuring exactly the equipment needed is available at the right time. This reduces waste associated with overproduction or excess inventory, helping to reduce overall operating costs.4. Better safety planning: With accurate data on PPE distribution and use, companies can more effectively plan safety training and awareness activities. Furthermore, they can quickly identify and address any shortcomings or problems in the use of the devices, overall improving the level of safety in the workplace.5. Greater accountability and transparency: PPE management software promotes greater accountability and transparency within the company. Employees are aware that the correct use of PPE is monitored and recorded, which incentivizes them to adopt safe behaviors at work and take care of the devices provided to them.Implementing PPE management software offers a number of significant benefits for businesses, improving employee safety, reducing compliance risks and optimizing business operations. In a world where workplace health and safety are increasingly important, investing in technological tools for PPE management is a strategic move that can make the difference between a safe and productive work environment and one that is subject to risks and inefficiencies.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a fundamental element for worker safety in any company. Their effective management is essential to ensure regulatory compliance, worker safety and resource optimization.PPE management software can provide numerous benefits:Better compliance:The software helps track PPE expiration dates, such as overhaul and replacement dates, ensuring compliance with current regulations.It allows you to create and manage a complete register of all PPE in use, with information on model, size, assignment date and expiry.Automate the creation of reports and documents necessary for inspections and audits.Greater security:The software helps identify and prevent worker safety risks, ensuring that PPE is always available and in good condition.It allows you to monitor the use of PPE and identify any deficiencies or anomalies.It can be used to create and manage procedures for assigning and using PPE.Resource optimization:The software helps optimize the purchase and management of PPE, avoiding waste and unnecessary costs.It allows you to monitor consumption and plan purchases efficiently.It can be used to identify the most used PPE and those that need replacement more frequently.Other advantages:The software can be used to train workers on the correct use of PPE.It can be used for the management of training courses and for verifying the skills acquired.It can be integrated with other business systems, such as safety management system or human resource management system.Ultimately, PPE management software can be a valuable investment for any company that wants to improve the safety of its workers, optimize resources and ensure compliance with current regulations.Choosing the right software:There are several PPE management software solutions on the market. The choice of the software best suited to your business needs depends on several factors, such as the size of the company, the number of workers, the type of activity carried out and the available budget.Some important considerations when choosing software include:Features: The software must include all the features necessary for effective PPE management, such as deadline management, reporting, management of worker records and PPE.Ease of use: The software must be easy to use and understand, even for novice users.Integration: The software should be able to integrate with other business systems.Cost: The cost of the software must be in line with the company budget.Using PPE management software can be an important step in improving worker safety, optimizing resources and ensuring compliance with current regulations.

App for in-store surveys: revolutionize your business with mobile technology

In-store survey apps are becoming an increasingly important tool for companies that want to improve their efficiency and competitiveness.What are in-store survey apps?These are mobile applications that allow you to collect data in real time within the point of sale.What are the benefits?Greater efficiency: Apps automate data collection processes, eliminating the need for paper forms and manual data entry.Better accuracy: The data collected is more precise and reliable, as it is not subject to human errors.Real-time data: Information is available immediately, enabling you to make faster, more informed decisions.Greater flexibility: Apps can be used on different mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.Cost reduction: Using in-store measurement apps can save time and money by eliminating the need for dedicated data collection staff.What are some types of surveys that can be done?App in store survey: Beyond simple data collection, offers precise insights into product positioning, pricing and customer experience. These digital tools facilitate the collection of the data necessary for companies to carry out strategic actions in line with changing market needs.Price Tracking: The app can be used to scan product barcodes to check their price, availability and compliance with current promotions.Inventory Tracking: The app can be used to track the stock level of products in real time.Missing Product Detection: The app can be used to identify missing products from shelves and automatically send an order to the supplier.Merchandise tracking: The app can be used to verify the correct display of products on shelves.Customer Experience Tracking: The app can be used to collect feedback from customers regarding their shopping experience.In conclusion, in-store survey apps represent a strategic investment for companies that wish to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. Thanks to these apps, you can collect real-time data, make more informed decisions and improve your customers' shopping experience.

The Crucial Importance of Showcase Websites for Businesses: The Digital Showcase of Success

In the digital age we live in, online has become the starting point for many of our daily activities, including searches for products and services. In this context, corporate websites have become much more than just an online presence: they have become a company's digital showcase, a unique opportunity to impress and engage potential customers. In this article, we will explore the crucial importance of showcase websites for businesses and why investing in a well-designed website is essential for success in the modern business landscape.1. Online Presence and CredibilityA well-designed website is a digital business card for any business. It is often the first point of contact between a potential customer and a company. A professional website conveys trust and credibility. It shows that the company is serious in its commitment and professional in its approach to business. Without a website, a company risks appearing unprofessional or, even worse, non-existent in the eyes of modern customers.2. 24/7 AccessibilityA website is always accessible, 24/7. This means that potential customers can find information about the company and its products or services at any time, regardless of their geographic location or time zone. This offers enormous convenience for both customers and the company itself, allowing the ability to generate leads and sales even outside of traditional business hours.3. Wide Reach and Global MarketThrough a website, a business can reach a much larger audience than traditional marketing methods. The Internet has vast potential to reach local, national and international customers. This significantly expands business opportunities and can lead to significant revenue growth. A well-optimized storefront website for search engines can also improve your company's online visibility, leading to greater exposure and new sales opportunities.4. Effective Marketing ToolA website is not just a static online presence, but can also serve as a powerful marketing tool. Through strategies such as content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), online advertising and social media, a website can attract targeted traffic and generate qualified leads. Additionally, a well-designed website can be used to promote new products, special offers and company events, helping to drive sales and keep the company ahead of the competition.5. Feedback and Interaction with CustomersA website also offers a direct channel for interacting with customers. Through contact forms, live chat and social media, customers can ask questions, provide feedback and get help quickly and conveniently. This type of two-way communication is invaluable in better understanding customer needs, improving products or services, and building lasting customer relationships.In the digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business. A showcase website represents a virtual showcase, always open and accessible to anyone, which allows you to:1. Increase visibility and authority: A well-made website optimized for search engines allows you to intercept potential customers who are looking for products or services like yours. Furthermore, a company website strengthens your brand identity and professionalism, increasing customer trust.2. Promote your products or services: Your website is the ideal place to present your products or services in detail, providing all the useful information to potential customers. You can also use the site to publish news, articles and case studies that demonstrate your expertise in the sector.3. Generate leads and acquire new customers: Through your website you can collect information about potential customers, such as their email addresses, and then convert them into actual customers. You can do this using contact forms, landing pages and calls to action.4. Offer excellent customer service: Your website can be used to provide customers with a variety of useful information, such as FAQs, tutorials and user manuals. You can also use a chatbot to answer customer questions in real time.5. Reduce costs: A website can help you reduce marketing and communication costs. For example, you can use the site to send newsletters to your customers or to promote your products or services on social media.6. Analyze data and improve your strategies: Through web analysis tools you can monitor traffic on your website and understand how users interact with your content. This data allows you to improve your website and marketing strategies.7. Always keep up with the times: A website allows you to communicate with your customers quickly and immediately. You can update your website in real time with news, articles and promotions.In conclusion, a showcase website is still an important investment for any business. A well-designed website can help you achieve your business goals, increase sales and improve your customer satisfaction.In addition to the above, it is important to remember that:A showcase website must be responsive, that is, automatically adapt to any device, smartphone, tablet or desktop.The website must be secure and protected from cyber attacks.The website must be updated regularly with new content.

The Strategic Importance of a Web Services and App Aggregator Hub for Companies: Optimization and Accessibility

In the digital age we live in, immediate access and ease of use of online services have become essential for companies wishing to remain competitive in the market. In this context, the creation of an aggregator hub of web and app services proves to be a powerful weapon to optimize business operations and improve the overall customer experience.Centralization of ResourcesOne of the most crucial aspects of an aggregator hub is the ability to centralize resources and services. Businesses, especially those with a wide range of products and services, can leverage this platform to provide their customers with a single point of access to all their digital tools. This greatly simplifies navigation and reduces the risk of resource dispersion.Improved User ExperienceA well-designed aggregator hub can significantly improve the user experience, making it more intuitive to find and use the services offered by the company. With simplified navigation and an intuitive design, users can easily access what they need, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.Optimization of Business OperationsFrom an internal company perspective, an aggregator hub helps streamline business operations in several ways. First, it simplifies the management of digital services, allowing for more efficient performance monitoring and better coordination between various departments. Furthermore, it can facilitate the integration of existing systems, reducing the time and resources needed to maintain and update digital infrastructures.Increased Visibility and EngagementAn aggregator hub can also play a key role in improving company visibility and increasing user engagement. Through features like push notifications, real-time updates and content personalization, companies can keep their customers informed and engaged, encouraging more frequent and profitable interactions.Adaptability and ScalabilityAnother great advantage of an aggregator hub is its adaptability and scalability. Companies can easily add new services and features in response to market needs or changes in customer preferences, without having to completely redesign the platform. This allows for organic growth and rapid adaptation to changing market dynamics.In the digital age, businesses rely on a wide range of web services and apps to manage their businesses. From CRM and marketing solutions to accounting and inventory management systems, the list of digital tools needed to stay competitive is ever-growing.However, this proliferation of services can create a management challenge. Switching between apps and searching for the information you need can take time and effort, reducing your productivity and efficiency.A web and app services aggregator hub can solve this problem by providing a single interface to access all the necessary tools. In this way, companies can:Improve productivity: With an aggregator hub, employees can access the information and features they need with just one click, eliminating the need to switch between apps.Reduce costs: An aggregator hub can help businesses save time and money by simplifying the management of their web and app services.Improve collaboration: An aggregator hub can facilitate collaboration between employees by providing them with a single point of access to shared information and tools.Increase security: An aggregator hub can improve the security of company data by centralizing access to web and app services.Gain better visibility: An aggregator hub can provide businesses with better visibility into the usage of their web services and apps, helping them make more informed decisions about resource allocation.Some important considerations when choosing an aggregator hub include:Ease of use: The hub should be easy to use and navigate for all employees.Integration: The hub should be able to integrate with the web services and apps the company already uses.Security: The hub should provide adequate security features to protect company data.Scalability: The hub should be able to scale to meet the growing needs of the business.Ultimately, adopting a web and app services aggregator hub can be a strategic choice for companies that want to improve productivity, reduce costs, improve collaboration and security, and gain better visibility into the use of their tools digital.The implementation of a web and app services aggregator hub can be a major investment for companies, but the benefits in terms of productivity, efficiency and security can be considerable.ConclusionsIn conclusion, the implementation of a web and app services aggregator hub represents a strategic move for companies that wish to remain competitive in an increasingly digitalized market. Through the centralization of resources, improved user experience, optimization of business operations, increased visibility and engagement, as well as its adaptability and scalability, an aggregator hub offers a number of key benefits that can lead to greater efficiency, productivity and overall success of the company.

The Importance of Scripting in Artificial Intelligence: A Strategic Advantage for Companies

In the increasingly digitally driven business environment, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a driving force for innovation and efficiency. Among the many components that fuel AI success, scripting plays a crucial role. Scripts, short sequences of instructions that automate specific tasks, have become the foundation on which many AI solutions are built. In this article, we will explore the importance of scripting for companies engaged in implementing and using AI.Automation of Repetitive Tasks: One of the main contributions of scripting in AI is the automation of repetitive tasks. Machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms require large amounts of data to train and be efficient. Scripting helps automate the process of data collection, preparation and cleansing, allowing companies to save valuable time and resources.Simplifying Development and Maintenance: Scripts facilitate the development of AI solutions, allowing developers to focus on designing algorithms rather than implementing operational details. Writing well-structured, modular scripts also simplifies ongoing maintenance of AI applications, reducing the risk of errors and making it easier to implement updates.Integration with Other Technologies: Companies operate in an increasingly complex technological ecosystem, with a variety of platforms and solutions. Scripts provide a means to seamlessly integrate AI systems with other existing technologies. This flexibility is critical to ensuring that AI can be easily incorporated into pre-existing business processes without significant disruption.Adaptability to Business Needs: Using scripting in AI offers a level of adaptability that is crucial to responding to changing business needs. Scripts can be quickly modified or extended to adapt to new tasks, objectives or regulatory requirements, allowing companies to remain competitive in a rapidly changing environment.Resource Optimization: Scripting contributes to the optimization of company resources, both in terms of time and costs. Process automation reduces dependence on human resources for routine tasks, allowing companies to allocate resources more efficiently and focus on high-value-added activities.Here are some examples of how companies can use AI scripting:An e-commerce company could use scripting to automate the order processing process. This may involve generating invoices, sending confirmation emails and updating order status.A financial services company might use scripting to personalize the user experience. This could involve recommending relevant products and services or personalizing marketing campaigns.A manufacturing company might use scripting to analyze production data. This could involve identifying quality issues or predicting future demand.In conclusion, scripting in the field of Artificial Intelligence represents a key element for the success of companies in the context of digital innovation. The ability to automate repetitive tasks, simplify development and maintenance, integrate with other technologies, adapt to business needs, and optimize resources gives enterprises a strategic advantage in the pursuit of efficiency and innovation. Investing in AI scripting skills therefore becomes a smart and proactive business move.

The importance of AI Chatbots in business processes

Revolution in Communication and Operational EfficiencyIn the digital age we live in, companies are constantly looking for new ways to improve operational efficiency and offer faster and more effective customer service. In this context, Chatbots based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) are emerging as an innovative and indispensable solution to meet the needs of communication and automation of business processes.1. Instant Communication: Key to Business SuccessAI Chatbots introduce a new paradigm in business communication, providing instant responses and continuous support to customers. This immediate response is crucial in today's culture where speed is paramount. The use of Chatbots in contexts such as websites, apps and instant messaging platforms allows companies to always be available to answer customer questions, provide detailed product information and assist users with their needs.2. Improved Operational EfficiencyThe introduction of AI Chatbots into business processes leads to a significant improvement in operational efficiency. Chatbots can automate a wide range of tasks, such as gathering information, processing transactions, scheduling appointments, and even managing human resources. This relieves human staff from repetitive tasks and allows them to focus on more complex and strategic tasks.3. Personalization of the User ExperienceA key aspect of AI Chatbots is their ability to continuously learn and personalize the user experience. Through data analytics and machine learning, Chatbots can adapt to user preferences and behaviors over time. This results in more personalized interactions and improved customer satisfaction, as the responses provided are increasingly targeted and relevant.4. Reduction of Operational CostsImplementing AI Chatbots can lead to significant cost savings for businesses. Chatbots are able to handle a high volume of simultaneous interactions without requiring additional human resources. This results in a reduction in operational costs associated with customer support, sales management and other business processes.5. Improved Data AnalysisChatbots collect detailed data on every interaction with users. This data can be analyzed to gain valuable insights into user behavior, market trends and areas for product or service improvement. The analysis of data generated by Chatbots provides a strategic advantage, allowing companies to adapt their strategies based on customer needs and preferences.The importance of AI Chatbots in business processesArtificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. AI chatbots, in particular, offer a wide range of opportunities to improve business processes, from managing customer service to optimizing operations.Benefits of AI chatbots in business processesAI chatbots offer a number of benefits for businesses, including:Improved customer experience: AI chatbots can provide 24/7 customer service, answering questions and resolving issues quickly and efficiently. This can improve customer satisfaction and reduce customer service costs.Increased Productivity: AI chatbots can automate repetitive and manual tasks, freeing employees to focus on value-added tasks. This can lead to increased productivity and reduced costs.Optimizing Operations: AI chatbots can be used to collect data and information, which can be used to improve business operations. For example, AI chatbots can be used to monitor sales, analyze market trends, and identify potential problems.Applications of AI chatbots in business processesAI chatbots can be used in a wide range of business processes, including:Customer Service: AI chatbots can be used to answer questions about your product or service, resolve issues, and provide assistance.
Marketing and Sales: AI chatbots can be used to generate leads, collect customer data, and provide sales support.
IT Support: AI chatbots can be used to provide technical support to users, answer questions, and resolve issues.
Training: AI chatbots can be used to provide employee training, answer questions, and provide support.ConclusionsIn summary, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence-based Chatbots in business processes represents a significant turning point in the management of communication and operational efficiency. Their ability to provide instant responses, improve user experience, reduce operational costs and generate valuable analytics makes them a critical enabler for businesses seeking to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic and technologically advanced marketplace. The synergistic collaboration between artificial intelligence and human resources can lead to a positive transformation in business processes, paving the way for new opportunities and stimulating continuous innovation. 

Digital transformation - integration of advanced digital technologies

Digital transformation represents one of the most significant and revolutionary challenges of our time. This process involves the integration of advanced digital technologies into all aspects of daily life, business and society as a whole. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of digital transformation, its impacts on different sectors and the benefits it can bring.Definition of Digital Transformation: Digital transformation is a process that goes beyond the simple adoption of digital technologies. It is a complete reconsideration of processes, skills and business models to fully exploit the opportunities offered by digital technologies. Businesses, institutions and societies are trying to adapt to a rapidly changing environment, embracing digital innovation to remain competitive and relevant.Impacts on Different Sectors:Business Sector: Enterprises are embracing digital transformation to streamline operations, improve efficiency and offer more personalized products/services. Data management, artificial intelligence and process automation are key elements in this context.
 Healthcare: The digitization of medical records, telemedicine and data-driven solutions are revolutionizing the healthcare sector, improving diagnosis, treatment and management of health information.
 Education Sector: Digital technologies are transforming education through the delivery of online content, the use of virtual learning platforms and the personalization of the learning experience.
 Public Sector: Public administrations are adopting digital solutions to improve services to citizens, increase transparency and simplify bureaucratic processes.Benefits of Digital Transformation:Operational Efficiency: Process automation allows businesses to reduce human errors, speed up production times and improve resource management.
 Innovation: Digital transformation opens up new opportunities for innovation through the adoption of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain.
 Customer Experience: Businesses can offer a more personalized experience to customers, anticipating their needs and improving overall satisfaction.
 Agility: The ability to quickly adapt to market changes is key. Digital transformation provides organizations with the flexibility needed to respond promptly to new challenges.Digital transformation is a constant journey, a necessary response to the constant evolution of technology and society's expectations. Embracing this transformation is not only an imperative for business survival, but also an opportunity to thrive in an increasingly connected and technologically advanced world. It is essential that organizations are ready to embrace change and capitalize on the potential offered by the digital revolution.The importance of digital transformation for companiesDigital transformation is the process of adopting digital technologies to improve business activities and processes. This is a complex process that involves all company functions, from production to sales, from logistics to human resources.Digital transformation is important for companies for several reasons:Improve efficiency and productivity. Digital technologies can automate manual processes, reduce errors and improve communication between employees.Create new products and services. Digital technologies can be used to develop new products and services that meet customer needs.Improve the customer experience. Digital technologies can be used to create personalized and engaging experiences for customers.It makes the company more competitive. Companies that invest in digital transformation are able to compete more effectively with companies that don't.Here are some concrete examples of how digital transformation can be advantageous for companies:A manufacturing company can use robotic technology to automate production processes, reducing costs and improving product quality.A retail business can use e-commerce to reach new customers and increase sales.A financial services company can use artificial intelligence to provide personalized services to customers.Digital transformation is a continuous process that requires constant commitment from companies. However, companies that invest in digital transformation are able to improve their performance and remain competitive in an increasingly digital market.Here are some tips for companies that want to embark on the digital transformation journey:Define a clear strategy. Before starting, it is important to define a clear strategy that defines the objectives and priorities of the digital transformation.Involve all company functions. Digital transformation is a process that involves all company functions. It is important to involve all employees in the transformation process.Start with pilot projects. It is advisable to start with pilot projects to test new technologies and evaluate the results.Measure results. It is important to measure the results of the digital transformation to verify that the process is effective.Digital transformation is a challenging journey, but it can be very beneficial for companies. 

The Strategic Importance of Survey Apps for Companies

Successful companies have one thing in common: they deeply understand the needs and wants of their customers. In an ever-evolving world where consumer preferences and expectations change rapidly, getting accurate and timely feedback is critical. And this is where survey apps come in.The Power of Feedback: Survey apps represent a direct and immediate channel for collecting valuable feedback from customers. These tools allow companies to gain detailed, real-time insights into customer experiences, satisfaction levels, areas for improvement, and even new emerging needs.Personalization of the Experience: Thanks to survey apps, companies can personalize questions based on the customer profile. This level of personalization allows for more detailed and specific information, offering a more accurate picture of individual preferences.Agility and Responsiveness: Timeliness is crucial in the business world. Survey apps allow businesses to quickly adapt to market changes and customer demands. Immediate responses to surveys allow corrections, improvements and adjustments to be made in real time, thus improving the quality of the products and services offered.Building Strong Relationships: Engaging customers through survey apps can create a sense of involvement and participation. Knowing that you are listened to and that your opinions influence the company's decisions can increase customer loyalty and their attachment to the brand.Continuous Innovation: Survey apps not only provide feedback on existing products, but can also be used to generate innovative ideas. Asking customers what they would like to see in the future can guide the development of new products and services, ensuring the company remains relevant and at the forefront of its industry.Analytics and Tracking: Survey apps offer valuable data that can be analyzed to identify trends, patterns and areas for improvement. This data helps you make informed decisions and monitor the effectiveness of implemented strategies over time.In an increasingly digital world, companies need effective tools to collect feedback from their customers and employees. Survey apps are an ideal solution for this purpose, as they allow you to collect data quickly and easily, even from mobile devices.The advantages of survey apps for companiesSurvey apps offer a number of benefits to businesses, including:Improved customer satisfaction: Survey apps allow companies to collect feedback on their products, services and processes. This feedback can be used to improve customer experience and increase customer satisfaction.Improve customer loyalty: App surveys can be used to collect information about customers, such as their preferences and interests. This can be used to create personalized experiences that build customer loyalty.Improving the efficiency of business processes: Survey apps can be used to collect data on internal processes, such as customer service or employee training. This can be used to identify areas for improvement and optimize processes.How to choose the right survey appWhen choosing a survey app, it is important to consider the following features:Ease of use: The survey app should be easy to use for both customers and employees.Customization: Your survey app should allow you to customize surveys to your company's specific needs.Data Analytics: The survey app must provide data analytics tools that help you understand survey results.We have covered the topic in depth on the following landing pageConclusionApp surveys are a valuable tool for companies that want to improve customer satisfaction, build customer loyalty and optimize business processes. With a survey app, companies can collect feedback quickly and easily, even from mobile devices.In summary, survey apps represent a fundamental tool for companies that aim to fully understand the needs of their customers, constantly improve their products and services and maintain a competitive advantage in the ever-changing market. Investing in these platforms is not only a step towards customer satisfaction, but also an investment in the long-term success of the company.

The importance of having a web app aggregator for business

The Importance of Web App Aggregators for Businesses: Optimizing Efficiency and ProductivityIn the digital age we live in, information is an invaluable resource for companies. Managing and accessing a wide range of data from different sources has become crucial to business success. Web app aggregators stand as fundamental tools in this context, offering an efficient solution to collect, organize and distribute information from multiple online sources.Centralization of InformationWeb app aggregators allow businesses to centralize myriad data from various online sources into a single accessible platform. This translates into significant time savings by eliminating the need to navigate between different applications or websites to obtain the necessary information. Companies can integrate data from social media, news, analytics, sales platforms and other relevant sources, allowing employees to access everything they need with just a few clicks.Increased Operational EfficiencyUsing a web app aggregator optimizes operational efficiency. Employees can focus on key tasks without having to spend valuable time manually searching for information. This not only speeds up decision-making processes, but also reduces human errors resulting from manual data management.Personalization and Data AnalysisAnother crucial advantage of aggregators is the ability to personalize and analyze the data collected. Businesses can configure preferences to display only information relevant to their specific industry or objectives. Furthermore, integrated analysis tools allow you to obtain valuable insights from the information collected, providing a solid basis for making informed decisions.Improved Collaboration and CommunicationEasy access to information improves collaboration within the company. Quickly and easily sharing relevant data between different teams promotes more effective communication. This promotes consistency in business operations and allows teams to work more synergistically, regardless of their geographic location.Agility and AdaptabilityIn an ever-changing business environment, flexibility is key. Web app aggregators allow businesses to quickly adapt to changes in the digital landscape. They can integrate new data sources or update existing configurations based on emerging needs, thus maintaining a competitive advantage.Data Security and Permissions ManagementData security is always a priority for companies. Web app aggregators offer advanced options for managing permissions, ensuring that only authorized people can access certain information. Additionally, they can implement security measures to protect sensitive data from external threats. In today's digital world, businesses have access to a huge amount of information and data. This data can be useful for making strategic decisions, improving operations and increasing sales. However, it can be difficult and time-consuming to find and analyze this data.A web app aggregator can help businesses solve this problem. A web app aggregator is software that collects data from different web sources and presents it in a single format. This makes it easier for businesses to find and analyze the data they need.Here are some of the advantages of having a web app aggregator for business:Improved Efficiency: A web app aggregator can help businesses save valuable time and resources. Instead of having to visit multiple web sources to find the data they need, businesses can simply access a single source.Better data visibility: A web app aggregator can help businesses get a more complete view of the data they need. Instead of having to analyze data from multiple sources, companies can simply view it in a single format.Better decision-making: A web app aggregator can help businesses make better decisions. By providing a more comprehensive view of data, web app aggregators can help businesses identify trends, identify opportunities and mitigate risks.There are several types of web app aggregators available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some companies prefer to use generic web app aggregators that can collect data from a variety of sources. Other companies prefer to use industry- or application-specific web app aggregators.When choosing a web app aggregator, it's important to consider your company's specific needs. It is also important to evaluate the software's cost and ease of use.Here are some examples of how businesses can use web app aggregators:Marketing: Marketing companies can use web app aggregators to track social media data, monitor industry trends, and identify new prospects.Sales: Sales businesses can use web app aggregators to track customer data, monitor sales, and forecast demand.Operations: Operations companies can use web app aggregators to monitor supply chain performance, identify problems, and improve efficiency.Web app aggregators are a powerful tool that can help businesses improve their efficiency, data visibility and decision-making.In summary, web app aggregators are essential tools for modern businesses. They offer an efficient way to manage, analyze and distribute data from different sources, improving operational efficiency, collaboration between teams and enabling more informed decisions. Investing in a web app aggregator can be a significant step in optimizing your business operations and staying competitive in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.For more information, our dedicated landing/aggregator page is available.

Whistleblowing: new legislation and implications

Whistleblowing represents the process through which individuals within a private company report illicit, irregular or contrary to company ethics behavior. This practice aims to promote transparency and regulatory compliance by offering a safe and secure channel to report such irregularities.Implications for companiesImplementing an effective whistleblowing system requires companies to put in place robust and secure reporting mechanisms. It is crucial to establish an environment that encourages employees to report in a safe manner, while ensuring the protection of themselves and those involved.Adequate reporting channelsTo facilitate effective and safe reporting, companies must establish appropriate communication channels aimed at ensuring the confidentiality and protection of the reporter's identity. Secure digital platforms, dedicated phone lines or specific email addresses are among the most common and reliable methods for whistleblowing. Additionally, it is critical to provide employees with clear and accessible guidelines on how to use these channels safely and effectively. Adequate training and awareness of staff on the importance and correct use of these channels is essential to guarantee a functioning and reliable whistleblowing system.Deadline for compliance with the legislationThe legislation concerns public bodies, public companies and private companies with at least 50 employed workers. It also involves companies operating in sensitive sectors, such as finance or environmental protection, regardless of company size. For the companies mentioned, the obligations envisaged will come into force on 17 December 2023. Therefore, it is essential to implement the necessary changes and additions within the period established by law to avoid possible sanctions.Who to contact to adapt your website or appTo adapt websites or applications to whistleblowing legislation, companies can consult a wide range of professionals. In addition to legal consultants specializing in labor law, software houses present themselves as fundamental allies. The latter can provide customized solutions, capable of effectively and safely implementing the necessary reporting and whistleblowing systems within corporate websites and applications.A team of professionals like Moko can guide you step by step in adapting your digital channels to this important regulation.Investing in the understanding and correct implementation of whistleblowing is crucial for companies to ensure ethics, transparency and compliance with current regulations. This initiative not only protects the company itself and its employees, but also strengthens its reputation and integrity in the corporate landscape. 

Ideas for corporate business intranet applications

A company intranet is a digital infrastructure that allows a company's employees to communicate, collaborate and access company information in a secure and centralized way. The intranet can be a powerful tool for improving efficiency, productivity and employee satisfaction.One of the fundamental components of a company intranet is its application offering. Intranet applications can be used for a variety of purposes, including:Communication and Collaboration: Communication and collaboration applications allow employees to communicate with each other efficiently and productively. They can include instant messaging, chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and document collaboration tools.Information Access – Information access applications allow employees to easily find and access the business information they need to do their jobs. They can include employee portals, knowledge bases, search tools, and document management.Business Process Management – Business process management (BPM) applications help you automate and optimize business processes. They can include tools for request management, project management, and workflow management.The choice of intranet applications to implement should be based on the specific needs of the company. However, there are some general ideas that can be helpful to get started.Applications for communication and collaborationCommunication and collaboration applications are essential to keeping employees connected and working together efficiently. Some ideas include:An employee portal that provides a single location to access all the information and resources you need.Instant messaging and chat tools to allow employees to communicate in real time.Video conferencing to allow employees to meet and collaborate remotely.File sharing tools to allow employees to easily share documents and other files.Document collaboration tools to allow employees to work together on documents at the same time.​​​​​​​Applications for accessing informationInformation access applications allow employees to easily find and access the business information they need. Some ideas include:A knowledge base that collects and organizes company information.Search tools that help employees find the information they need.Document management tools that allow employees to store and organize documents.Applications for business process managementBusiness process management applications help you automate and optimize business processes. Some ideas include:Request management tools that allow employees to request approvals and other tasks.Project management tools that allow employees to collaborate on projects.Workflow management tools that help you automate business processes. In addition to these general ideas, companies can also consider implementing custom intranet applications that address their specific needs. For example, a company that operates in a regulated industry might implement an intranet application for managing compliance.Choosing which intranet applications to deploy is an important process that can have a significant impact on employee efficiency, productivity, and satisfaction. It's important to consider your company's specific needs and choose applications that are useful and easy to use.The corporate intranet has become an essential resource for many modern companies, offering a secure and centralized digital environment for internal communication, information sharing and collaboration between employees. Its applications are varied and can be customized to meet the specific needs of a company.Efficient Internal CommunicationOne of the main applications of the corporate intranet is to facilitate effective internal communication. Intranet platforms offer tools such as forums, chats, newsboards and internal newsletters that allow employees to easily communicate, share updates and crucial information in real-time.Document Management and Resource SharingThe Intranet serves as a central repository for document management. By allowing the creation of directories and access to shared documents, such as manuals, guidelines, company documents, policies and procedures, it simplifies the process of sharing and accessing company resources.Collaboration and Group ProjectsIntranet platforms facilitate collaboration on projects, allowing teams to share ideas, plan, track progress and coordinate activities. Tools like shared calendars, project boards, and workspaces dedicated to specific groups make collaboration smoother.Training and DevelopmentAnother crucial application is that of corporate training. The Intranet can host training materials, online courses, webinars and educational resources. This promotes the professional development of employees, allowing them to access crucial information to improve their skills.Human Resources Management and Employee SupportHR functions can take advantage of the intranet for human resources management, managing holidays, leaves, employee evaluations and providing support through dedicated sections with FAQs, request forms and guidelines.Data Analysis and ReportingAn increasingly relevant application is the use of the Intranet for the analysis of company data. Intranet platforms can integrate analytics tools that help monitor platform usage, internal communication trends and collaboration patterns, offering valuable data to improve business efficiency and productivity.Security and Access ControlEnsuring the security of company data is essential. Corporate intranets are designed with robust security measures that regulate access to sensitive data, allowing administrators to control who can access certain documents or sections of the platform.Adaptability and ScalabilityAn advantage of the intranet is flexibility. Platforms can be customized to adapt to changing business needs and can grow with the company itself, supporting its expansion and adapting to new requirements.ConclusionsThe possibilities offered by the company Intranet are broad and versatile, capable of significantly improving communication, collaboration and efficiency within a company. Adopting a well-designed and managed intranet can be a catalyst for innovation and business success in today's competitive landscape.

The importance of workflow

Workflow is an end-to-end process that helps teams achieve their goals by connecting the right people to the right data at the right time. It is a fundamental element for business management, as it can help improve productivity, efficiency and employee satisfaction.Workflow benefitsEffective workflows offer a number of benefits, including:Greater productivity: Workflows help define the responsibilities and roles of each team member, avoiding wasted time and resources.Greater efficiency: Workflows can help streamline business processes by eliminating unnecessary tasks and improving communication between teams.Improved employee satisfaction: Clear, well-organized workflows can help employees feel more engaged and perform at their best.Types of workflowsWorkflows can be of different types, depending on the nature of the task to be performed. For example, there are workflows for project management, customer management, human resource management, etc.How to implement a workflowTo implement an effective workflow, you need to follow some fundamental steps:1. Identify the activities that need to be performed: The first step is to identify all the activities that need to be performed to achieve the desired goal.
2. Define the sequence of activities: Once the activities have been identified, it is necessary to define the sequence in which they must be performed.
3. Assign responsibilities: You should assign responsibilities for each task to a specific person or team.
4. Define completion criteria: You must define the criteria that determine the completion of each task.
5. Monitor progress: It is important to monitor the progress of your workflow to ensure it is executed efficiently and effectively.Workflow is an essential element for business management. An effective workflow can help improve productivity, efficiency and employee satisfaction, contributing to the success of the company.The term "workflow" has established itself as a key word in the professional field, indicating the workflow and organizational practices within a company. In a world where speed and efficiency are key, understanding and optimizing your workflow becomes crucial to success.Operational Efficiency:One of the key benefits of an effective workflow is increased operational efficiency. When activities are well defined and synergistically integrated, downtime is reduced and overall productivity increases. An optimized workflow allows you to focus on the activities that bring added value, reducing waste of resources and improving the quality of the work performed.Collaboration and Communication:Workflow plays a vital role in facilitating collaboration and communication between team members. Clearly defining assigned tasks, who is responsible and deadlines fosters a collaborative and cohesive work environment. Furthermore, transparency in the workflow reduces the possibility of misunderstandings and improves internal communication.Adaptability and Innovation:A good workflow is not static, but rather dynamic and adaptable to the changing needs of the market and the company itself. The ability to modify and optimize the workflow in response to changes allows the company to remain competitive and adopt innovative practices. Workflow adaptability is essential to meet evolving challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities.Performance Monitoring and Evaluation:A well-structured workflow system facilitates monitoring of company performance. Through key performance indicators (KPIs) integrated into the process, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out and make targeted improvements. Constant monitoring allows for more accurate control of results, providing useful data for future strategic planning.Conclusions:In conclusion, the importance of workflow in the professional environment is indisputable. An optimized workflow not only increases operational efficiency, but promotes collaboration, stimulates innovation, and provides a solid foundation for monitoring business performance. Investing time and energy in understanding and optimizing your workflow is a crucial step towards business success in today's competitive landscape.

Tailor-made apps and websites - the digital tailors

In the digital world, where the offer of products and services is increasingly broad and varied, it is essential to stand out from the competition to emerge and achieve success. One of the most effective strategies to do this is to rely on industry professionals who are able to create tailor-made apps and websites, capable of satisfying the specific needs of each business.Digital tailors, as these professionals are called, are able to listen to the customer's requests, understand their objectives and needs, and create a product that is perfectly in line with their expectations.The creation of customized apps and websites entails a series of benefits compared to choosing pre-packaged solutions. First of all, it allows you to obtain a product that is perfectly in line with the specific needs of the customer. Secondly, it guarantees a very high level of customization and adaptability, which allows us to respond to the changing needs of the market. Finally, it allows you to obtain a high quality product, made by expert and qualified professionals.Digital tailors are able to offer a wide range of services, ranging from the design and development of apps and websites to their maintenance and management. In particular, they can offer:Strategic consultancy: digital tailors can help the client define the objectives of the project, choose the solution best suited to their needs and develop an effective communication and marketing strategy.Design: digital tailors take care of the graphic and functional design of the app or website, so that they are in line with the company image and user needs.Development: digital tailors take care of the technical development of the app or website, using the most innovative technologies and ensuring an optimal user experience.Testing: digital tailors test the app or website in order to guarantee its functionality and compatibility with different devices.Maintenance and management: digital tailors can provide maintenance and management services for the app or website, in order to guarantee its correct functioning and constant updating.

If you are thinking of creating an app or website for your business, relying on a digital tailor is the best choice to obtain a high quality product, in line with your needs and perfectly capable of satisfying customer expectations. your users.What are the factors to consider when choosing a digital tailor?When choosing a digital tailor it is important to consider a series of factors, including:Experience: it is important to choose a professional with solid experience in creating apps and websites.Skills: the digital tailor must have the technical and creative skills necessary to create a high-quality product.Flexibility: the digital tailor must be able to adapt to the specific needs of the customer.
 Tailor made Apps and Websites: The Tailors of DigitalWe live in a time where digital technology has become a ubiquitous element of our daily lives. Everything from mobile apps to websites are designed to simplify and improve our digital experiences. But who are the real artisans behind these creations? They are the "digital tailors", professionals specialized in the tailor-made design of apps and websites. In this article, we will explore the crucial role these experts play and how they help create unique and effective digital experiences.The profession of digital tailorsJust as a tailor creates bespoke clothes to perfectly fit a customer's body, digital tailors design customized solutions to fit the specific needs of a company or individual. These professionals combine creativity, technical expertise, and a deep understanding of the target audience to create applications and websites that are not only functional, but also engaging and aesthetically pleasing.Customized DesignOne of the main distinguishing characteristics of digital tailors is their ability to design customized solutions for each client. This process begins with a consultation phase, in which the client expresses their needs, goals and desires. Based on this information, digital professionals work to create a product that is perfectly suited to the customer's specific requests.The Importance of User ExperienceOne of the key aspects in bespoke app and website design is user experience (UX). Digital tailors strive to ensure that the user interface is intuitive, easy to navigate and meets user needs. This involves careful design of visual elements, information structure and user interactions.Development and TestingOnce the project has been defined, the digital tailors move on to the development phase. Using appropriate programming languages, frameworks and tools, they translate the design into a working product. During this phase, attention to quality is essential. Digital tailors carefully test the app or website to ensure that everything works properly and is free of bugs.The Evolved TechnologyThe digital world is constantly evolving, and digital tailors must stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies. This means they must be willing to constantly learn and adapt their skills to meet emerging market needs.ConclusionsDigital tailors play a crucial role in shaping the digital world we live in. Thanks to their ability to design and develop customized solutions, they help create unique and highly effective digital experiences. Bespoke design is an art that requires creativity, technical skill and a deep understanding of the client's needs. So, if you need an app or website that stands out from the crowd, consider turning to a digital tailor for a tailor-made product that meets all your expectations. 

DAR Requirements Analysis Document

The requirements analysis document (DAR) is a technical document that details the functional and non-functional requirements of a software system. It is a fundamental document for any software development project, as it provides a clear and shared basis for understanding user needs and for defining the characteristics and performance of the system.The DAR is usually produced by the requirements analysis team, which is responsible for collecting, analyzing and documenting the system requirements. The document is then used by the design team to define the architecture and functionality of the system, and by the development team to implement the system according to the requirements.Structure of the DARThe DAR is usually structured to provide an overview of the system requirements, followed by a detailed description of each requirement. The overview should include general information about the system, such as its purpose, users, and target platforms. The detailed description of each requirement should include the following elements:Requirement name: a short, concise name that identifies the requirement.Requirement description: a detailed description of the requirement, including its purpose, functionality, and performance.Requirement priority: an assessment of the priority of the requirement, based on its importance to users and to the success of the system.Requirement status: the status of the requirement, whether completed or approved.Functional requirementsFunctional requirements define the functionality that the system must provide. They can be divided into basic requirements, which are essential for the operation of the system, and optional requirements, which can be added to improve the functionality of the system.Non-functional requirementsNon-functional requirements define characteristics of the system that are not directly related to its functionality. They may include performance, reliability, security, usability, and interoperability requirements.Tips for writing an effective DARThe DAR must be written clearly and concisely, so that it is easily understandable by all interested parties. The document must also be complete and accurate, so that it provides a solid basis for system development.Here are some tips for writing an effective DAR:Use simple and direct language. Avoid the use of technical terms or jargon that may not be understood by all stakeholders.Provide examples and illustrations. Examples and illustrations can help clarify requirements and make them easier to understand.Use a consistent structure. The structure of the document should be consistent, so that the information is easy to find.Review the document carefully. Before distributing the document, review it carefully to ensure that it is complete and accurate.ConclusionsThe DAR is a fundamental document for any software development project. An effective DAR can help ensure that the system meets user needs and is developed efficiently and productively.

The importance of digitalizing business processes

In today's world, digitalization has become an essential component for any business. The digitalization of business processes, in particular, offers a number of benefits that can lead to a significant improvement in a company's efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness.What does it mean to digitalize business processes?The digitalization of business processes consists of using digital technologies to automate, improve and make business activities more efficient. This can be done through the use of software, platforms and digital tools that allow you to:Eliminate manual and repetitive tasksAutomate decision-making processesImprove communication and collaboration between employeesManage information more effectivelyImprove customer satisfactionWhat are the advantages of digitalizing business processes?The digitalization of business processes offers a number of benefits that can lead to a significant improvement in a company's efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness. Among these advantages, we can highlight:**Better efficiency

Process digitalization can help eliminate manual and repetitive tasks, freeing up time and resources for more strategic activities. Additionally, process automation can help reduce human errors and improve accuracy.
 **Better effectiveness

The digitalization of processes can help improve the quality of decisions, thanks to access to more accurate and updated data and information. Furthermore, digitalization can help improve communication and collaboration between employees, facilitating information sharing and coordination of activities.
 **Better customer satisfaction

The digitalisation of processes can help improve customer experience by offering faster, more efficient and personalized services. Furthermore, digitalisation can help improve communication with customers, providing them with real-time information and support.
 **Better competitiveness

The digitalization of processes can help companies remain competitive in an ever-changing market. Companies that invest in digitalization can improve their efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction, offering a competitive advantage over competitors.How to digitalize business processes?The process of digitalizing business processes can be divided into four main phases:1. Process analysisThe first step is to analyze current business processes to identify areas where digitalization can lead to improvement.2. Digital process designOnce the areas for improvement have been identified, it is necessary to design the digital processes that will replace the current ones.3. Implementation of digital processes

The implementation phase consists of implementing digital processes and testing their effectiveness.4. Monitoring and improvement of digital processes.

The final phase is to monitor digital processes and make changes and improvements as needed.
 ConclusionsThe digitalization of business processes is an essential strategy for any business that wants to remain competitive in an ever-changing market. Digitalization can help companies improve efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction, providing a competitive advantage over competitors.In conclusion, the digitalization of business processes is essential for the evolution and growth of businesses in the modern world. Companies that embrace this transformation can benefit from greater operational efficiency, improved accessibility, improved customer experience, data security, data analytics and a greater commitment to environmental sustainability.Digitalization is not only a step towards the future, but it is also a necessity to remain competitive and relevant in the global market.

Kanban in a web environment: how to improve project management

Kanban is a work management method that is based on the principle of "transforming work into a continuous flow". It is an agile approach that allows to manage activities in a flexible and adaptable way, based on the needs of the project.In a web environment, Kanban can be used to manage a variety of tasks, including:Software developmentWebsite designDigital marketingContent managementCustomer managementKanban is based on four fundamental principles:Visibility: All tasks must be visible to all team members.Limiting work in progress: The team only needs to work on a limited number of tasks at the same time.Continuous flow: Work must flow continuously between different stages of the process.Continuous feedback: The team must receive continuous feedback on ongoing activities.In a web environment, Kanban can be implemented using various tools, including:Kanban Tables: A simple table that divides tasks into different stages of the process.Work management software: More advanced tools that offer additional features, such as time tracking and bug management.Benefits of Kanban in a web environmentKanban offers a series of advantages in the web environment, including:Better visibility of work: Kanban allows all team members to see what tasks are in progress and what are the priorities.Greater efficiency: Kanban helps the team to work on only a limited number of activities at the same time, avoiding wasting time and resources.Better communication: Kanban facilitates communication between team members, as everyone has access to the same information.Better flexibility: Kanban is an agile approach that can be adapted to the needs of the project.How to implement Kanban in a web environmentTo implement Kanban in a web environment, you need to follow these steps:Define tasks: The first step is to define all the tasks that need to be completed to complete the project.Break tasks into phases: Tasks should be broken down into phases to make it easier to track progress.Create a visualization system: You need to create a visualization system that allows you to see all the ongoing tasks.Define work rules: You need to define the work rules that will guide the team in managing tasks.Take stock regularly: It is important to take stock of the work you have done regularly and make any necessary changes.ConclusionsKanban is a flexible and adaptable work management method that can be used in a variety of environments, including the web. It offers a number of benefits, including better visibility of work, greater efficiency and better communication.Here are some tips for successfully implementing Kanban in a web environment:Involve the whole team: Kanban is a collaborative method, so it is important to involve all team members in its implementation.Start with a small project: It is best to start with a small project to familiarize yourself with the method and make any necessary changes.Take stock regularly: It is important to take stock of the work you have done regularly and make any necessary changes.

PHP integration with Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence (BI) platform that allows users to create interactive reports and dashboards to analyze data. PHP is an open source web programming language that is often used to create websites and web applications.There are several ways to integrate PHP with Microsoft Power BI. In this article, we will look at two methods:Using the Power BI API libraryUsing the Power BI REST API
Using the Power BI API libraryThe Power BI API library is a set of functions and classes that allows developers to interact with Microsoft Power BI through code. To use the Power BI API library, you need to install it first. You can do this using the Composer package manager.Once you have the Power BI API library installed, you can start using it to integrate PHP with Microsoft Power BI. Here is an example of how to use the Power BI API library to retrieve a report from Microsoft Power BI:Using the Power BI REST APIThe Power BI REST API is a set of RESTful endpoints that allows developers to interact with Microsoft Power BI via HTTP requests. To use the Power BI REST API, you need to know the URL of the desired endpoint.Moko offers PHP integration services with Microsoft Power BIWe are a company specialized in web and mobile software development. Among our services, we also offer PHP integration with Microsoft Power BI.Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence (BI) platform that allows users to create interactive reports and dashboards to analyze data. PHP is an open source web programming language that is often used to create websites and web applications.PHP integration with Microsoft Power BI allows developers to create web and mobile applications that allow users to visualize and analyze Power BI data.Our PHP integration services with Microsoft Power BI include:Creating PHP components that integrate Power BIDevelopment of PHP API for connecting to Power BIAdvice and supportWe offer a wide range of services to meet the specific needs of each customer.Benefits of PHP integration with Microsoft Power BIIntegrating PHP with Microsoft Power BI offers numerous benefits, including:Improving data visibilityFacilitating data analysisIncreasing efficiencyImproving collaboration

How to help companies digitalize

Digitalization is a critical process for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to improve efficiency, reduce costs and create new business opportunities. However, digitalization can be a complex and challenging process, especially for companies that do not have experience in this field.In this article, we explain how to help companies digitize.1. Define goalsThe first step is to define the objectives of digitalisation. What are the problems the company wants to solve? What are the benefits you want to obtain? Once the objectives have been defined, it will be possible to develop an appropriate strategy and action plan.2. Evaluate the current situationIt is important to evaluate the current situation of the company before embarking on any digitalization initiative. This means analyzing business processes, the technologies used and the skills of the staff. The assessment will help identify areas for improvement and develop a strategy that is realistic and feasible.3. Choose the right solutionsThere are many technological solutions available on the market. It is important to choose solutions that are suited to your company's specific needs. It is also important to consider the cost and ease of implementing the solutions.4. Implement the strategyOnce you have chosen your strategy, you need to implement it. This process takes time and effort. It is important to involve company personnel throughout the implementation process.5. Monitor the resultsIt is important to monitor the results of digitalization. This will help identify any problems or opportunities for improvement.Here are some specific tips to help businesses digitalize:Start with small steps. You don't need to digitize your entire company at once. It is best to start with small steps and then expand the initiative as you gain experience.Involve staff. Digitalisation is a change for the company and staff must be involved in the process. Staff must be trained on new technologies and must be involved in the design and implementation of solutions.Stay up to date on new technologies. The world of technology is constantly evolving. It is important to stay up to date on new technologies in order to make the most of them.Digitalization is a continuous process. Companies must be willing to invest in technology and people to remain competitive.

Mobile app creators or developers

The importance of mobile application creatorsSmartphones and tablets are now an integral part of our daily lives. We use them to communicate, work, play, inform ourselves and much more. In this context, mobile applications have taken on an increasingly important role.Mobile application creators or developers are the professionals who design and develop these applications. They are people with technical, creative and problem solving skills. They must be able to understand user needs and create applications that are useful, intuitive and fun.The importance of mobile application creators is evident in several areas.In the business sector, mobile applications are used to improve interaction with customers, automate internal processes and provide services to employees.In the entertainment industry, mobile applications offer games, music, movies and more.In the education sector, mobile applications can be used to create courses, provide learning materials and conduct interactive activities.In the health sector, mobile applications can be used to monitor health, provide advice and support.Mobile application creators play a vital role in our society. Thanks to their work, we are able to use smartphones and tablets to improve our lives in many ways.Mobile apps and web apps are two types of applications that can be used on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. However, there are some key differences between the two.InstallationMobile apps must be installed on the user's device, while web apps can be used directly from the web browser. This means that mobile apps take up space on your device, while web apps don't.FunctionalityMobile apps can access device features, such as camera, GPS, and motion sensor. This allows mobile apps to deliver a more engaging and personalized experience.ComplianceMobile apps must comply with the guidelines of each app store, such as the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. This can make mobile app development more complex and expensive.CostMobile app development is generally more expensive than web app development. This is because mobile apps need to be developed for two different platforms, iOS and Android.Benefits of mobile appsMobile apps offer a number of advantages over web apps. First, they are always available, even when you don't have access to an Internet connection. Secondly, they are designed to be used on mobile devices, so they are easier to use and navigate. Third, they can use the features of mobile devices, such as camera, GPS and motion sensor.Benefits of web appsWeb apps offer a number of advantages over mobile apps. First, they are easier and faster to develop. Secondly, they are accessible from any device with a web browser. Third, they can be updated more easily.Which one to choose?The choice between mobile app and web app depends on the specific needs of the project. If the application needs to access device features or provide an engaging experience, then it is best to develop a mobile app. If the application needs to be quick and easy to develop and accessible from any device, then it is preferable to develop a web app.Types of mobile appsThere are several types of mobile apps, including:Entertainment applications, such as games, music and videos.Productivity applications, such as apps for task management, travel planning, and content creation.Social media applications, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.E-commerce applications, such as Amazon and eBay.Service applications, such as Uber and Airbnb.ConclusionMobile apps and web apps are two powerful tools that can be used to improve user experience on mobile devices. The choice between mobile app and web app depends on the specific needs of the project.

Website positioning

In today's world, the web is a fundamental communication and marketing channel for any business or company. Having a website is now a must, but it is not enough: the site must be well positioned in Google search results to be easily found by potential customers.Ranking on Google is a process of optimizing a website so that it appears among the first results for certain keywords or phrases. This process is called SEO, an acronym for Search Engine Optimization.Why is it so important to position a website on Google?There are several reasons why it is important to rank a website on Google. First, sites that appear in the top search results receive much more traffic than those that are further down the page. This means that a well-positioned website has a better chance of being found by potential customers and generating new leads and sales.Secondly, ranking on Google improves the image of a company or business. A well-positioned website is synonymous with reliability and professionalism.Finally, ranking on Google can help improve a company's ranking on social media. When a website is well positioned, it is more likely to be shared on social media, which can lead to increased visibility and awareness.How to position a website on GoogleThere are several factors that influence a website's ranking on Google. The most important factors are:The quality of content: the content of a website must be of high quality and relevant to the target keywords.Content optimization: the contents of a website must be optimized for the target keywords.The website structure: the website must be well structured and easy to navigate.The loading speed of the website: the website must load quickly.Website security: The website must be secure.There are several tools and techniques that can be used to improve a website's ranking on Google. In some cases, it may be useful to turn to an SEO professional.ConclusionRanking on Google is a complex process that requires time and effort. However, it is an investment that can lead to great benefits for any business or company.Here are some tips to improve the positioning of a website on Google:In-depth research of target keywords: Target keywords are the words or phrases that users type into search engines to find information or products. It is important to choose the right keywords, in order to optimize your website for the most relevant searches.Create high-quality content: A website's content must be high-quality and relevant to its target keywords. It is important to write useful and interesting content to users.Optimize content for target keywords: A website's content must be optimized for target keywords. This means using your target keywords in your text, titles, and meta descriptions.Structure the website logically: The website must be well structured and easy to navigate. Users must be able to easily find the information they are looking for.Improve website loading speed: The website should load quickly. Users are more likely to abandon a website that takes too long to load.Secure the website: The website must be secure. Users must feel safe when entering their personal data.

Artificial intelligence is transforming the web services industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a profound impact on all sectors of the economy, and the web services sector is no exception.AI is used to automate tasks, improve efficiency and customer experience. For example, AI can be used to:Automate website and app development and maintenance tasksProvide 24/7 customer supportPersonalize user experiencesAI is also powering new web services, such as:Conversational chatbots that can respond to customer questions and requestsRecommender systems that suggest relevant products or servicesArtificial intelligence software that can help businesses make better decisionsAI is quickly becoming an essential part of the web services industry. Companies that don't adapt to this trend risk losing ground to their competitors.Here are some ways web services companies can use AI:Automate website and app development and maintenance tasks. AI can be used to perform repetitive and complex tasks, such as automated code testing and code generation. This can free up human employees to focus on more creative and strategic tasks.Provide 24/7 customer support. Conversational chatbots can respond to customer questions and requests 24/7. This can help businesses provide a better and more efficient customer experience .Personalize user experiences. AI can be used to collect customer data and use it to personalize user experiences. This can help businesses build stronger relationships with customers.Bringing new web services to life. AI is giving rise to new web services that wouldn't be possible without it. For example, conversational chatbots can provide 24/7 customer support, and recommendation systems can suggest relevant products or services.Web services companies that want to remain competitive must start implementing AI into their processes and services.Web services are increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. They offer a cost-effective and scalable way to reach customers, deliver services and improve efficiency.An important trend that is emerging in the web services industry is mobility. More and more people are using mobile devices to access the Internet and online services. This is creating new opportunities for companies offering mobile web services.There are several reasons why mobility is important for the future of web services. First, people are increasingly connected to their mobile devices. According to a Pew Research Center study, 96% of Americans own at least one cell phone, and 77% own a smartphone.Secondly, mobile devices offer a more convenient using experience. People can access mobile web services from anywhere at any time. This makes them ideal for businesses that want to reach a wider audience.Third, mobile web services are more convenient for businesses. You don't need to invest in physical infrastructure or hardware to offer mobile web services. Businesses can use cloud platforms to build and deploy mobile web services quickly and easily.Mobility is a major trend that is changing the way people use web services. Companies offering mobile web services will be in a better position to compete in the future.If your company offers web services, it's important to consider how to adapt them to the mobile market. This could include improving the design of your website or mobile application, or offering services that are optimized for mobile devices.

Tool for flyers creation from the Ho.re.ca sector to large-scale distribution

Flyers are an excellent marketing tool for any company, but they are particularly important for the Ho.re.ca and G.D.O. sector. These industries rely on the sale of retail products and services, and flyers are a great way to reach a large, targeted audience.Here are some benefits of using a flyer maker:Time saving: Flyer creation tools can help you save time by allowing you to create flyers quickly and easily.Better design: Flyer maker tools can help you create professionally designed flyers, even if you don't have graphic design skills.Targeting: Flyer creation tools can help you target your flyers to specific audiences, based on factors like age, gender, location, and interests.Tracking: Flyer creation tools can help you track the success of your flyers, so you can see which campaigns performed best and optimize your future campaigns.Customized templates: Flyer creation tools offer a variety of pre-designed and customizable templates. These templates are specially designed to meet the needs of the Ho.re.ca sector, saving you valuable time and ensuring a professional look.Easy to use: The flyer creation platforms have been developed with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Even those without extensive design experience can use these solutions with ease,enabling anyone to create high-quality flyers.Captivating graphics: The visual aspect is essential to attract the attention of potential customers. Flyer creation tools offer eye-catching graphics and well-designed layouts to ensure that your flyers are unique and effective.Text customization: Flyers need to convey the right message to the audience. With these tools, you can customize the text to fit your offers, promotions and important information to communicate.Cost savings: Compared to hiring a professional graphic designer, using a flyer creation tool can be much more cost effective, especially for small businesses and independent restaurants.If you are looking for an effective way to promote your business and increase sales, a flyer maker tool is an ideal solution, and our solution is Leaflet Master.Creating eye-catching flyers is essential for promoting your products and attracting new customers. With the right tool, you can create flyers that grab your audience's attention and deliver the right message.The challenge of the Ho.re.ca sector and the G.D.O.
The Ho.re.ca sector (Hotels, Restaurants and Catering) and large-scale retail trade (G.D.O.) require flyers that are alluring, informative and capable of attracting a large audience. Operators in these sectors need to communicate special offers, menus, promotions and other crucial information to potential customers. Therefore, flyers must be created with attractive graphics and engaging text to maximize impact on the target audience.FAQ's
1. What are the main elements to include in a flyer for the Ho.re.ca sector in large-scale distribution?
An effective flyer for the Ho.re.ca sector should include an attractive design, clear information on offers and promotions, attractive images and contact information for further details.2. Can I use images of my restaurant in the flyer?
Yes, it is highly recommended to use images of your restaurant or products in your flyer to pique the interest of potential customers.3. Can I modify the flyer templates to fit my corporate identity?
Absolutely! Flyer templates are easily customizable, allowing you to add your company logo and colors to reflect your corporate identity.4. Do flyer creation tools offer social media sharing capabilities?
Yes, many flyer creation platforms allow you to easily share your flyer on major social media to reach a larger audience.5. How much does it cost to use the tools to create flyers?
Costs may vary depending on the platform chosen and the features offered. Some tools are free, while others require a monthly subscription or a one-time payment.6. Can I print flyers directly from the creation platform?
Some tools allow you to print flyers directly, while others provide high-quality, print-ready files that can be sent to a professional print shop.Conclusion
The creation of effective flyers is essential to attract customers in the Ho.re.ca sector in large-scale distribution. Using the right flyer creation tool will help you save time and money and achieve professional results.Always remember to tailor your flyers to your offers and the needs of your target audience. Be creative, be informative and make sure you get the right message across with your flyers. With the right tools and the right strategy, you can achieve success in the Ho.re.ca sector in large-scale distribution.

How to use artificial intelligence in mobile applications

Mobile applications are becoming more and more advanced thanks to the use of artificial intelligence (AI). AI offers a wide range of possibilities to improve user experience, provide rich functionality and make apps smarter. In this article, we will explore how to use AI in mobile applications and its impact on user experiences.Introduction to artificial intelligence in mobile apps
Artificial intelligence in mobile applications refers to the use of machine learning algorithms and models to enable apps to perform complex tasks and make intelligent decisions. AI can be used in various ways to enrich the functionality of mobile apps and improve user interaction.Using artificial intelligence for natural language processing
A common way to use AI in mobile applications is natural language processing (NLP). NLP enables apps to understand and interpret human language, allowing users to interact with apps via voice commands or text.For example, a virtual assistant app can use NLP to answer user questions, provide information, and even perform specific actions requested by the user. Integrating powerful AI into your app can greatly improve the accuracy and understanding of user requests.Facial recognition and voice recognition
Another way AI is used in mobile applications is through facial recognition and voice recognition. These technologies allow apps to identify users based on their face or voice, offering advanced features such as secure device unlock or voice control of apps.Facial recognition can also be used to personalize the user experience. For example, a camera app can use AI to recognize the user's face and automatically apply filters or special effects.Personalized advice and recommendations
AI can be used to provide personalized suggestions and recommendations to mobile app users. The AI can analyze user data, such as their preferences, usage behavior and previous interactions with the app, to offer relevant content or products.For example, a shopping app can use AI to suggest products based on the user's previous purchases or other users' similar preferences. This approach can improve the user experience, making it easier to discover new relevant products or services.Impact on user experience
The use of artificial intelligence in mobile applications has a significant impact on the user experience. AI can make apps smarter, allowing them to adapt to user preferences and needs. This can improve usability and overall user satisfaction.Additionally, AI can automate complex or repetitive tasks, making it easier for the user to interact with the app. For example, a finance management app can use AI to automatically categorize users' expenses, providing a clear overview of their finances without requiring manual interaction.Conclusions
Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing mobile applications, offering advanced features and improving the user experience. The use of AI in mobile apps allows applications to understand human speech, recognize users' faces and voices, and make personalized suggestions. This leads to more intuitive interaction, an improved user experience and continuous learning of user preferences. FAQs
1. What are the benefits of using AI in mobile apps?
The use of artificial intelligence in mobile apps allows us to improve the user experience, offer advanced features, automate tasks and provide personalized suggestions.2. How is AI used for natural language processing in mobile apps?
Natural Language Processing enables apps to understand and interpret human language, allowing users to interact via text or voice commands.3. What are some examples of using AI in mobile apps?
Some examples of using AI in mobile apps include facial recognition, speech recognition, personalized suggestions, and recommendations.4. How does AI improve user experience in mobile apps?
Artificial intelligence improves the user experience in mobile apps by making apps smarter, tailoring them to user preferences, simplifying complex tasks, and automating repetitive processes.5. What can we expect for the future of AI in mobile apps?
In the future, further development of artificial intelligence in mobile apps can be expected, with increasingly advanced features and continuous learning of user preferences.

The role of a web agency for the digital development of the business

In an increasingly digital world, it is essential for companies to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the online environment for the development of their business. One of the keys to success in this area is the use of a web agency. But what is the role of a web agency for the digital development of the business? In this article, we will explore the contribution that a web agency can offer to companies and how it can help achieve growth goals in the digital context.The Role of a Web Agency: What it does and How it can helpA web agency is a company specialized in the creation, development and management of websites and online marketing strategies. Its main role is to provide comprehensive digital services to companies, helping them to create an effective online presence and achieve their business goals. Let's see in detail how a web agency can help a company to develop digitally:1. Creating effective websites
A web agency can design and develop a professional and functional website for a company. A well-designed website is essential for creating a good digital impression and engaging users. The web agency will use web design best practices to ensure an optimal user experience and intuitive navigation. Furthermore, the site will be developed taking into account the specific needs of the company and its business objectives.2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization is a key aspect of increasing a company's online visibility. A web agency can provide SEO services to improve the website's positioning on search engines like Google. This includes researching relevant keywords, optimizing website content, building quality external links, and implementing other SEO strategies. The goal is to increase organic traffic to the website and generate qualified leads for the company.3. Digital Marketing Strategies
A web agency can develop and implement digital marketing strategies to promote the company online. This may include managing search engine and social media advertising campaigns, creating quality content, email marketing and more. The web agency will collaborate with the company to identify marketing objectives and create a personalized strategy to achieve them. This will help the company reach a wider audience and promote its products or services in an effective and targeted way.4. Social Media Management
Social media has become an essential communication channel for companies. A web agency can manage company profiles on social media and create a consistent and engaging presence. This includes creating relevant and interesting content, managing user interactions, analyzing social media metrics, and much more. Active presence on social media helps improve company visibility, build brand reputation and directly engage with target audience.5. Data Analysis and Monitoring
A web agency can provide data analysis and monitoring services to measure the effectiveness of the company's digital strategies. This includes the use of web analytics tools to track website traffic, conversions, exit pages and other key metrics. Data analysis allows you to identify areas for improvement and make targeted changes to optimize digital strategies. The web agency will provide detailed reports on the progress of the company's online activities and will suggest corrective actions.6. Consulting and Ongoing Support
A web agency does not just provide specific services, but can act as a trusted consultant and partner for the company. The web agency will be available to answer questions, provide suggestions and advise the company on digital best practices. Having experience in the sector, the web agency will be able to offer continuous support and to adapt strategies according to the evolution of the needs of the company and the digital landscape. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)1. What are the advantages of hiring a web agency?
Hiring a web agency offers several advantages. A web agency is made up of experienced professionals in the digital sector who can offer specialized skills to help the company grow online. The web agency also has access to advanced tools and resources that can be expensive or complex to manage in-house. Furthermore, collaborating with a web agency allows the company to focus on its core competencies, leaving the digital work in the hands of experts.2. How much does it cost to hire a web agency?
The costs of hiring a web agency can vary according to the needs and size of the company, as well as the services required. Some web agencies offer complete packages that include a wide range of services, while others may offer specific services on an hourly or monthly basis. It is important to discuss the company's requirements with the web agency and request a detailed estimate to get a clear idea of the costs involved.3. How can I evaluate the quality of a web agency?
To evaluate the quality of a web agency, it is advisable to examine some key factors. First of all, you can check the web agency's portfolio to see previous projects and evaluate the quality of their work. Additionally, you can search for reviews and testimonials from previous customers to get an idea of their experiences. It is also important to evaluate the skills and experience of the web agency team, making sure they have in-depth knowledge of the digital sector. Finally, it is possible to request an initial meeting or consultation to discuss the company's needs and evaluate the web agency's ability to understand these needs and propose suitable solutions.4. How long does it take to see the results of a web agency's work?
The time needed to see the results of a web agency's work depends on various factors, such as the specific objective, the reference sector and the strategies used. Some results may be noticeable in the short term, such as an improvement in search engine rankings or an increase in website traffic. Other goals, such as reaching a larger audience or increasing conversions, may take longer. It is important to have realistic expectations on the delivery times of the results and to maintain open communication with the web agency to evaluate the progress and make any adjustments.5. Can I manage my digital development internally without the help of a web agency?
It is possible to manage some digital development activities internally, but it can be difficult to obtain the same results as a specialized web agency. A web agency has the experience and skills to develop effective strategies and use advanced tools to maximize online impact. Furthermore, working with a web agency allows the company to benefit from the latest trends and best practices in the sector. Although it is possible to manage some activities internally, the use of a web agency can guarantee greater efficiency and a better return on investment in the long term.6. What happens after closing the collaboration with a web agency?
After closing the collaboration with a web agency, the company can continue to benefit from the work done. For example, if the web agency has optimized the website for search engines, the improvements in positioning can continue to generate organic traffic even after the end of the collaboration. It is important to keep the website updated and continue to implement the strategies recommended by the web agency to maximize benefits over time. Furthermore, the company can always consider restarting the collaboration with the web agency in the future if there are new needs or business objectives to be addressed.
In conclusion, the role of a web agency for the digital development of the business is fundamental. A web agency offers specialized skills, experience and advanced resources to help companies create an effective online presence and achieve their growth goals. Through services such as website creation, search engine optimization, digital marketing strategies, social media management and data analysis, a web agency can provide comprehensive support for the digital development of an agency.Hiring a web agency allows companies to focus on their core competencies, leaving the digital work in the hands of experts. Thanks to the consultancy and continuous support offered by a web agency, companies can effectively face the challenges of the ever-changing digital landscape.Ultimately, a web agency is a valuable strategic partner for companies that want to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital world. Investing in collaboration with a web agency can lead to tangible results and promote the growth and long-term success of the company.

The role of the web designer in the creation of applications and websites

Web design is an ever-evolving field involving the creation and design of websites. A web designer is a professional who specializes in bringing ideas and concepts to life through visually appealing and functional design. In this guide, we'll explore what exactly a web designer does and how they can contribute to the success of a website.What Does the Web designer Do: His Main Function
A web designer is tasked with transforming clients' concepts and ideas into an engaging visual design for their website. Using a combination of creativity, technical skills and marketing knowledge, the web designer creates the look and feel of the website, taking into account the client's needs and usability requirements.What the Webdesigner Does: Required Skills
Being a web designer requires a wide range of creative and technical skills. Below are some of the key skills required to be successful in this field:1. Knowledge of Web Programming LanguagesA web designer must be able to write and understand web programming languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These skills enable you to translate visual design into working code.2. Graphic Design and Visual CompositionThe ability to create eye-catching layouts and graphics is essential for a web designer. Knowledge of graphic design principles, the use of color, typography, and visual composition is critical to creating an engaging user experience.3. Knowledge of Responsive TechnologiesWith the increase in the use of mobile devices, web designers need to be familiar with responsive technologies. They must be able to create websites that scale and work well on different devices and screen sizes.4. Understanding Usability and AccessibilityA good web designer has a solid understanding of usability and accessibility principles. You must be able to design intuitive and easy-to-navigate websites, taking into account user needs and accessibility guidelines.5. Knowledge of CMS (Content Management System)Many websites use CMS such as WordPress or Joomla for content management. A web designer must be able to work with these systems and customize the design according to the client's needs.What does the Web designer do: FAQ's1. What are the main tasks of a web designer?A web designer is responsible for creating the visual design of a website, which includes choosing colours, fonts, layout and graphics. You must also ensure that the design is functional and responds to the needs of the users.2. What software does a web designer use?A web designer uses a variety of software, including graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, web development tools like Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code, and CMSs like WordPress or Joomla.3. What are the current trends in web design?Some of the current trends in web design include the use of minimalistic designs, a focus on mobile usability, incorporating smooth transitions and animations, and the use of bold typography and eye-catching graphics.4. What are the key skills for a web designer?Key skills for a web designer include knowledge of web programming languages, the ability to create attractive layouts and graphics, familiarity with responsive technologies, understanding of usability and accessibility, and knowledge of CMS.5. What are the benefits of hiring a professional web designer?Hiring a professional web designer offers many benefits. An expert web designer can create an attractive and functional visual design for your website, improving the user experience and increasing user engagement. Additionally, a professional web designer has in-depth knowledge of best practices and current trends in the industry.6. What are the costs associated with hiring a web designer?The costs associated with hiring a web designer depend on several factors, including the complexity of the project, the size of the website and the specific needs of the client. It is advisable to request quotes from several web designers and evaluate their skills and portfolio before making a decision.Conclusions
In conclusion, a web designer plays a vital role in creating attractive and functional websites. With a combination of technical and creative skills, a web designer is able to translate clients' ideas into engaging visual design. If you're thinking about creating a new website or improving your existing one, consider the importance of working with a professional web designer to achieve stunning results.

Business Application Development

Business application development has become increasingly essential for businesses to remain competitive in today's digital marketplace. Business applications offer a number of benefits to businesses, enabling them to improve operational efficiency, streamline internal processes, and deliver an improved customer experience. In this article, we will explore the importance of business application development and how they can contribute to business success.Introduction to Business Application Development
Business application development refers to the creation and implementation of custom software to meet the specific needs of a business. These applications can be used to automate business processes, improve internal collaboration, manage data and provide customer services.Benefits of Business Applications
Business applications offer many benefits for businesses of all sizes and industries:
 Improved Operational EfficiencyBusiness applications enable automation of manual processes and reduce reliance on paper-based procedures. This leads to improved operational efficiency, as repetitive tasks can be automated, allowing employees to focus on more strategic and value-added tasks.Optimization of Internal ProcessesWith the help of business applications, it is possible to streamline internal processes, improving communication, collaboration and information sharing among employees. This leads to higher productivity and better management of company resources.Better Customer Experience​​​​​​​Business applications enable businesses to deliver an improved customer experience. Through features like access to online services, customer support, and personalized interaction, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers and deliver superior service.Data SecurityBusiness application development allows enterprises to protect their sensitive data. Applications can be designed with advanced security features, such as multi-factor authentication and data encryption, ensuring confidential business information is protected.Customization and ScalabilityBusiness applications can be tailored to meet a company's specific needs. This allows for a high degree of customization and adaptability. Additionally, business applications can be scalable, allowing enterprises to add new features and expand as their needs evolve.
 Costs and Development Times
The cost and development time of business applications can vary depending on the complexity and functionality required. It is important to consider the company budget and adequately plan the resources required for the development, implementation and ongoing maintenance of the application. Conclusions
Business application development offers many benefits to businesses, including improved operational efficiency, streamlined internal processes, improved customer experience, and data security. Business applications are powerful tools that can help businesses succeed and grow in the digital marketplace. Investing in business application development can be an important step in staying competitive and adapting to rapidly changing business landscape.1. What are the main benefits of business applications?
Business applications offer improved operational efficiency, internal process optimization, an improved customer experience, data security, and scalable personalization.2. What are the cost and time to develop business applications?
Costs and development times vary depending on the specific needs of the company and the complexity of the application. It is important to properly plan the resources needed to ensure an effective development process.3. How can business applications improve internal collaboration?
Business applications enable better communication, information sharing and collaboration among employees, thus streamlining internal processes and increasing overall productivity.4. Are business applications secure?
Yes, business applications can be designed with advanced security features to protect sensitive business data, such as multi-factor authentication and data encryption.5. Are the business applications customizable?
Yes, business applications can be tailored to meet a company's specific needs, offering a high degree of customization and adaptability.

Complete guide to get an accurate quotation for your website

In the digital age we live in, a professional website has become an essential element of any successful business. When you decide to create or renovate your website, it's important to get an accurate quote to avoid surprises during the development process. In this article, we'll explore the key factors that influence a website's budget and provide helpful tips on how to get accurate estimates for your project.Define your website goals:
Before requesting a quote, you need to have a clear understanding of the goals and features you want for your site. Ask yourself: what is the main purpose of the site? Will it be an information site, an online shop or a booking portal? Determining your specific needs will help you communicate effectively with industry professionals and receive more accurate quotes.Plan the website structure:
Once you've defined your goals, you need to have a clear idea of the site's structure. Consider the number of pages, the hierarchy of information, and any special features you need, such as a contact form or login system. The more details you provide about your site structure, the more accurate your quotation will be.Design and branding:
The visual aspect of your website is essential to capture the attention of users and convey your corporate message. If you already have a logo or visual identity, be sure to share it with the professional who will provide you with the quotation. Including specific requests for the design, such as the type of layout, colors and images, will help you receive an accurate cost estimate.Features and development:
Special features, such as social media integration, content management, or an e-commerce system, can affect your website's budget. If you have special needs, be sure to communicate them clearly to the professional you are consulting. Remember that custom development will require more time and resources than using ready-made solutions.Responsive design and search engine optimization:
With more and more people accessing websites via mobile devices, it is essential that your site is responsive, i.e. adaptable to different screen sizes. Also, search engine optimization (SEO) will help you improve your website's visibility in search results. Be sure to discuss these considerations with the industry professional and see if they are included in the quote.Content management:
Consider whether you want to have a content management system (CMS) that allows you to easily update your website yourself. A CMS allows you to edit texts, images and other elements without having to depend on the web developer for every little change. If you want this feature, make sure it's included in your quote.Post-launch support and maintenance:
After the website is launched, you may need ongoing support for any updates, troubleshooting or improvements. Make sure you understand what support options the professional or agency offers and whether they are included in the initial quote or will require an additional cost.Conclusions:
Getting an accurate quote for your website requires careful planning and clear communication with industry professionals. Define the goals, structure, design, functionality and other elements that are important to your project. Remember that an accurate quote is essential to avoid surprises and ensure a successful collaboration with your web developer.

Web and mobile app product configurator

The advent of technology has opened new doors to the shopping experience or simple display of the company catalog. One tool that has revolutionized the way companies interact with customers is the product configurator. A product configurator allows users to customize their purchases in a unique and engaging way. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a product configurator and how businesses can make the most of it to provide limitless customization to their customers.An immersive personalization experience:
A product configurator offers customers the opportunity to create a customised product, selecting options, features and customizations according to their preferences. This creates a deeper engagement and emotional connection with the product, increasing the likelihood of purchase and customer satisfaction. The immersive personalization provided by a product configurator can differentiate a company from the competition and create a competitive advantage.Wide choice of options:
A well-designed product configurator offers a wide range of options to choose from. These options can cover color, material, size, features, and so much more. Offering a large and diverse selection of options allows customers to find exactly what they want, increasing satisfaction and the likelihood of a purchase. Additionally, companies can gather valuable data about customer preferences, helping them make more informed decisions about future product offerings.Real-time visualization:
Another key benefit of a product configurator is the ability to view changes made to selected options in real time. Through the use of 3D graphics, renderings or realistic images, customers can instantly see how the customized product will look after making their choices. This feature provides a clear understanding of the final product and reduces the risk of customer dissatisfaction or returns.Increased customer engagement and retention:
A product configurator offers an interactive and engaging experience that can create a lasting bond between customers and the brand. By allowing customers to actively participate in the product creation process, companies can build a deeper relationship with customers and increase brand loyalty. Customers who are satisfied with their customizations will be more likely to return for more purchases and to recommend the brand to others.Data analysis for future improvements:
A product configurator can provide companies with a wealth of valuable data on customer interaction, preferences and purchasing trends. Analysing this data allows companies to better understand customers' wants and needs, identify areas for improvement, and make changes to product offerings. This continuous feedback loop helps keep the product configurator relevant and up-to-date.Conclusion:
A product configurator provides a personalized and engaging shopping experience, allowing customers to create the perfect product according to their preferences. Through a wide choice of options, real-time visualization, customer engagement and data analysis, companies can maximize the benefits of a product configurator. Implementing an advanced product configuration tool will not only enhance the customer experience but also give you a competitive edge in the ever-changing e-commerce market.In Moko we have been offering our experience for years and we have tried to gather some ideas at this link.

How to create digital catalogues for business and companies

In the digital age we live in, accessing information, products and services has become incredibly quick and convenient. One of the innovations that has revolutionized the way people search and discover what they need is digital catalogues. These online platforms offer a wide range of benefits, both for consumers and businesses, opening up new sales and promotion opportunities.We have created several solutions for creating digital catalogues for companies, such as the product finder app.In this article, we will explore the concept of digital catalogues, their impact on society and the benefits they offer.What is a digital catalogue?A digital catalogue is an online platform that allows companies to showcase their products or services digitally. Unlike traditional paper catalogues, digital catalogues can be accessed from any Internet-connected device, such as a computer, smartphone or tablet. They are often presented as websites or mobile apps and offer a wide range of interactive features to enhance the user experience.The benefits for consumersDigital catalogues offer a number of significant benefits for consumers. First of all, they allow for a quick search and navigation of the desired products or services. Users can use advanced search features, filters and categories to narrow down options and find what they're looking for quickly and efficiently. Additionally, digital catalogues provide detailed product information, including descriptions, high-resolution images, customer reviews, and technical specifications. This allows consumers to make informed purchasing decisions without the need to physically visit a store.Another important advantage is the ability to save products or create wish lists directly in the digital catalogue. Users can keep track of the products that interest them and access them at any time. Additionally, digital catalogues can provide personalized recommendations based on user preferences and buying behaviour, further enhancing the search and discovery experience.The benefits for businessesDigital catalogues also offer many benefits for businesses. First, they enable businesses to reach a global audience. While traditional catalogues are limited by geographic distribution and printing costs, digital catalogues can be accessed by people around the world without significant additional cost. This broadens sales and promotion opportunities for businesses, allowing them to expand their customer base.Furthermore, digital catalogues allow companies to collect valuable data on user behaviours and customer preferences. This information can be used to improve the personalization of offers, create targeted marketing strategies and optimize the overall user experience. Digital catalogues can also be easily updated and changed in real time, enabling businesses to respond quickly to customer needs and market trends.ConclusionsDigital catalogues represent an important evolution in the way information about products and services is presented and consumed. They have become indispensable tools for consumers, enabling them to search, discover and buy products quickly and conveniently. At the same time, they offer significant growth and promotion opportunities for businesses, broadening their reach and enabling a better understanding of customer preferences. With the further development of technology and the ever more widespread adoption of mobile devices, digital catalogues will continue to play a fundamental role in the world of electronic commerce and information consumption.

Analysis for web software development and mobile app

In the digital age we live in, building web software and mobile apps has become a key part for many businesses and entrepreneurs looking to reach a wider audience and provide innovative solutions to their customers. However, before starting the development of a software or an app, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis to ensure the success of the project. In this article, we will explore the importance of analytics for building web software and mobile apps, and the key steps to conducting effective analytics.To see some blueprints we have made, visit this page.Understanding user needs:
The initial phase of the analysis is to understand the needs of the users. This requires conducting market research, surveys or interviews with potential users to understand what their needs, wishes and problems are. This information will be the basis for defining the goals of the software or app and guiding the development process.Define the project objectives:
Once you understand your users' needs, you need to define your project goals. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited (SMART). For example, goals might include increasing online sales by 20% within six months or improving user experience by reducing page load time by 30%.Competitor analysis:
A comprehensive competitive analysis is essential to identify best practices in the industry and to pinpoint any missed opportunities. Looking into similar apps or software already on the market can provide valuable insights into which features to include, gaps to fill, and effective marketing strategies.Definition of features and requirements:
Based on user needs, project goals, and competitive analysis, the features and requirements of the software or app can be defined. This process involves creating flowcharts, writing user stories, and prioritizing features based on their importance and feasibility.Prototyping and testing:
Prototyping allows you to evaluate the functionality and usability of the software or app quickly and inexpensively. Prototypes allow you to get feedback from users and make changes based on their needs. Through testing and iterations, you can optimize your design and improve your user experience.Estimate of costs and resources:
An accurate analysis also includes an estimate of the costs and resources required for development.As the wikipedia page reports, in software engineering, analysis is one of the phases of the software life cycle; it has the general purpose of clarifying, detailing and documenting the functions, services and performances that must be offered by a software system or program, in order to solve a given problem in the context in which it will have to operate. The information collected in the analysis phase represents the starting point for the design of a software product and for the entire process of its creation, validation and maintenance.

Website development in Italy, with offices from Milan to Reggio Emilia

Web development: how to create effective and functional websites for small and medium-sized businessesIf you are a small or medium-sized company willing to digitize your business, you need a website that is able to communicate your value, attract your potential customers and convert them into shares. But how can you create a website that meets these needs? What are the key elements you need to consider? And above all, who can you trust to build your website?In this article we will explain what web development is, what are the advantages of having a professional and personalized website, and how to choose the right partner for your project. We'll also show you some examples of websites built by us, a company specializing in web and mobile development for small and medium-sized businesses. Read on to find out everything you need to know about web development! What is web development?Web development is the process of designing, building and maintaining a website. A website is made up of several elements, including:• The domain, which is the address that identifies your website on the Internet (eg www.yoursite.it).• Hosting, which is the web space where your website files and data are stored.• The design, which is the graphic and visual aspect of your website, including colours, fonts, images, layout, etc.• The content, which is text, images, videos, links, etc. that make up the pages of your website and that convey your message to your visitors.• Programming, which is the code that makes your website functional and interactive, allowing you to manage the functionality and operations of your website (eg contact form, shopping cart, login, etc.).• Optimization, which is the process that aims to improve the performance and visibility of your website on search engines (eg Google) and social media (eg Facebook).Web development requires technical and creative skills, as well as a good knowledge of the market and the target audience. For this reason, relying on a web development professional is the best choice to create an effective and functional website for your small or medium-sized business. What are the advantages of having a professional and personalized website? Having a professional and customized website for your small or medium business offers you many advantages, including:• Increase your online visibility and reputation. A website allows you to be present on the internet, the most used and most influential means of communication in the world. With a website you can reach a wider and more diversified audience, and show your professionalism and the quality of your services or products.• Improve your communication and your relationship with your customers. A website allows you to clearly and directly communicate your added value, your strengths, your benefits and your solutions to your customers' problems. Furthermore, with a website you can offer your customers a quick and simple contact channel, and create a relationship of trust and loyalty.• Increase your sales and turnover. A website allows you to generate more traffic, more contacts and more conversions. With a website, you can present your services or products in an attractive and persuasive way, and encourage your visitors to take actions such as requesting a quote, making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.• Save time and money. A website allows you to automate and simplify some operations that would otherwise require more time and resources, such as information management, reservations, invoices, etc. In addition, with a website you can reduce printing, distribution and traditional advertising costs. As you can see, having a professional and personalized website is an investment that pays off in terms of visibility, communication, sales and savings. But how can you create a website that suits your needs and goals? Who can you trust to build your website? How to choose the right partner for your web development project?To create a professional and customized website for your small or medium business, you need a partner who can offer you:• Expertise and experience. A partner who has the technical and creative knowledge necessary to create a quality website, and who has proven experience in web development for small and medium-sized businesses.• Listening and consulting. A partner who knows how to understand your needs, your goals and your expectations, and who knows how to advise you on the most suitable solutions for your specific case.• Personalization and originality. A partner who knows how to create a website that is unique and distinctive, that reflects your identity and your style, and that differs from the competition.• Support and assistance. A partner who follows you in all phases of the project, from design to implementation, from publication to maintenance, and who offers you a quick and effective assistance service.We are the partner you are looking for. Our company is specialized in web and mobile development for small and medium-sized businesses. We have built dozens of websites for different industries and markets, and we can help you create your ideal website. Continue to this link to discover some examples of websites created by us!

Web and app Frameworks

A framework is a set of tools and libraries that allow you to develop software more efficiently and faster. Basically, it is a ready-made architecture that saves time and resources in the implementation of a project.The framework consists of a set of pre-packaged modules that can be used to build web, desktop or mobile applications. Thanks to its structure, the framework guarantees greater stability, security and scalability of the software.Furthermore, the framework allows programmers to focus more on the logic of the application, rather than managing the technical part. This leads to a reduction in development time and costs.There are numerous types of frameworks, each with its own characteristics and functionality. Among the most common we can mention web development frameworks such as Django, Ruby on Rails and Laravel; those for building mobile apps like Ionic and React Native; and those for desktop development like Electron.Ultimately, the framework represents a fundamental tool for all IT professionals who want to improve the quality of their work and increase business productivity. What is a PHP Framework?A PHP framework is a software infrastructure that provides a basic framework for developing web applications. Basically, a PHP framework is a set of libraries, patterns and conventions that allow you to write code faster and easier.One of the main benefits of using a PHP framework is the reduction of the time required for application development. Additionally, code written using a PHP framework is usually cleaner and more organized, making it easier to maintain and extend the application over time.There are many PHP frameworks available on the market, each with its own features and benefits. Some of the more popular frameworks include Laravel, Symfony and CodeIgniter.Choosing the right framework depends on the specific needs of the application you are developing. For example, Laravel is known for its ease of use and extensibility, while Symfony is known for its scalability and robustness.Overall, using a PHP framework can significantly improve the efficiency of web application development. If you are a professional web developer, we strongly recommend that you explore the available options and choose the framework that best suits your specific needs. What is a Framework in Java?In computing, a framework is a set of tools and resources that help developers build software applications. In Java, a framework is a collection of libraries and code that provide specific functionality to simplify application development.The main benefit of using a framework in Java is the reduction of time and effort needed to develop an application. Furthermore, frameworks provide a solid structure on which to build applications, ensuring their security and stability.The most popular Java frameworks include Spring, Hibernate, Struts and JSF. Each of them offers specific features to simplify web application development, such as dependency injection, database access, and transaction management.It's important to note that using a framework requires a certain learning curve and can limit the flexibility of your application. However, using a well-designed framework can provide many benefits to developers.Ultimately, if you want to simplify the development of a Java application without sacrificing security and stability, using a framework can be a smart choice. What are Libraries?Libraries are a fundamental component for software development. These are collections of predefined code, which can be used to solve common problems and simplify programming.The libraries are available in several programming languages, including Java, Python, Ruby and many more. Libraries exist for almost every type of application, from databases to graphical user interfaces.One of the main benefits of libraries is that they save you time and effort in writing code. Instead of having to write everything from scratch, you can use functions already in the library to do some of the more common tasks.Additionally, the libraries offer proven solutions to common problems, which means you're less likely to make mistakes or introduce vulnerabilities into your application.It is worth noting that libraries should not be used as a shortcut to avoid programming work. However, when used correctly, they can be a huge benefit to developers and allow them to build more efficient and effective applications. Frameworks: what they are and which ones dominate the rankingsFrameworks are software development tools that allow you to create web applications more efficiently, reducing development time and costs. A framework provides a predefined structure for organizing code, making the programmer's job easier.There are many types of frameworks, each with its own characteristics and intended for a specific use. For example, there are frameworks for developing mobile applications, frameworks for managing databases, frameworks for building user interfaces, and so on.Among the most used frameworks we find AngularJS, ReactJS, Vue.js and Laravel. AngularJS is a framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications. ReactJS is another popular framework, mostly used for building complex user interfaces. Vue.js, on the other hand, is a newcomer to the world of frameworks, but it is gaining more and more success thanks to its ease of use and high performance. Finally, Laravel is a PHP framework that allows you to develop web applications quickly and efficiently.In conclusion, frameworks are an indispensable tool for modern software development. Thanks to their ability to simplify the programmer's work and improve the efficiency of the development process, frameworks are becoming increasingly popular among developers. Web frameworkA web framework is a collection of libraries and tools that help developers build web applications faster and easier. There are many web frameworks available, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.One of the most popular web frameworks is Django, written in Python. Django offers a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture that simplifies the development of complex web applications. Additionally, Django offers features such as support for relational databases, user authentication, and session management.Another widely used web framework is Ruby on Rails, written in Ruby. Ruby on Rails offers a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture similar to Django's, but with a greater focus on simplicity and convention rather than configuration.If you want to use JavaScript for web application development, AngularJS might be the right choice. AngularJS offers a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture that simplifies data binding between the model and the view.In general, choosing a web framework depends on the specific needs of the application you are developing. It's important to choose a framework that provides the functionality your application needs without adding too much complexity or overhead.
 Framework AppFrameworks are fundamental programming tools for app developers. These tools help you build applications faster and with fewer errors than writing code from scratch. In the app world, frameworks are used to develop mobile applications, web applications, and even desktop software.But what exactly is an app framework? In general, an app framework is a collection of libraries, modules, and tools that streamline the development of an application. The main goal is to provide a solid foundation for application development, minimizing repetitive work and allowing developers to focus on application logic.App frameworks can be used independently or in combination with other tools. For example, many developers use JavaScript frameworks like React or AngularJS along with other frameworks like Bootstrap to build modern web applications.Ultimately, using an app framework can make all the difference in the efficiency of application development. Experienced developers know that choosing the right framework can make all the difference in the success of the application itself.

Web and app software project

The web and app software project is one of the most important activities for companies that want to be competitive on the digital market. This type of project consists in the creation of an online platform or a mobile application, capable of providing services and information to its users.The first step in creating a web and app software project is the definition of the objectives and the required functions. Subsequently, it is necessary to choose the technologies to be used for software development and to define the system architecture.The next phase is the creation of the software, which requires specific technical skills and an effective organization of the development teams. Once the development phase is completed, the software must be tested to verify that it conforms to the customer's needs and is free from errors.Finally, the software project must be launched on the market and continuously updated to maintain high performance and functionality.In summary, the web and app software project is a complex activity that requires advanced technical skills and careful planning. However, if managed properly, it can be a significant competitive advantage for digital businesses.
What is a web projectA web project is a set of coordinated activities aimed at creating a website or an online application. In essence, it is a software project that involves the entire product lifecycle, from design to implementation and maintenance.The first phase of a web project is the definition of objectives and requirements. In this phase, the development team works with the customer to understand their needs and translate them into technical specifications. Subsequently, a detailed work plan is drawn up that encompasses all aspects of the project, from the timescales to the resources required.Once the work has been planned, the actual development phase begins. The programmers use the most suitable technologies to implement the features requested by the customer. In this phase, the designers who take care of the graphic aspect of the website or application are also involved.Finally, once the development phase is completed, the product is put into production and its maintenance is started. Maintenance includes activities such as updating existing features and fixing bugs.In summary, a web project is a complex process that requires specialized technical skills and a solid knowledge of the technologies used. If you need to develop a website or an online application, rely on experienced professionals in the sector to obtain quality results.
 What is an app projectAn app project is the planning and development of a mobile application. It can be an app for smartphones or tablets, and can be used for personal or commercial purposes. An app project requires detailed planning, a solid understanding of mobile technology, and a good understanding of user needs.The first step of an app project is the definition of the objectives. The main goal could be to provide a solution to a specific problem or to create an innovative product for the market. Once the objectives are defined, we proceed with the planning of the project, including the definition of the requirements, the budget and the expected release date.The application development team must then start working on the creation of the app, always taking user feedback into account. It is important to test the application on different mobile devices and in different situations to ensure that it works properly.Finally, after testing the application and improving it based on user feedback, it is released on the market. The success of the project will depend on the quality of the application itself and its ability to meet user needs.In short, an app project requires planning, knowledge of mobile technology and an understanding of user needs to create a product that is both useful and innovative.
 Software project: the design phasesSoftware design is a fundamental process that precedes the development of any application. It consists of a series of phases that go from the definition of the requirements to the drafting of the code.The first phase of software design is the collection of requirements, i.e. the identification of the functionalities that the software must have in order to satisfy the users' needs. This phase also includes the definition of the project objectives and the resources needed to achieve it.Subsequently, we move on to the analysis phase, in which the workflow of the application is studied and possible problems that may arise while using the software are identified.The third phase consists of the architectural design, i.e. the definition of the software structure and the relationships between its components. In this phase the programming language to be used is also decided and the most suitable development models are chosen.Finally, the design phase involves the creation of the graphical interface of the application and the drafting of the code. This stage requires strong technical expertise and great attention to detail.Summarizing, software design is a complex process that requires a lot of technical knowledge and great attention to detail. By following the phases described above, a solid and functional software product can be obtained, capable of satisfying the needs of the users.
 Design and development of software systemsThe design and development of software systems are essential to ensure the success of a company. Implementing well-designed software can increase efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, and improve the customer experience.To start a successful project, it is important to follow a well-defined methodology. The development process should start from the definition of customer requirements, then proceed to the design phase, development, testing and finally the release.Choosing the right technology is crucial to the success of the project. It's important to evaluate the options available and choose the one that best fits your business needs. Additionally, it is important to consider future software maintenance and long-term scalability.Involving customers throughout the development process is just as important. This helps ensure that the software meets all their needs and expectations.In summary, the design and development of software systems requires detailed planning and a well-defined methodology. Choosing the right technology, thinking about future maintenance of the software, and engaging customers are all key factors in ensuring project success.
 Improve your vision and results with the Business IntelligenceBusiness intelligence (BI) is a data analysis tool that helps companies make better, more informed decisions. If you are working on a software project, BI can help you improve your vision and results.BI allows you to collect, analyze and visualize data so you can identify trends, problems and opportunities. This way, you can make informed decisions about features to develop, user experience and marketing.For example, if you're developing a fitness app, BI can help you understand which features users use the most and which are less popular. This will allow you to focus development efforts on the features that users value the most.Additionally, BI can improve your results by giving you a complete view of app performance. You can track key metrics like user conversion rate and average session length to understand if your app is getting the results you want.In summary, if you want to improve your vision and results with your software project, you should consider the use of business intelligence. Thanks to BI, you can make more informed and effective decisions that will allow you to achieve your goals more efficiently.
 Design and development of software systemsThe design and development of software systems are fundamental processes for any company that wants to be successful in today's digital world. These processes require specific skills, experience and attention to detail to ensure that the software meets the customer's needs and is reliable, secure and scalable.The first step in a software project is gathering customer needs. It is important to fully understand what the customer wants from the software system in order to be able to define functional and non-functional requirements. This process requires open and effective communication between the software development team and the customer.Once the requirements are defined, the development team can create a detailed project plan that defines the activities, timelines and resources required to complete the project. The project plan must be flexible in order to allow the team to adapt to any changes in requirements during development.During the software development phase, it is important to use thorough testing techniques to ensure that the system is reliable and secure. Additionally, the team must consider the scalability of the system to accommodate future increases in user or data volume.In summary, a well-managed software project requires specific skills, open communication with the customer, a flexible project plan, and in-depth testing techniques. An experienced and detail-oriented development team can guarantee the creation of a software system that meets the customer's needs and is reliable, secure and scalable.
Software architectureSoftware architecture is one of the most important phases of any software project. This phase defines the structure of the system, its organization and the relationships between its components. The software architecture must be designed so that the system is reliable, robust, scalable and maintainable over time.To design a solid and well-structured software architecture, you need to follow some guidelines. First, you must carefully analyze the system requirements to understand what features the system will need to implement. Subsequently, the logical structure of the system will have to be identified, dividing it into components that perform specific functions.It is also important to define the interfaces between the various components and ensure that these are clear and well documented. Error handling is another fundamental aspect of software architecture; the system must be able to handle errors effectively and recover from problems without losing data or functionality.In summary, designing a solid software architecture requires specific skills and a rigorous methodological approach. A good software architecture guarantees the quality of the final product and facilitates its maintenance over time.

The role of the Project Manager and the web-applications

The role of the Project ManagerThe project manager is a professional figure that is increasingly in demand in the world of work. This is an expert capable of managing complex company projects, coordinating the activities of the various teams and making sure that the set objectives are achieved on time and within the established costs.His role consists in planning the entire project, from the definition of the objectives to the drafting of the action plan, passing through the assignment of tasks and the supervision of the activities carried out by the various teams. Furthermore, the project manager must be able to manage any critical issues that may arise during the project implementation phase, seeking effective and timely solutions.Among the skills required to fill this role are the ability to manage time and resources, the ability to work in a team, knowledge of project management techniques and a good command of information technology. His main objective is to ensure the success of the project assigned to him, always taking into account the interests of the company and its customers.In summary, the project manager is a highly specialized professional figure who deals with the management of complex business projects. His role is essential to ensure the success of the company and its projects, and requires specific skills such as time and resource management, the ability to work in teams and knowledge of project management techniques. What are web apps for?A web app is a software application accessible via a web browser, which allows you to use the functions offered by the service directly online. Web apps are used in many fields, including project management. In this context, web apps are used to monitor the progress of activities, assign tasks to team members and coordinate communication between various stakeholders.The key features of a good project management web app include ease of use, the ability to customize and configure, accessibility from any internet-connected device, and the ability to integrate with other tools used by the team. Furthermore, a good web app must guarantee the security of data and sensitive information relating to the project.The use of a project management web app allows the project manager to always have the progress of the activities under control and to intervene promptly in the event of any problems. Furthermore, the use of the web app also allows team members to collaborate more effectively and quickly, thanks to the possibility of exchanging information and documents in real time. Ultimately, a good web app is an indispensable tool for the efficient and effective management of a project. What is an application server for?An application server, also known as an application server, is a type of software that helps manage and deploy web applications. This type of server is essential for companies that need to provide web services to their customers or employees.The application server provides an environment where applications can run securely and reliably. In addition, the server also offers advanced features such as transaction management, scalability and application reliability.Among the main features of the application server are:- Transaction management: the application server is able to manage complex transactions, while ensuring data integrity.- Security: The server provides advanced mechanisms for application security, including user authentication and data encryption.- Scalability: the application server can be configured to support a large number of users and simultaneous requests.- Reliability: The server is designed to ensure maximum application availability while minimizing downtime.In summary, the application server is a fundamental component for companies that need to provide advanced web services. Thanks to its advanced features, this type of server allows companies to offer reliable and scalable services to their customers or employees. What are web applicationsWeb-applications are software applications that run within the web browser, without the need to install any software on the user's device. They are widely used in various sectors such as e-commerce, human resource management and data processing.The development project of a web-application requires detailed planning by the project manager, who must define the project objectives, the necessary resources, the development of the action plan and the budget. In addition, he must coordinate the work of the entire team to ensure that each member works as efficiently as possible.The project manager must also make sure that the web application is safe and reliable for the end users. He must therefore ensure that the data is protected from unauthorized access and that the application works without interruptions or malfunctions.In summary, the role of the project manager in managing a web-application development project is crucial for the success of the project itself. His job is to organize the team, define the objectives and ensure the reliability of the application for end users. Advantages of a Web application rather than traditional software?In the digital age, the choice between a Web application and traditional software can be a determining factor in the success of a project. While both types of software can offer similar functionality, there are some distinct benefits to using a Web application.First, web applications don't require installation on every single user device. This means that accessing information and functions is easier and faster, as all you need to do is access the platform through a web browser. This also makes it easier to manage software versions and compatibility issues.Also, Web applications are usually more flexible to changing user needs. Since the software is hosted on a remote server, developers can update and change the functionality in real time without having to install new versions on the user's device.Web applications also offer greater security than traditional software. Since all data is hosted on a secure server, users can feel safe knowing their data is protected from unauthorized access.Finally, Web applications are often more cost-effective than traditional software. Users don't have to buy expensive license packages or specialized hardware to use the software. Instead, they often only pay for usage of the service based on the amount of time or data used.In summary, the advantages of a Web application over traditional software include accessibility, flexibility, security, and convenience. For these reasons, many companies are opting for Web applications as a solution for their management projects.

Web orders through agents

Web ordering is an efficient and convenient way for both consumers and businesses to shop online. In particular, agents can play an important role in facilitating web ordering and assisting customers during the online purchasing process. In this article, we will explore how agents can be used to improve web order fulfillment and how this can benefit your online business.
 What is a web order agent?A web order agent is a person or team who works closely with customers to assist them in the online purchasing process. These agents can provide assistance in selecting products, entering payment and shipping information, and solving any problems that may arise during the purchasing process. Using web ordering agents can be particularly useful for companies that have a wide range of products and services, or for those that work in particularly complex industries. In these cases, agents can help streamline the buying process and ensure that customers have a good online shopping experience.
 How can agents improve web order management?Agents can offer many benefits in web order management. First, they can help reduce cart abandonment rates, which is the percentage of customers who leave your website without completing their purchase. Agents can identify possible causes of cart abandonment and assist in resolving any issues. Secondly, agents can help improve the conversion rate, which is the percentage of customers who make a purchase after visiting the website. Agents can provide information about products and services, answer customer questions, and help manage customer expectations. Finally, agents can help ensure that customers are satisfied with their purchase. They can provide after-sales support, help resolve any issues, and handle return or refund requests.
 How can you use web order agents to improve your online business?Second, it's important to equip agents with the right tools to handle web orders. This can include web-based order management software, ticketing systems or chatbots that can help automate some parts of the customer service process. Finally, it is important to monitor agent performance and analyze customer data to identify any areas that need to be addressed.
 How can agents improve the online shopping experience?Web order agents can offer many benefits to customers, including:Live Assistance: Web order agents can provide instant assistance to customers who need help during the purchasing process. This can increase customer confidence in your website or application, as they know they can count on immediate support.Customization: Web ordering agents can provide personalized service to customers, helping them find the right products and meet their specific needs. This can increase customer loyalty and the chances of a repeat purchase.Reducing Cart Abandonment: Web Ordering Agents can help reduce cart abandonment rate, which is the percentage of customers who leave your website without completing their purchase. Agents can identify possible causes of cart abandonment and assist in resolving any issues.Conversion Rate Improvement: Web ordering agents can help improve your conversion rate, which is the percentage of customers who make a purchase after visiting your website. Agents can provide information about products and services, answer customer questions, and help manage customer expectations.After-sales support: Web order agents can provide after-sales support to customers, helping them solve any problems and handling inquiries  

OTA Updates

Over-the-Air Updates (OTA) is a software update process that is performed over a wireless connection, without the need to connect the device to a computer. This type of update has become very popular in recent years, as it allows users to get the latest features and security fixes without having to manually download and install software.To perform an OTA update, you must have a stable internet connection and sufficient storage space on your device. Once the update is available, it will be notified to you via a push notification. The user can then choose to download and install the update immediately or postpone it for a more convenient time.It is important to note that OTA updates can take some time to download and install, depending on the size of the update and the speed of your internet connection. Also, it is always a good idea to back up your important data before performing any kind of software update. OTA deviceAn OTA (Over-the-Air) update is a software update that is performed directly on the device without the need for a cable connection. This type of update has become increasingly common in recent years thanks to the spread of smartphones and tablets.OTA updates are used to fix security issues, improve device performance, and introduce new features. When a new update is available, the device notifies you and offers to download and install it automatically.To perform the OTA update, your device must be connected to a Wi-Fi network to avoid additional charges for using mobile data. Also, it's important to have a fully charged battery or plug your device into power during the update to avoid interruptions.In summary, OTA updates are a convenient solution to keep your device always up to date with the latest software news, without having to resort to complex or expensive solutions. What is the OTA update for?OTA (Over-The-Air) update is a process by which users can update the firmware of their mobile devices without having to connect the device to the computer. This type of update is especially useful for users who don't have advanced technical skills and for those who want to save time.One of the major benefits of OTA update is that it allows users to access the latest features and bug fixes without buying a new device. Also, the OTA update can improve device security, protecting users from known vulnerabilities.OTA update can be performed via both Wi-Fi and cellular connection, depending on user preferences and device settings. However, it is important to note that the OTA update can take a long time and a stable internet connection.In conclusion, OTA update is an important process to keep mobile devices updated and secure. Users should consider it periodically to get the most out of their device. Firmware or software updateAn OTA (Over-the-Air) update is a firmware or software update that is distributed over the internet and installed directly on the device without needing to connect it to the computer. This system is very common on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, but is also used on other devices such as smart TVs, routers and IoT (Internet of Things) devices.OTA update may include bug fixes, new features or performance improvements. It is important to always keep your device up-to-date to ensure system security and stability.To perform an OTA update, just check your device settings and look for the "Software Update" or "Firmware Update" option. If a new version is available, you will be able to download and install it directly from your device.It is important to note that, during the OTA update, the device may be temporarily unusable and it may take several minutes to complete the installation process. Also, it is recommended that you back up important data before proceeding with the upgrade. What is meant by OTA update center?The OTA update, acronym for Over-The-Air update, is a method of updating the software of mobile devices wirelessly. In particular, the OTA update center is the update center where these updates are managed and distributed.In practice, the OTA update center receives the latest versions of the software from the device manufacturer to distribute to its users. Once you receive the update notification on your device, you can choose to install it immediately or postpone it until another time.Thanks to the OTA update center, users can enjoy the latest features and improvements of the operating system without having to manually download and install through a computer. Also important, the OTA update center ensures the safety of mobile devices, as updates often include patches to address critical bugs and vulnerabilities.In summary, the OTA update center is a convenient solution for keeping your mobile devices always up-to-date and secure. OTA Android and iOSAn OTA (Over The Air) update is an operating system update that can be downloaded and installed directly on a smartphone or tablet, without having to connect the device to a computer. This feature is available for both Android and iOS devices.OTA updates are important because they include bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features. Usually, users get a notification when a new update is available. However, you can manually check for new updates by going to your device settings and looking for the "Software Updates" section.When downloading a new OTA update, it is important to make sure that you have enough free storage space on your device and that you have a stable internet connection. Also, it's always a good idea to back up your data before upgrading.In general, OTA updates are easy to install and can significantly improve the experience of using your device. However, if you encounter problems during the installation or after the update, you can contact your device manufacturer's technical support for assistance.

The importance of UX and UI design also for web based software

The importance of UX/UI design is fundamental for web based software. User experience and graphical interface design are key elements to ensure the success of an online application.UX design is focused on users' needs, their experience and their satisfaction with using the software. For this reason, good UX design helps improve the usability, efficiency and productivity of web based software.On the other hand, UI design is responsible for the visual aspect of the software, i.e. the graphical interface that the user sees and interacts with. Good UI design helps make software more attractive, intuitive, and easy to use.Together, UX/UI design can provide a complete and effective user experience. Well-designed web based software can increase user retention and improve your company's reputation.In conclusion, don't underestimate the importance of UX/UI design for web based software. Investing in well-crafted design can be the difference between the success or failure of an online application. What is UX for?UX, acronym for User Experience, is a discipline that studies the user experience while using a product or service. In particular, UX design focuses on the design and creation of intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces, in order to improve the user experience.Good UX design is important for several reasons: first, a positive experience can increase user satisfaction and loyalty towards the product or service; moreover, a user-friendly interface can reduce the time required to complete certain operations, thereby improving user efficiency.Eventually, good UX design can help reduce user errors and frustrations while using your product or service. In summary, UX design is essential to create products and services that are effective and efficient from the user's point of view. What is UI for?The UI, or User Interface, is the part of a digital product that allows the user to interact with it. Its main function is to make the use of the product as simple and intuitive as possible.A well-designed user interface is essential to ensure a positive and satisfying user experience. An effective UI must be clear, coherent and easy to use, in order to allow the user to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently.Furthermore, the UI also plays an important role in the aesthetic appearance of the product, as it must be pleasing to the eye and harmonious with the overall design.In conclusion, the UI serves to simplify the use of the digital product, improve the user experience and ensure a positive visual impact. It is therefore essential to devote time and energy to the design of the UI to obtain a successful product. What does the UI Designer do?The UI Designer is responsible for creating the user interface of a digital product. This professional figure is responsible for designing and developing the visual aspect of the software or application, in order to make the user experience intuitive and pleasant.The UI Designer works closely with the team of UX Designers to understand user needs and create an interface that responds to their needs. Furthermore, you define the visual elements such as colors, fonts, icons and images, but also the arrangement of the elements within the screen.The main objective of the UI Designer is to create a coherent and functional design that is able to guide the user on his journey within the digital product. To do this, the UI Designer must take into consideration various aspects such as ease of use, accessibility, compatibility with various devices and consistency with the company's brand identity.Therefore, the UI Designer is a key figure to ensure a good user experience of the digital product and create an attractive and effective design. What does the UX designer do?A UX designer is a professional who deals with designing the user experience of a product or service. His/her task is to study the needs of end users, understand their needs and develop intuitive and functional solutions to satisfy them.The UX designer works closely with other professional figures such as graphic designers, programmers, analysts and project managers. Its main objective is to create a user interface that is simple, intuitive and pleasant to use.To achieve this goal, the UX designer uses different techniques and tools such as ethnographic research, user interviews, usability tests and data analysis. Also, use prototyping and design programs to create mock-ups and wireframes that clearly visualize the layout of the user interface.In summary, the UX designer has the task of creating a positive user experience through the design of intuitive and functional interfaces that allow end users to interact effectively with the product or service offered by the company. Intuitive user interfaceIntuitive user interface is a fundamental element of UX UI design. It aims to create a simple and immediate user experience for the user, through the design of a clear and intuitive graphical interface.To obtain this result, the designer must take into consideration various factors: from the arrangement of the elements on the page, to the choice of colours, to the writing of the texts and the selection of the icons.In particular, to make the user interface intuitive, it is important that it is coherent and consistent, i.e. that the commands are always positioned in the same way and have the same graphic appearance. Furthermore, it is essential that the interface is designed with the user at the centre of attention, taking into account their needs and habits.Finally, a good intuitive user interface must be tested before market launch, to verify that it is actually easy to use and meets user expectations. Only in this way will it be possible to create a successful product and satisfy the needs of the market. What is meant by User Interface?The User Interface or User Interface refers to the part of a software, application or website that allows the user to interact with the system. In other words, the UI is what the user sees and interacts with to use a digital product.A good UI must be intuitive, easy to use and adapt to the user's needs. UI design is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of user needs and product features.UI design focuses on aesthetics, the arrangement of graphical elements, the choice of colours and fonts, typography, images and icons used to create an appealing and cohesive visual experience.In short, the UI is what makes the digital product accessible and enjoyable to use. A well-designed UI can greatly improve product usability, increasing user satisfaction and improving business performance.

REST or SOAP Web service and API server

A web service is a software application that allows two or more systems to communicate with each other over the web. These services are often used to enable integration between different applications, regardless of the programming language used.Web services allow the transmission of data in various formats, such as XML and JSON, and are based on open standards such as SOAP and REST. Thanks to their flexibility, web services can be used in many areas, including electronic commerce, finance and industrial automation.To use a web service, you need to know its programming interface (API) and authentication methods. Many companies offer free or paid web services to their customers to simplify the integration of their products or services with other applications.In summary, web services represent an important resource for companies wishing to integrate different applications and allow communication between different systems. Their flexibility makes them suitable for a wide range of uses, from e-commerce to industrial automation. REST API: what they areAn Application Programming Interface Representational State Transfer (REST) API is a software interface that allows two applications to communicate with each other. Specifically, REST APIs are designed to be used on the internet, where requests are made via the HTTPS protocol.REST APIs are based on representing the state of resources, i.e. how resources are organized and accessed. This means that REST API requests are made to specific resources, such as a user or product, and can be used to access data associated with that resource.REST APIs are very popular because they are simple to implement and use. Furthermore, being based on the HTTPS protocol, they can be used with any programming language and on any platform.In summary, REST APIs are a software interface that allows applications to communicate with each other via the HTTPS protocol. They are based on the representation of the state of resources and are very popular because they are simple to implement and use. REST services: what they areREST (REpresentational State Transfer) services are a type of software architecture that allows communication between distributed systems through the HTTPS protocol. These services allow clients to access and manipulate server resources, such as data in JSON or XML format.Developers can build RESTful services using a variety of programming languages, such as Java, Python and Ruby. Additionally, REST services can be integrated with other web services to build complex applications.Important features of REST services include client-server architecture, data caching, and the use of standard HTTPS methods such as GET, POST, and DELETE. Additionally, REST services are highly scalable and suitable for use in cloud environments.In summary, REST services are an effective way to build modern, interactive web applications. Thanks to their flexibility and scalability, these services have become a standard in the software industry and are used by various companies around the world. REST architecture to develop web servicesREST (Representational State Transfer) architecture is one of the main approaches for developing web services. This architectural model is based on the concept of a resource, which is identified via a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and manipulated via HTTPS methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).Developers use REST architecture to build web services that can be easily integrated with other applications and systems. In particular, this approach favors the scalability and modularity of applications, since each resource can be managed independently from the others.To implement a web service based on REST architecture, it is necessary to define the resources that you want to make available through the URI, specify the supported HTTPS methods and define the format of the data exchanged with the clients.Additionally, it's important to consider best practices for implementing a REST architecture, including using meaningful resource names, error handling, and clear API documentation.In summary, the REST architecture represents a flexible and scalable approach for developing web services, which allows development teams to create applications that are modular and easily integrated with other systems. The difference between API and Web serviceThe difference between API and Web Service is often subject of confusion. In general, an Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols, routines, and tools used to develop software. A Web Service, on the other hand, is a software solution that uses a network to provide services to other applications.In other words, APIs are usually designed for interaction between applications within a specific system, while Web Services are designed for communication between different systems. Web services allow applications to access remote functionality over a network.Also, APIs can be based on different protocols, such as REST or SOAP, while Web Services are commonly based on SOAP protocol. APIs are often lighter and faster than Web Services as they don't require the additional complexity of the SOAP protocol.Ultimately, the choice between using APIs or Web Services depends on the specific needs of the application and the functionality required. However, in general, if you are looking to service external systems or integrate different applications, Web Services may be the best choice. How to create a SOAP service?Creating a SOAP service is a relatively simple process that requires only a basic understanding of the SOAP protocol and the programming languages used to create the service. First, you need to choose the programming language you want to use to create the service, such as Java or C#. Once done, you can start coding for the SOAP service using the tools provided by your chosen programming language.The code for the SOAP service should include definitions of the operations that will be available in the service, as well as the logic that will be executed when these operations are called. Once the code for the SOAP service has been written, you can test it using a SOAP client to verify that it works correctly.Eventually, you can publish the SOAP service to a web server so that it can be accessed by other SOAP clients. There are several options available for publishing your service, including using a dedicated web server or hosting the service within an existing web application. In general, creating a SOAP service requires only some basic technical knowledge and can be completed quickly using the right tools. Rest vs SoapWeb services have become an essential part of our daily lives and are used in a wide variety of applications, from social media to online banking. Among the most common types of web services are SOAP and REST, two different approaches to build web services.SOAP is an XML-based protocol that allows clients to request servers to perform functions via SOAP messages. REST (Representational State Transfer) is instead a software architecture that uses the HTTPS protocol to access web resources.One major difference between SOAP and REST is complexity. SOAP is more complex to implement than REST, but offers greater security and reliability. On the other hand, REST is simpler to implement and offers greater scalability, but can be less secure.In general, if you are building a complex application with high security requirements, you might prefer the SOAP approach. On the other hand, if you want to build a simple application with a high degree of scalability and flexibility, the REST approach might be your best choice. In any case, both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages and the choice will depend on the specific needs of the project. API serverA server API is an application programming interface that allows other applications to communicate with a web server. This type of service is often used to allow different applications to communicate with each other effectively.To use an API server, the client application must be able to make HTTPS calls to the server. This way, the application can send requests to the server and get the responses.API servers are often used to provide web services, such as handling online payments or sharing data between different applications. Additionally, API servers can be used to build rich web applications that request access to another application's data.To build an effective API server, it is important to choose the right framework and development best practices. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that security is a priority and that authentication and authorization mechanisms are implemented. With these elements in place, your API server can become a vital tool for your online business.

Application Development and Mobile App Developer

The development of an application can be a complex but rewarding process. There are several steps to follow to make sure that the final product is well designed, functional and that it meets the user's needs. The first thing to do is to define the application specifications, establishing what it has to do and how the user should interact with the app. Subsequently, it is necessary to plan the logical structure of the application and draw a prototype of the user interface. So, it is possible to start coding the visual part and the code behind the user interface. Once the technical part is completed, the application should be tested in order to highlight any bugs or other problems. After solving all the problems, it is possible to distribute the application globally.
 Mobile app developer

Being a mobile app developer requires wide knowledge in different areas. First of all, you must be able to program in languages such as Java, Objective-C and Swift. You will also have to have a good understanding of the design of user interfaces and mobile development technologies, such as HTML5 and CSS3. Finally, a good mobile app developer should be able to test apps to ensure that they work correctly on different platforms. A solid knowledge of the management of errors and debugs is important to ensure that your app is ready to be used. Who can help me develop an app?

I am looking for someone who can help me develop an application. I have already identified which type of app I would like to make and what features it must offer, but I don't have the skills necessary to make it alone. In this case, one option is to contact a company that can help understand if the project is actually achievable and profitable, perhaps making a complete analysis of functionality and market first. In Moko we always start from an analysis to avoid having unsatisfied customers.
Developing mobile apps

Developing a mobile app requires good design and industry knowledge. A number of steps need to be followed to ensure you create a successful mobile app. First, you have to choose a platform, such as iOS or Android. From there, the next step is to create a schema that identifies the app's goals and how to meet them. It is important to pay attention to user interface design, security and performance. You should then test your app to make sure it complies with all standards and has the necessary features to provide an excellent user experience. Finally, a promotion plan should be devised to increase the visibility of the app. All of these elements are critical in developing a successful mobile app.
How much does it cost to create an app?

Creating an application can cost from a few tens of euros up to several thousand. The price depends on several factors such as the complexity of the app, the number of features and target platforms (iOS, Android, etc.). A simple app can have an average cost between 3,000 and 5,000 euros, while an app with more features and connected to a database or server can go up to 100,000 or 150,000 euros. Furthermore, there are also additional costs such as hosting, SEO optimization and maintenance.

Progressive Web Apps

What is a Progressive Web App?A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web application that provides an experience similar to that of a native app, but can be accessed via a web browser. A PWA combines the features of a website and a mobile app, as it uses web technologies to provide a rich and engaging user experience. PWAs offer features such as offline access, push notifications, access to device services (such as the camera or the GPS), and installation on the user's screen. This allows users to easily access the PWA without having to download or install any additional software. What is the difference between native apps and hybrid apps?There is a big difference between native apps and hybrid apps. Native apps are applications that are built using a programming language native to a specific operating system, such as iOS or Android. These applications offer the best user experience in terms of performance, access to all device features and integration with other apps.Hybrid apps, by contrast, are built using web programming languages (like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript) that can be installed on mobile platforms like native platforms. These apps provide a less optimal user experience than native apps, but have several advantages over the latter. For example, they have a lower development cost and can be easily distributed across multiple stores such as the App Store or Google Play Store. Furthermore, they are also easier to update as they don't need to release new versions for each platform.

 What is the difference between an app and a web app?Progressive Web Apps (PWA) represent a new way of conceiving web applications, offering users an experience very similar to that offered by a native application. A web app is a version of regular web pages that behave like native apps. It works like a normal website, but the user has the feeling of using an app. Unlike normal apps, which need to be downloaded from stores, web apps can be accessed directly from the browser.Furthermore, PWAs offer additional features such as instant messaging, push notifications, and offline access. These features are not available on simple websites, but only on real native apps. In conclusion, PWAs combine the ease of use and accessibility of normal web pages with some extra features that are usually associated with native applications.

ChatGPT integrated into websites and mobile applications

In a world where online presence is becoming increasingly important to the success of any business, Artificial Intelligence technologies like Chat GPT are becoming an increasingly attractive option for businesses looking to enhance their online presence. In this article, we will explore the role of GPT Chat in the online business world and how using GPT Chat on web and apps can help grow the business world.Before we begin, it's important to understand what GPT Chat is and how it works. Chat GPT is an acronym that stands for "Generative Pre-Trained Transformer", which is a machine learning model that uses natural language processing (NLP) to generate coherent and meaningful text. In other words, Chat GPT can create sentences, paragraphs and entire pages of text autonomously, using natural language processing to understand the context and produce an output in line with what you request.But how does all of this translate to the online business world?One of the main applications of Chat GPT is in chat bots, which are computer programs that simulate a conversation with a human being. These chat bots can be integrated into a website or mobile application, allowing users to interact with the company in a simple and intuitive way. GPT Chat can be used to improve the user experience of these chat bots, making them smarter and able to understand user requests more accurately.For example, a company that sells beauty products could integrate a chat bot into its web page or mobile app. This chat bot could be used to answer users' questions about products, helping them find the right product for their needs. Thanks to GPT Chat, the chat bot may be able to answer more complex questions and provide personalized recommendations based on user data, such as skin type or hair colour.But it's not just in chat bots that Chat GPT can be used to improve the user experience. Web pages and mobile applications can also benefit from using GPT Chat. For example, a company that sells household products might use GPT Chat to create more detailed and engaging product descriptions. This could help users better understand the products and make an informed purchase decision.Also, Chat GPT can be used to create more effective marketing content. For example, a business might use GPT Chat to create a series of articles or social media posts that address common user questions and concerns. This could help the business improve its online reputation and attract new customers.

Corporate Intranet with web and mobile dashboard

The web intranet offers its users a number of services and features, including access to documents, software applications, remote support, security and much more. Its architecture is designed to allow greater flexibility and efficiency than those of traditional networks. The intranet web can be used by everyone in the organization to collaborate, share information and manage tasks more efficiently. The dashboardThe dashboard is a fundamental part of the corporate intranet. It provides a quick overview of the most important data and information, allowing fast and intuitive access to all resources. The dashboard can be customized to display the data that is most relevant to the user. This way, users can quickly get an overview of what is happening in the company. The dashboard also allows you to create customized reports and share information with other employees quickly and efficiently. What is a dashboard?A dashboard is a collection of relevant information that visualizes data in an easy-to-understand way. It is a web page that presents information on a single page with content such as graphs, tables and diagrams. The dashboard presents information in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs). Using the dashboard, users can quickly understand how their business is performing, from financials to team productivity. This tool is very useful for making fast and effective decisions. Web appCreating an intranet web app is a great way to ensure that information is protected and kept within a network. An intranet web app can provide users with an easy-to-use interface that allows them to access documents, images, audio and video files quickly and securely. Security is ensured through the use of multi-factor authentication, such as passwords, access tokens, and digital certificates. Intranet web apps can also be used to share data between employees within the company, so that information can be tracked. In addition, companies can create custom applications that meet their specific needs in terms of security, functionality and convenience. Thanks to these characteristics, intranet web apps are an excellent tool for improving business productivity.
 Why a mobile intranetThe mobile intranet is a solution that allows employees to access various corporate services from a mobile device. It offers access to important information and company resources, such as internal manuals, documentation and even specific applications. Employees can take advantage of this information on the go, while reducing waiting times and the need to physically be in the office. The mobile intranet also helps keep corporate data secure and is an efficient medium for internal communication.
 Ideas for a business intranetStart a task force with employees who can provide feedback and ideas.Create a development platform that allows teams to collaborate more efficiently with each other in real time.Add features such as easy document sharing, content search, video chat and voice chat within the corporate intranet.Implement a user activity monitoring system to obtain information on the use of the corporate intranet.Integrate machine learning solutions into your corporate intranet to improve user experience personalization and automate repetitive tasks like report generation.Create a portal dedicated to company news in order to provide timely information to users.Implement a system for measuring user productivity in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the corporate intranet.Add features like forums, blogs, discussion groups and wikis to encourage employees to interact with each other and share their experiences and ideas within the company intranet.Develop an automated reporting system to simplify the processing of documentation and the tracking of user activities within the intranet.Integrate knowledge management tools such as documentation, manuals, articles, webinars and online courses so employees can expand their skills.Create a feedback portal that allows employees to report problems and suggest improvements to improve the company intranet.Integrate a performance management system to monitor individual and team performance and identify areas for improvement.Implement a multi-factor authentication system to ensure that only authorized users have access to the corporate intranet.Equip yourself with an intuitive dashboard with personalized information about projects, tasks, and deadlines so users can easily keep track of their work.Create a user profiling system to personalize their experience and make sure they only have access to information relevant to their role within the company.Aggregate data from external sources such as social media, websites and mobile applications so employees can access up-to-date content directly from the corporate intranet.Deliver integrated solutions such as CRM, ERP, workforce management, knowledge management and other tools directly from the corporate intranet to streamline the decision - making process. What is a corporate intranet for?A corporate intranet is a private and confidential computer system that allows employees to access specific content, services and applications. It is usually managed by a centralized system and can be reached from anywhere with an Internet connection. The intranet allows companies to provide shared information and make various communication tools available, such as documentation, data archiving, mailing lists, online chats and discussions. Furthermore, users can post comments on shared documents and exchange information with each other efficiently and effectively. The intranet can also be used as a platform for virtual training, HR management or production management. Ultimately, a corporate intranet is a valuable tool that can help companies improve the efficiency of internal communication and collaboration between workers.    

App for data collection at exhibitions and trade fairs

Waiting for the 2023 exhibition season, the EasyContact app introduces some brand new features that allow you to present yourself to your potential customers in an even more professional way:🔎 Optical character recognition (#OCR), so you can simply frame the business card and, automatically, the app will recognize your potential lead's data and save them in the notes field.📩 the possibility to send emails to collected contacts, including attachments! Now you can send your product catalogue, a company presentation or any document you wish.🔐 privacy: the request for consent to data processing will be a mandatory field when registering a new contact.

Internet of Things and Bluetooth

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices connected to each other and to the Internet. Bluetooth connectivity can be used to transmit data between devices, allowing them to interact with each other. Thanks to IoT technology, devices can be connected to each other wirelessly, using bluetooth connectivity. This allows devices such as smartphones, sensors and other devices that support the bluetooth connection to exchange information quickly and efficiently. This can lead to greater efficiency in managing home automation or automating tasks. Additionally, Bluetooth connectivity can allow people to remotely control and monitor their IoT devices, making it easier to manage their home or work environment.There are tons of questions about how to manage and connect Bluetooth devices. First of all, you need to make sure that both devices are Bluetooth enabled. Next, check if the Bluetooth device is compatible with the one to be connected. Once this step has been done, you must access the device settings and select the pairing function. After that, you will have to identify the device to connect in the list of available devices and complete the pairing with a code or a button. Once the pairing procedure is completed, the two devices will be connected via Bluetooth. What connection does Bluetooth use?Bluetooth is an open short-range communication technology that enables wireless connection between compatible devices, such as cell phones, laptops and digital cameras. It uses short-range, spread-spectrum radio frequency (RF) technology for communications. Bluetooth technology is based on a standard protocol called IEEE 802.15.1 which defines how devices can exchange information with each other. The Bluetooth connection is optimized for home use, as most Bluetooth devices are capable of reaching distances of up to 10 meters without interference. What is the Bluetooth connection for?The Bluetooth connection is a wireless communication technology that allows devices such as cell phones, computers and other devices to exchange data with each other. The Bluetooth connection was invented in 1994 and is now one of the most popular technologies on the market.The Bluetooth connection can be used to transmit data such as audio, video, images or files between wireless connectivity enabled devices. Additionally, Bluetooth technology can be used to create wireless networks, allowing multiple people to exchange information wirelessly.Another very popular application of the Bluetooth connection is the use of devices such as headphones, speakers and wireless controllers. These peripherals can be connected to a Bluetooth enabled device without using cables or the like. This way you can listen to music, watch videos or play games without having to worry about tangled cables and more.In summary, the Bluetooth connection provides a convenient and efficient way to transfer data between wireless-enabled devices, as well as create wireless networks that allow multiple people to exchange information wirelessly. It also allows users to connect devices such as headphones and speakers to their wireless enabled device easily and without the need for cables or other complicated methods. At what distance does Bluetooth work?Bluetooth can transmit data over varying distances, from a few meters up to a maximum of 100 meters. The actual distance depends on several factors such as the surrounding environment, electromagnetic interference and signal strength. Most modern Bluetooth devices provide a connection range of about 10-20 meters, but some devices can reach up to 40-50 meters in open spaces. Management via business appManaging a Bluetooth connection for business needs has never been easier. Thanks to the latest technology, you can use business apps to connect devices of any brand, such as laptops, smartphones or tablets. Furthermore, it is possible to manage the connection in a safe and reliable way, offering maximum productivity and energy savings. In addition, connection management via app allows you to easily and quickly manage device settings, such as sound volume, screen brightness and more. In short, thanks to the management via business app, it is possible to obtain efficiency from a Bluetooth connection that would otherwise be complex to configure.  

Mobile app for HR

Giving the right attention to employees and making them participate in the company project also involves tools such as internal social apps, which can be distributed publicly or privately, with features such as media gallery of internal events with the possibility of comments, discount codes for company conventions, information and FAQ sections for procedures, news and events, management of employee cards and codes, surveys and quizzes in game mode, reserved accesses.An employee mobile app can be an innovative and efficient tool for managing these activities, providing employees with an easy and intuitive platform to use and allowing the company to achieve its goals. The use of latest generation technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence), data analysis and machine learning, guarantee a rapid and personalized service capable of satisfying the needs of employees. In this way, it will be possible to guarantee greater collaboration between company and employees, increase productivity and improve the quality of the service offered. What does mobile application mean?A mobile application (also called an app) is a software that can be downloaded and installed on a portable device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Apps offer more advanced features than websites, including instant access to app features without having to type the URL or navigate deep within a website. Apps can also be designed to interact with other devices, such as other mobile phones or computers. Some examples of apps are time management software, games, instant messaging platforms, and calendars. The employee app can provide employees with important information and company updates faster and more efficiently. It can also allow employees to check email, work remotely and manage corporate communications all on one device. HR applicationThe HR application is an invaluable tool for companies wishing to efficiently manage human resources. It offers a variety of features that help you accurately track hours worked, log absences, schedule shifts, and manage employee data. It also allows enterprises to monitor productivity and create detailed reports to identify trends and improve performance. The HR application also provides an intuitive way to manage job vacancies, develop customized training programs and perform personnel assessments. In this way, companies of all sizes can profit from all the benefits of a well-managed HR system. How do the applications work?Employee applications are an effective way to increase workforce productivity and make day-to-day operations easier. These applications can automate some tasks, such as managing working hours or tracking expenses. They also give employees access to valuable information, such as project updates, documentation, and training. They can also encourage communication among teams and build a support network among employees. An application can be installed on any mobile device and provides an intuitive user interface that allows users to easily navigate the application's features. Administrators can also configure settings so that the application is safe and structured. Ultimately, employee applications offer users a simple and efficient solution to manage work quickly and efficiently.How does Moko view mobile apps for employees? Find the answers in our HUMAN RESOURCES section.

Business green app

The green app is usually a mobile application designed to help people reduce their carbon footprints. It could offer suggestions on how to lower the amount of energy consumed and promote sustainable lifestyles. The green business app also usually includes features such as a carbon footprint calculator, a list of local stores that offer green products, information on the latest green technologies, and much more. It is a useful and effective tool for all those interested in contributing to the reduction of environmental impact.
 Corporate app development for business

Developing business apps can be a great opportunity to improve business productivity and efficiency. Green apps are designed to help companies make the most of their resources by reducing energy consumption, improving operational efficiency and optimizing process management. Furthermore, these apps allow companies to start a path towards greater sustainability, helping to reduce the environmental and social impacts associated with the production of goods and services. The platform enables IT teams to build and implement custom apps with functionality that meet specific business needs. Green apps can be integrated with other business systems to monitor internal and external processes more efficiently.
 Professional web application development

Developing professional web applications with a green vision is a profitable choice for companies. The use of eco- friendly technologies, which reduce the environmental impact, is able to ensure positive results in terms of energy efficiency. This results in increased productivity and lower operating costs. Furthermore, the adoption of green strategies in the development of apps can also bring benefits to companies’ reputation, as it demonstrates sensitivity towards environmental issues. Ultimately, investing in green solutions for the professional development of web applications can be a winning move.
 Senior Project Manager

The role of a Senior Project Manager is fundamental to the success of a company that wishes to adopt a green approach. A Senior Project Manager is responsible for managing projects and events that support the company's commitment to protect the environment and reduce environmental impact. These professionals will also need to verify that all procedures and policies comply with environmental requirements, monitor progress, ensure effectiveness and meet deadlines. The Senior Project Manager will also be responsible for developing programs and tools for the efficient management of resources, sustainability objectives and the supply chain. Furthermore, the person in charge will need to be able to coordinate multidisciplinary teams and understand the complex interactions between different business processes.

How to create an app

Creating an app may seem like a difficult task, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can build your app quickly and efficiently.

First, you need to decide what type of app you want to build – whether it's a hybrid, native or web app. Next step, evaluate the end user's needs and the purpose of the app. Once you have a clear vision of your project, you need to find a good development environment to start building your app.

There are several environments to choose from, such as Appcelerator, Xamarin or React Native that offer all the tools you need to build your app. The creation of the user interfaces and the defining of the application design are the next steps. Programs like Sketch or Adobe XD allow you to easily design user interfaces and prepare them for implementation. Eventually, you need to test your application to make sure it works properly and meets the quality standards. By following these steps, you will be able to create your own app successfully.
 What are native apps?

A native app is an application that has been specifically designed for a mobile operating system such as Android or iOS. Using this approach, developers had to recreate the app for each platform, often using different programming languages.

Creating native applications offers the ability to better optimize the hardware configuration, functionality and user experience. Also, because native apps are built on specific platforms, they can leverage their core APIs and basic functionalities.

For example, native apps can access the device's camera settings, memory, and users' retina. Also, the code is generally faster and more efficient than web apps.

The ideal partner for Mobile App development

Who would be the ideal partner for mobile app development?Choosing the right partner is essential to getting the most out of a mobile app project. Here are some elements to consider in the decision-making process:Experience - Consider the quantity and quality of the potential partner's experience in mobile app development. Look for reviews online, talk to previous clients and ask for a portfolio of their work. An expert partner will be able to offer you advice on technologies, designs and marketing strategies.Skills - Make sure the partner has the skills to build the mobile app you have in mind. Control the skills of the team, the technologies they use and their development processes. Also check if they have experts who specialize in areas like UX/UI, cloud computing, and data security.Price - Compare the prices offered by the various partners to get a clearer idea. You should also take into consideration other factors such as the quality of the final product, the speed of delivery and the additional services offered. Remember that the lowest price doesn't always mean the best deal!Working methods - How a partner manages a project is as important as their technical skills. Ask yourself if they are willing to form fruitful partnerships, communicate with you constantly throughout the process, and share regular reports on development progress.Ultimately, finding the right mobile app development partner will take time and energy but it will be worth it at the right time!
What is the difference between native apps and hybrid apps?Native apps are applications that have been specifically designed and developed for a specific type of device, such as an iPhone or Android device. As a result, they use the unique features of the device in question, such as the camera or the accelerometer, and tend to perform better than hybrid apps would.Hybrid apps, on the other hand, are built using the same code base for both iOS and Android. These apps are generally easier to build and maintain than native apps, but they also have fewer features. Furthermore, they are not able to take advantage of all the features of the device in which they are used.For example, if you want to take photos within the hybrid app, you'll need to use the browser's built-in web camera. Conversely, a native app can access the device's camera directly. Load times can also vary considerably between native and hybrid apps. Native apps generally load faster and have fewer performance issues than hybrid apps.In conclusion, if you want to create an app with many features that make the most of the functionality of the device on which it will be installed (for example, access to contacts or the camera), then it is better to opt for a native app. If you want to make a simpler app that doesn't need all the features offered by the device on which it will be installed, then it is better to opt for the hybrid app.
Who can develop an app?If you're looking to build a mobile application, the good news is that there are many ways to do it. You can hire an experienced developer or opt for an app development platform like Appy Pie or Appery.io, which offer intuitive and easy-to-use design tools.If you have the necessary skills, you can also start developing the app yourself. But first you need to figure out which platform to use: iOS or Android? Both platforms have pros and cons, so be sure to do your research to decide which one is right for you.As for programming, if you are not a professional programmer, you can learn how to do it yourself with books and online tutorials. However, if you don't have the time or desire to learn on your own, then you can hire a freelance app developer who can help you build the mobile application at a reasonable price. There are also many app development agencies that specialize in mobile app development that may have the right services for you.Additionally, there is always the option of turning to a digital marketing agency that offers mobile app design and development services. These agencies have dedicated teams made up of professionals with experience in different areas of app development, such as design, programming, and marketing. They also typically offer additional services such as user analytics, A/B testing, and other online marketing services.Choosing the right way to build an app depends on your technical skills, budget, and project needs. Whether you have decided to outsource it to someone or thought about doing it yourself, always remember that creating a profitable app requires commitment and perseverance!
Who creates apps in Italy?In recent years, the mobile application development industry has grown significantly, mainly due to the huge popularity of smartphones. Today, there are thousands of businesses creating mobile apps and services.In Italy, many large companies such as Telecom Italia, Wind and Vodafone offer development services for mobile applications. Many independent vendors and small companies are also emerging as leaders in the Italian mobile sector.There is also a rich community of freelance developers offering bespoke programming services for businesses needing custom apps. Most of these people work from home or in a coworking space and are often professionals with an academic background in the field of technology.App development costs depend on the type and complexity of the application required. For example, the simplest apps can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand for the more complex ones. Additionally, the average time required to complete a project is usually between six months and a year.In conclusion, there is a wide range of options available if you want to build an application in Italy, from large companies to a customized freelance solution. 

Sustainability: how to manage e-commerce returns.

Environmental sustainability is also an increasingly important issue in online and offline sales.With the rise of online shopping in recent years, returns have also increased: the possibility to return a product free of charge is an important factor for customers, who can then buy with tranquillity, knowing that they can return the product if it does not meet their expectations.Unfortunately, however, returns have a big negative impact on retailers' pockets and on the environment: it is estimated that in the US, in 2020 alone, 2.6 million tonnes of returns ended up in landfills and that the shipping process of returned items caused the emission of 16 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2)As a result, companies have started to consider the sustainability of their returns and look for ways to minimise them without compromising salesThis Google research has gathered some ideas for improving return processes and reducing costs. For example, companies can:Understand what customers don't like about products through social media or reviews to understand what didn't work and improve that aspectEnsure that products arrive at their destination undamagedMake packaging easier to recycle or reuse: for example, some retailers have started to reuse packaging received with returns and reduce the thickness of the cardboard by a few millimetres or the padding by a few grams to save entire tonnes of packaging material each yearImprove the user experience by giving more information about products: videos, pictures, colours, sizes, etc. help to understand whether or not a product is suitable for buyers' needsEducate customers, make them think about the impact returns can have on the environment and show them which is the most sustainable option to return products

How to make web and app experiences more secure and accessible.

Today, billions of people around the world use Chrome and Android for work or in their free time to do research, shop online and have fun. The recent acceleration of digital has made it possible for companies to connect with more customers and expand their businesses faster than ever before, both through the web and apps.On the other hand, consumers increasingly value the protection of their privacy as their behaviour moves online. People expect companies to treat their data responsibly and are concerned about being tracked on the Internet.In this, Google is committed to improve users' privacy while providing the tools and insights to grow companies' businesses. In fact, the US company plans to import the Privacy Sandbox into Android to strengthen privacy protections for Android users without ceasing to help app developers, advertisers and publishers grow their businesses.In addition, Google recommends playing ahead to create a more privacy-conscious marketing strategy. For instance, it recommends creating value for its customers by sharing content, information and entertaining, so as to establish deeper relationships with the owners of the data. Doing so will make it easier for them to engage and share data with the company.

On-device conversion measurement

With the advent of Apple's AppTrackingTransparency, promoting iOS apps has become more complex. To support marketers and improve the performance of iOS app campaigns, Google launched on-device conversion measurement, a new measurement solution that protects privacy and preserves and improves observable data.Simply put, with on-device conversion measurement, user interactions with app ads can be associated with app conversions in a way that prevents identifying information from leaving the user's device.For example, if an app ad reaches a person connected with their Google account and that person clicks on the ad and downloads the app to their device by creating an in-app account with their Google account email, with this type of measurement, the company will be able to link the installation of the app to the click on the ad, while ensuring that the person's personal information is never disclosed to third parties, including Google, because it will never leave their device.Thus, enabling the measurement of on-device conversions allows companies to use the proprietary email data of app users who have given consent to obtain, in a privacy-friendly way, detailed information about conversions that might otherwise go unnoticed and unmeasured. This facilitates the achievement of corporate marketing goals.

Moko at the Parksmania Awards 2022.

On 20 and 21 October we will be at Movieland - The Hollywood Park, a Cinema theme park that is part of CanevaWorld Resort, for the Parksmania Awards, the "Oscars of amusement parks".During the event, the prestigious awards that have been awarded since 2000 by Parksmania.it, an Italian newspaper made up of professionals and consultants with specific skills in the amusement park sector, will be bestowed.The awards will go to the Italian and European amusement parks that have most distinguished themselves during the season for the best initiatives.During these days, in addition to the award ceremony, there will be many reserved events, with technical tables where different topics will be discussed: on this occasion we will talk about our idea of app development for amusement parks.Given that the sector is growing rapidly (during 2022, the trend in parks was extremely positive, with a double-digit increase in terms of attendance compared to 2019 and peaks even reaching +40%), we have developed an app that we think can respond to the current needs of the market, capable of improving the user experience and making amusement increasingly smart and digital.In particular, the app will accompany the user throughout their stay at the park, from the booking of internal events to the purchase of gadgets and souvenirs, giving them a unique experience.

Modern Search approach.

In recent years, the advertising solutions of the Google Search network have adapted to the way people search online. Moreover, thanks to the rise of machine learning, marketers have been able to automate search campaign management through sophisticated rules for smarter bidding, customised scripts, tracking, tagging and more. But the evolution of AI through search is also evolving.As Google explains in its research, keywords are now smarter: they are semantic, based on meaning, rather than syntactic, based on specific wording or word order. This means that advertisers can reach more queries with fewer keywords. This is the basis of Modern Search.The benefits of Modern Search for brands are:Achieve better performance in terms of online conversionsManage their advertising accounts more easilySave time to spend on strategy and finding new growth opportunitiesIdentify insights more easily, to make data-driven business decisions

The future of marketing: new trends.

Marketing through content to attract new consumers and create a long-lasting relationship is something every company should do.In fact, various research has shown that consumers guide their purchasing choices toward brands that they feel are close to them. Consequently, increasing one's brand reputation, through effective communication strategies and plans, leads to the creation of a reputation built and maintained over time, starting with content that aims to lead to conversion and at the same time inform users.Some of the future trends on which to base your communication and use to create effective and interesting content for your audience are:augmented reality (AR), a technology that allows users to interact with the external environment, taking advantage of elements already present in the environment. For example, it can be use to allow customers to immerse themselves in a simulated world to see and use the products offered.artificial intelligence (AI) to create interactive content. A practical example is chatbots to manage interactions with customers.the metaverse, a shared, immersive and interactive virtual world thanks to tools such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). In this article, we discussed possible uses.sustainability: consumers expect companies to show how they are making a difference in what they are doing to protect the environment and future generations.accessibility; even the Google team recently talked about this in one of their latest articles.

The importance of UX and UI.

As already described in this article, the UI is the set of graphical choices that allow the user to interact with the website or app, while the UX is the strategy to improve the experience of users or visitors when they connect to a website or app.Since the main goal of any company is to increase sales and boost its business growth, UX and UI Design plays an essential role in this, because it improves the user experience and customer satisfaction, helps to win the trust of consumers, through the study of a simple, intuitive and easy-to-use design, created specifically with its target audience and its needs in mind.Investing in good design serves to:Increase conversion rates: if the company wants to sell its products and services an engaging and interactive UX/UI will keep users engaged, leading them to buy and subsequently to build loyaltyIncrease sales and maximise ROI: with a well-structured UX/UI, users will find the right product for them and buy it in just a few clicks. Satisfied customers often become loyal to the brand and return to buy and in the meantime recommend the brand to others, thus increasing the company's ROIDevelop a solid brand identity: a well-developed UX/UI attracts users and increases the credibility and trustworthiness of the companyAt Moko, we design websites and apps with the end user in mind to make their experience easy and simple in order to create value for them and for the company.Discover our landing page and all our projects.

Stages of app development.

The mobile industry is growing rapidly and the demand for mobile app development is increasing every day. But at the basis of developing a mobile app or web app there must be an idea and a good market analysis to know your company's target audience and competitors, so that the project comes to life and is successful.The steps to be followed for this to happen are as follows:Analysis of the customer's request and feasibility study by researching the target market and ideal customers, in order to have a clear idea of what the customer's need is and what requirements have to be met for the software development, and the definition of how the customer expects their app to work, through the creation of a blueprint, to have a clear vision of what the requirements are, the work needed, the goals and the expected results of the projectRealisation of the storyboard, i.e. a visual representation of the user interface of the app, showing the screens of the app and the connections between these screens. A great deal of attention must be paid to usability and user experience: only with an in-depth study of in-app behaviour patterns can a mobile product be created that meets the user's objectives and exceeds their expectationsFrontend and backend developmentTesting to verify that the functioning of the application complies with all the specifications that were established in the analysis phase and the correctness of the design and development phasePublication of the app in the relevant stores or in private mode (if the app is for internal use)Implementation of functionalities and maintenance for proper functioning of the appObviously, during the analysis phase, the type of app to be developed will also be chosen to better meet the company's needs. The app types are:Native apps - these are developed specifically for each operating system (Android or iOS) and allow a high degree of customisation. For iOS we use the Swift language, while for Android we use KotlinWeb Apps - are real web pages optimised for the mobile world, created with languages such as JavaScript or HTML that do not need to be installed on the device, but are used via a web browserCross platform or hybrid apps - programmed using a single code that is interpreted and adapted for each operating system. Compared to native apps, they are simpler and quicker to develop and application maintenance is easier.If you are looking for a digital solution and have an idea for your business, contact us. Our team of experts will be able to advise you on the best choice for your business.

Why should you invest in an app?

Research has shown that there are 80 million smartphones in Italy, compared to a population of 60 million. Mobile devices are mainly used to access social networking and shopping apps, to search for information and read news; apps dedicated to music and fitness and health are also widely used.This data confirms the fact that smartphones are the preferred tool for accessing the web; consequently, it is clear that companies need to ask themselves whether they should invest in the development of an app for their brand.So the question arises: why invest in app development? The answer is simple: to engage and retain customers. In an app, it is easier to navigate, find what we are looking for and save it as a favourite, compared to a website, albeit optimised for mobile devices.The benefits are numerous, including:Increasing visibility and strengthening the brand image: the app is not just another channel (in addition to social), but an extension of the brand, always at your fingertips and under the eyes of your customersCustomer loyalty: with just a few taps, users can communicate with the brand and the company can stay in touch with its customers and/or potential customers 24 hours a day. In this, apps are very useful for personalising communication, optimising the user experience and increasing conversion rates.Optimise customer service: customer care is of key importance and thanks to apps it is possible to offer a fast and functional service.Use smartphone functionality: apps can interact with the camera, GPS and many other applications on the smartphoneAccess content offline: apps can perform many functions and offer users content without an internet connectionClick on the tags to see our app development portfolio and if you have an idea for an app, contact us. Our team of experts will be able to advise you on the best choice for your business.

The importance of a website and e-commerce.

Today, it is increasingly important to have a website or e-commerce: every day, millions and millions of users search for information online before purchasing products and services, so a website is like a business card, a window to the world open 24 hours a day, allowing you to make yourself known and increase the visibility of your business, products and services, thus instilling a professional and reliable image.The benefits and advantages of developing a website or e-commerce are numerous, including:Strengthening the company brand identity, through good copy that explains what the company does, what services or products it offers, what the company mission and vision is.Creating interaction and reaching new customers through reviews and the addition of social buttonsBuild customer loyalty by sending newsletters with discounts and promotionsSell online and make your business internationalHave up-to-date statistics on your target audience and create remarketing strategiesAnd now that you know why it is important to have a website, contact Moko for information and to develop a site tailored to your needs.

Digitization of amusement parks.

Over the past few years, the amusement park sector has undergone major changes. Many entrepreneurs have decided to digitise various areas of the parks, to improve their offerings, increase visitor attendance and increasingly respond to their needs, putting them at the centre of the business, since the world of amusement parks is all about the user experience.Possible digital tools that help collect a lot of measurable data to create a successful business development strategy are:Apps or WebApps for surveys and reviews, so that visitors can give their opinion about the facility or a specific theme (perhaps in exchange for a gadget or discount to come back again) to collect useful information about their preferences. Software for automating ticketing procedures, to quickly and easily manage bookings, control the number of visitors in real time, and better manage large crowds in a short space of time.Moko develops software and applications for analysis, surveys and polls: contact us for information on the development of these platforms.

Blockchain, AI e IoT: Fondo per lo sviluppo.

“Sosteniamo gli investimenti delle imprese in tecnologie all’avanguardia, con l’obiettivo di favorire la modernizzazione dei sistemi produttivi attraverso modelli di gestione sempre più interconnessi, efficienti, sicuri e veloci”Con queste parole viene spiegato l’obiettivo del decreto attuativo che istituisce il Fondo per lo sviluppo delle tecnologie e delle applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale, blockchain e IoT.A partire dal 21 settembre 2022 potranno richiedere agevolazioni le imprese e centri di ricerca pubblici o privati che vogliono realizzare progetti e attività di ricerca industrialesviluppo sperimentaleinnovazione dell'organizzazione e innovazione di processo, finalizzate al sostegno e allo sviluppo delle tecnologie e delle applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale, blockchain e IoT, in diversi settori strategici:saluteambiente e infrastruttureindustria e manifatturieroeducazioneagroalimentarecultura e turismologistica e mobilitàsicurezza e tecnologie dell’informazioneaerospazioPer facilitare il processo di richiesta, a partire dal 14 settembre, le domande potranno essere precompilate.Nelle domande si dovrà precisare quale tra le tecnologie finanziate si intende sviluppare, la tipologia di progetto e la tipologia di impresa.Per ulteriori informazioni consulta il sito del MISE a questa pagina.

Guidelines for accessibility.

When working on the development or renovation of a site or an app, it is good to remember the importance of accessibility: one must ask oneself whether the digital tool will be easily usable by all people, regardless of their physical and cognitive abilities, and thus adopt a series of measures.Here are some points from where you can start thinking about what you can implement to meet the needs of your target group:Develop a responsive site to automatically adapt to different devices Provide descriptions for each section of the site or app for a quick and easy access to contentUse the right fonts and colours to avoid eye fatigue when navigating and eliminate anything that is visually harmfulInclude alternative text in imagesThere are various techniques that can be adopted; the Google team also spoke about this recently in one of its latest articles, where it discussed with four brands how they conceive and implement accessibility and disability inclusiveness. From the discussion, a number of aspects to keep in mind emerged, namely:Assigning the right importance to accessibility within the companyInvolve employees with disabilities and customers with accessibility needs in the development projectKeep in mind that creating more accessible user experiences will never end, the most important thing is to start

Best practises for a successful e-commerce.

The number of consumers who decide to shop online is growing steadily. Consumers now feel comfortable using Internet to shop, trust in digital has increased, so taking care of every aspect of your e-commerce site is important to create a strong online presence and increase sales.That is why you should keep these best practices in mind to increase your e-commerce conversions:Understand customers and personalise their experience through the analysis of buyer personasCreate a simplified user interface to allow users to easily switch between productsOptimise the site for mobile devices as the trend to purchase through them is increasingUse eye-catching images and product demonstration videos to engage usersAdd a search bar to allow users to filter searches according to their preferences Enable the ''recently viewed products'' display so that recommendations on similar or related products to buy can also be givenOffer options such as free shipping for purchases above a specific amount and/or free product samples to present the product range and to attract customers to a particular productTake care of the e-commerce check-out to improve the conversion rate and avoid cart abandonmentCreate loyalty programmes to motivate people to register on the site and become regular customersCreate a FAQ page to answer customers' questions about shipping and return policiesProvide customer service available via phone, email and live chatEnable customer reviews so that they can rate products and entice others to buy from e-commercePrioritise SEO to reach the top of Google rankings based on searches for products sold on e-commerce

Tools for an efficient internal communication.

Internal communication in a company is as important as it is neglected and taken for granted, but it is essential for the satisfaction of company figures and to improve it, it is useful to think of an effective communication strategy and use the right tools.In fact, a good internal communication and the right transmission of information play a fundamental role in managing a company in the best possible way, increasing productivity and employee involvement, sharing the company's mission and vision with everyone.For the flow of information and communication to be clear and fast, and to make sure that communications reach everyone, companies must provide themselves with the right tools that can facilitate these business processes.There are many useful tools for effective internal communication that companies can use, including:Intranet, to find information, tools and useful servicesApp Finder, where employees can benefit from all company services (expense reports, product catalogue, etc.)Product Finder App, a digital tool useful for the sales force to have the entire product range available at all timesClick on the tags to see the projects developed by Moko and contact us for more information about these internal communication tools.

Mobile user experience: best practises.

In project development, the focus must always be on the end user, especially in mobile app development. In fact, only with an in-depth study of in-app behavioral patterns can a mobile product be created that meets the user's goals and exceeds their expectations.Furthermore, the development of a mobile app based on these studies facilitates the design thinking process, thus creating practical solutions to improve the mobile user experience.From these studies, here are some tips to consider for optimal mobile UX:Easy navigation: through the inclusion of easy-to-find elements so that users can navigate from one screen to another or back again without problemsFacilitate the search for products and/or services: so that users can quickly find what they need, to meet their needs and increase conversion rates. There are many search strategies that can be integrated, such as barcode scanning or keyword searchingDesign a "Thumb-friendly" app: whether they use one hand or two to hold the smartphone, users use their thumbs to navigate and click on content, so to make buttons "clickable" each operating system has its own button design options for better UX. In many cases, 44x44px buttons work on every operating system and mobile deviceOffer assistance and feedback: click-to-call buttons or live chat can be implemented to provide assistance to users. Also, giving an immediate response whenever the app is performing some operation in the background or the user clicks a button is something to be taken into account. If something needs to take a while to load, instead of a blank screen it may be useful to include a loading bar or some animation to keep the user engagedChoose the right fonts: according to tech biggies like Apple and Google, the ideal font should be 12 points, so users can read information on the screen without zooming in and it helps them hold their device at an ideal distanceUse colours and backgrounds as functional elements: colours are very important to direct the user's attention and to establish a visual hierarchy; of course they should always reflect the brand identity. The background between the interface elements and the rest of the content can be successfully used to attract attention (often the use of white improves UX)Use high resolution images: better use vector images that automatically scale on each screen and maintain high qualityPersonalise the user experience: using user data to display content and materials relevant to the user's needs and preferences. For example, including the user's name on the screen and in push notification messages is a simple and effective way to personalise

Mobile marketing and the digital world.

The expression "Mobile Marketing" refers to all the strategies that are needed to better communicate with one's target audience, through smartphones and tablets, using them as a two-way channel to strengthen the relationship with the brand and the products offered.In recent years there has been exponential growth in the mobile world and according to some research, the smartphone is now the first channel for online purchases and searches and 40% of Italians use it to do online shopping. So doing marketing today means:To understand and analyse new customer needsTo build multi-channel strategies by choosing a mobile-first approach, integrating them with the entire digital worldTo create a more personalised and targeted communication To promote your company's products and services also through smartphones, tablets and other mobile devicesTo do this you need to:Research and analyse your target audience through in-depth researchDefine your objectives and specific KPIs to monitor your strategiesDevelop your website in a mobile-friendly way to be accessible on all devices and allow, in the case of e-commerce, to buy also from smartphones.Take care of the mobile user experience, by putting the customer firstCreate apps to engage your consumers and create a better connection with your brandTake ASO (App Store Optimisation) into account to increase the visibility of your app in storesMake the most of social media, by developing a strategy based not only on advertising, but also on content. The development of Social Commerce should also be taken into account.Take advantage of geolocation to send offers and services linked to the user's location.Take advantage of new technologies such as NFC for engagement

Business planning: from blueprint to business plan.

Before starting to develop a project, it is important to draw up various analysis documents that attest to all the processes to be carried out, in order to have a clear view of what has to be done, the goals and the expected results of the project.A useful document can be the blueprint, which describes the required system's creation process: it starts with an analysis of the target market to analyse what the new tool can do to improve the company's structure and market position, and ends with a written and graphical description of what the digital tool will be able to do.Then, a business plan can be drawn up, describing in detail a business project with related goals, strategies, sales, marketing and financial predictions. It includes a descriptive part where the project is explained, the target market and the necessary resources to achieve the goals are described, and a numerical part where the economic and financial projections are presented.Moko creates blueprints to help you define all the steps of the project you want to realise and to better understand what resources are needed and how to manage them in order to achieve your goals and expectations.Are you interested in creating a blueprint for your project? Contact us for more information.

Data collection app.

Company personnel (employees, representatives, commercial agents) who have tocollect and retrieve data from internal systemsattend trade fairs and eventscertainly need to collect data and/or customer personal data in a streamlined and fast way.For this reason, companies must develop applications that can improve the efficiency of these processes; they must also be able to be integrated with management systems used internally, so that the data collected can be seen in real time and shared with the team.The advantages of these tools are numerous, for examplereduced time and costsincreased securityimproved information recovery processrapid data sharingMoko has developed applications for data and personal data collection. See our portfolio for more information.

Approval flow tools.

An approval flow is a business process that requires the approval of several operating personnel, such as managers and/or team leaders, before it is completed.With the Digital Transformation, companies have decided to invest in and adopt new tools that facilitate this process and reduce time and costs, so that internal approvals and the collaboration of different business units can be speeded up, thus benefiting the entire company structure.Approval flow tools:improve and streamline the decision-making processimprove the transparency and compliance of the work of each corporate figure, as the entire flow is established according to predefined criteriaenable dialogue between different organisational areas of the company, thus managing all approval flows in a single applicationallow users to work on digitised documents, thus avoiding paper wastefacilitate sharing of information and increase collaboration between the work teamFor example, applications or web apps can be useful for managing the approval flow of:order processing and purchasingdevelopment of new products or projectscorrective actionscreation of promotional material such as flyers, billboards, window decals, etc. that require several approval steps by several functions involved in the project, internal or external to the company

Shopping of the future.

With the advent of the metaverse, new scenarios have opened up for businesses. For example, shops will have the opportunity to combine digital activities and create real extensions of the physical shop to open the door to greater experiential engagement.So in the future what will shopping be like? It will certainly be easier, simpler and more fun, through:Shopping assistance while in the store. Thanks to an app you can save your shopping list and the app will suggest the shortest and most useful route to buy all the products, also through an alert notification system. In addition, you can enter the recipe in the app that you want to compose and based on it you can see in the app all the products you need and the location to buy them in the store.Augmented content to see information about the products you want to buy on the flyers, through technologies such as ARVirtual headsets to be used in dedicated corners in stores created to promote products of a particular brandShopping from home by navigating in a 3D environment on monitors (PC, Mac, game console) and using VR visors for augmented realityThere is still a lot of work to be done to make this a reality, but surely the shopping of the future will be set up to give the consumer a lot of creative input through a better user experience.

BikedIn, a green project.

Sustainability is an act of responsibility and commitment that each of us can take on to preserve the environment and future generations.At Moko we believe that companies can do their part to innovate for environmental sustainability, even through small virtuous gestures, such as using a bicycle to go to the office or to business meetings.This is why we have developed a new project, BikedIn, to encourage the use of bicycles in companies.Through our online platform, companies will be able to register and join this project, easily and for free, and thus ensure that visitors and employees can park their bikes safely.Your social commitment to environmental sustainability and protection has never been easier.Join BikedIn and start doing your part.Find out more on the website and on Linkedin and Facebook pages.

New EasyContact features.

EasyContact has always been intended to be an intuitive and easy-to-use app for trade fairs, meeting and any other event requiring the collection of contacts from your potential leads.And as many countries have initiated a new trade fair season EC has been updated with new features to present yourself to your potential customers in a professional way.The features are:OCR, so you can scan your business card and the app will automatically recognise the details of your potential lead.Multi-user management, so several users can use the app simultaneouslyData collection in a single database, fully owned by your companySignature collectionAutomatic e-mailingSend your product catalogue by e-mailLink EasyContact woth other apps, such as the Product Finder AppIf you are interested in having all these new features in your EasyContact app, contact us for more information and to request a quote

Possible uses of OCR.

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that enables the decoding of printed or handwritten text into encoded text content. It automatically recognises letters, numbers and symbols from a paper document or image and converts them into digital form.It is often used when there is a need to have a digital copy of a document, which may be a register, a passport, an invoice, a letter or business cards.This technology is used in many sectors, for example:the legal sector, where a digital copy of documents is often requiredthe banking sector, to extract data from cheques, mortgage applications and pay slipsthe medical sector, to scan old paper medical records into digital formatMoko has implemented this technology in EasyContact, the most widely used data collection app at the trade fair. Thanks to OCR, users can scan the business card and the app will automatically recognise the data of potential customers quickly and easily.For more information, please contact Moko team.

The new Google search.

"At Google, we’re always dreaming up new ways to help you uncover the information you’re looking for — no matter how tricky it might be to express what you need. That’s why today, we’re introducing an entirely new way to search: using text and images at the same time."With these words Belinda Zeng, Product Manager at Google, introduces Multisearch, a new way of doing research, using artificial intelligence to help users find what they are looking for in a more intuitive way, using text and images simultaneously.To do this visual + copy search, simply open the latest iOS and Android versions of the app, tap the camera icon and take a photo or choose one from your device's gallery. To complete the search and use this new feature, click on the "Add to your search" button to enter text.For now, this new feature is in beta mode, in the testing phase, only in the United States, but will soon arrive in other countries.

Product Finder App's features.

The Product Finder App is a useful digital tool for the sales force, distributors, retailers and representatives to have the whole range of products always available, constantly updated to improve the user experience.It is also a great tool for building customer loyalty: if downloaded, an app is always present and visible on the users' phone or tablet screen, so there is a greater probability of interaction with it and consequently with the brand itself.PFA's features are customised and implementable over time, depending on business goals, including:Advanced filters and instant search to help your users find the items they want in just a few taps, with no waiting.Push notifications with customised messages for users to stay up-to-date with themCollection of KBI (Key Behaviour Indicators) to measure user behaviour in order to improve the proposed offerOffline mode, without internet connection, so that it can also be used on the move during business meetings and conferences.Dedicated CMS to manage and update all the information and details of the products featured in the app in real time. It is also possible to add different product ranges depending on the countries and markets where the company operates.To find out more visit the dedicated website and see the projects developed by clicking on the tag below.

Why it is useful to do a digital assessment.

When you start thinking about a new digital business project, it is important to analyse a number of factors that can determine the success of the project, such as your target market, your competition and, above all, your company.In fact, before starting any digital development project, it is important to know the initial level of digitalisation of the employees and the company in order to understand whether the project can be feasible and useful over time. A useful tool for this step is a digital assessment.A digital assessment is an evaluation methodology useful to examine the digital maturity of a company and its ability to implement technologies that can make the business model more efficient, to better invest in useful tools and to enhance the human capital present in the company.It is a key process to gather accurate data on the company's situation, before proceeding with investments for the development and implementation of new digital tools.

Tips for an optimal e-commerce checkout.

In order to increase the conversion rate of e-commerce, it is important to improve the check-out phase, as this is the stage that turns website visitors into real customers.According to various researches, almost 70% of e-commerce users abandon the shopping cart before placing their order because the check-out is too long, with complicated or unnecessary intermediate steps.To avoid wasting the marketing efforts that brought potential customers to the site, it is best to optimise the check-out experience by following these simple rules:Make the creation of an account optional: a wise choice could be to include the possibility of a guest check-out or to give the opportunity to register after the order has been placed, so as to speed up future purchases.Optimise check-out for mobile devices: various statistics show that people surf the internet far more from smartphones than from desktops and the tendency to buy from them is increasing (from 52.4% to 72.9%), so it is good to optimise check-out for mobile devices, removing potential barriers in the user's path to purchase.Improve copy and microcopy: buttons, forms and welcome messages, the menu, the 404 page, etc. are elements to consider in order to encourage and reassure users.Offer different payment methods: Stripe and PayPal are just two of the possible methods that accept almost all credit cards, but other payment methods such as the classic cash on delivery should not be taken for granted. The important thing is that customers can find their preferred method of payment.Inform customers about the costs they will incur: the e-commerce check-out page must include all costs that customers will incur (shipping costs, taxes), to be clear and transparent and avoid unpleasant surprises.Reassure customers about the security of transactions: HTTPS protocol, security badges from known anti-malware software and logos from brands that guarantee payment security ensure that users can trust to enter their payment card details and complete their order.Showing the progress in the purchase process: inserting a time line can help to understand how many more steps are needed to complete the checkout process.Don't forget to say thank you: after completing the purchase with a personalised message and with a follow-up email, in order to convey value and build a lasting relationship with the customer.And if once these strategies are in place, users continue to abandon the basket before placing the order, you can use email marketing (e.g. reminders about abandoned shopping cart or special discounts to entice purchases) or develop a retargeting strategy with Google Ads and social media.

New consumer habits and omnichannel strategy.

In the last two years, there has been a significant change in consumers' shopping experiences.Between physical shops, online shops, Click & Collect and more conscious consumer choices towards companies that have a good brand reputation and share the same values as them (sustainability, wellbeing of the environment and people, etc.), brands had to change their offer strategy to respond to these new habits.It has become essential to analyse and understand consumer behaviour (understand what they are looking for, what they ask, how they rate a product, a service or the company itself) and to offer satisfying shopping experiences, using all available channels.Especially among Generation Z kids, there is a desire to build their own purchasing path, very often by choosing a brand with values that represent them.This is why it is important for brands to take care of:their communication, to always be honest and transparent with customerstheir customer care, in an omnichannel perspective. Tools such as chat boxes can be useful to keep in touch and be available to customers and better understand their tastes and needs.As for online purchases, don't underestimate the importance of the mobile user experience and e-commerce, especially the check-out phase.

Strengthen customer loyalty.

Customer loyalty is one of the main factors leading to a real return on investment for companies, especially in the medium and long term, and aims to reward fidelity and create a sense of belonging to the brand.With the social media impact, people have become more aware of the companies they buy from, through their communication, messages, adv, etc., and have therefore drastically changed their buying habits, so much so that, according to Google research, only 12% of Italian customers declare themselves loyal to a brand and one Italian buyer out of three has tested new brands, retailers or platforms in recent months.We can say that it has become a real challenge to consolidate customer loyalty and the best way to do this is certainly to offer customers messages and products in line with their needs and expectations. To do this it is necessary:Know your target audience: understanding who they are, what their needs are, what their expectations are and how they interact, knowing their buying behaviour, what makes them choose a product or a service is valuable information for your customer acquisition strategyCommunicate your values: in a straightforward and honest way and communicating your identity in an authentic way is important for establishing a relationship between customer and companyCommunicate on social media where customers are present: with the right message and the right tone of voice. This is the basis of any marketing strategyUse data to personalise communication: by collecting all the information along the customer journey, to reach customers with messages relevant to them

Tips for a great brand reputation

Every day people search online and read reviews before buying products or using services, so every business with an online presence should have a brand reputation management plan.A good brand reputation, both online and offline, is vital for any business to strengthen the bond with current customers, inspire trust and generate sales.In fact, consumers steer their purchasing decisions towards brands that they consider ethical and that reflect their personal values, so having a good brand reputation means having consumers who trust the company, who appreciate the products or services offered.Brand reputation is based on many factors: from communication plans and strategies to socio-economic choices, from the ability to attract new talent and keep them in the company to its public image, from customer care to respect for privacy. All these factors are of fundamental importance for the creation of a reputation built and maintained over time, starting from what is written on the web.Some best practices to consider for building a good brand reputation are:Constantly monitor reputation: this is the basis of any brand reputation management strategy. Thanks to tools such as Google Alerts or Social Mention, you can do constant monitoring by using alerts and feeds to capture every mention and keyword and to access relevant conversations on social networks and review sites.Have a good communication strategy: this is essential to express the company's ideas and values to users, to be understood by potential customers and to start a dialogue with them.Reply to reviews and messages: a personal, timely and polite response is always a good business card, especially in response to negative opinions.Focus on the customer: satisfied customers are loyal to your brand and, through word of mouth, are the ones who bring in other customers. Listen to their needs, receive their feedback, provide assistance if they need it, through good customer care and keep your promises, to make sure they speak well of your company.Personalize interactions: through specific and dedicated messages and offers, to make them feel important and increasingly connected to the company.Involve employees: they are the first brand ambassadors, so to improve the company's image and encourage a positive perception of the company as a place to work, it is a good idea to involve the people who work there.Be authentic: being transparent, honest, direct and communicating yourself in an authentic way is fundamental for the establishment of a relationship between customer and company.

Digital project development phases

The production of Digital projects, such as Mobile Apps, Web platforms (websites, ecommerce, etc.), Intranet software, in order to be successful and to "land" on solid foundations, requires special focus in each of the phases listed below:Analysis of the client's request and feasibility study: through a blueprint document, to define all the business processes in written and graphical form and have a clear view of what the requirements are, the work needed, the goals and the expected results of the project. It is always necessary to be very aware of the client's needs and the limitations of software development, in order to identify the best solution from a functional and budgetary point of view.Software design: once the actual requirements have been studied and all the work needed for development has been analysed, the app or site is designed to be truly in line with the requirements. During this phase, the software architecture is established, taking into account the various systems and subsystems, interfaces, components, data structures, algorithms, etc.Software development: this is the phase where the software source code is written. Identifying milestones for progressive release is often useful and functional for design checks during development.Testing: this phase aims to check that the functioning of the site or application complies with all the specifications that were established in the analysis phase and that the design and coding are correct. Particular attention must be paid to the testing phase in developments where there are connections to IoT third-party objects via connections such as BLE, Wi-Fi, etc.: sensors, dongles, household appliances, car controllers, etc.Golive: Once the testing phase is over, the project is released, either publicly on stores or privately in the various internal distribution modes, and starts its operational life.Maintenance: The post-publication phase is very important. Updates to the various operating systems and web browsers affect the functionality of applications. An adequate maintenance programme can prevent problems arising from device software upgrades.

The right sales tool.

The interest of companies in digitising their business processes, especially during sales phase, so that they can have their products and related information in a single tool, smartphones and tablets friendly, has led to a great demand for the development of professional applications that can:save time and costsimprove productivityensure business growthMoko meets this important demand with the Product Finder App, bringing the entire product range in one tool available to the sales force, distributors, retailers and representatives.The functionalities are tailored to the company's objectives, including:Simple to use and quick search for the desired product, thanks to advanced tools such as instant search and category filtersNotification with personalised messages to keep in constant contact with your customersConstant management and updating of products, also depending on the reference market, thanks to the dedicated CMSIt is also possible to use it without an internet connection, so that you can also use it on the move.To find out more, visit the dedicated page and see the projects developed by clicking on the tag below.

Android Automotive OS and CarPlay compatible apps.

As technologies evolve and cars become more connected, developers have more and more opportunities to create innovative experiences in cars and reach new audience segments. Thus, Google announced some time ago the development of an Android operating system adapted and optimized for operation in cars, namely Android Automotive OS, a real specific version of the popular operating system. A platform that, compared to the better known Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, was created to extend the possibilities for users and opportunities for manufacturers and developers.According to Google, this new operating system offers a connected, safe and fluid experience in every car and, thanks to guidelines, helps developers to create and test apps for cars in a simpler and easier way.In the future, this system could become one with the different functionalities in the cars and work completely autonomously, without necessarily relying on a smartphone as in the case of the most common carplay compatible apps.Many car manufacturers have started to use this new operating system (Polestar) or have announced partnerships with Google that will bring Android Automotive on their vehicles (Ford, Honda, Stellantis).

Meta(verse): the future of companies

In recent months, we have often heard people talking about the metaverse, after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg decided to change the name of his company to Meta, with the aim of making it "a virtual space where people can interact, work, play, socialise and get to know each other".The metaverse, a term invented by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel 'Snow Crash', is a shared, immersive and interactive virtual world thanks to tools such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). And according to some, it is the next step in the evolution of the Internet.The scenarios for companies are numerous: it can be used:to boost customer engagement through marketing and gamification strategiesfor business meetings and internal stakeholder meetingsfor virtual events and trade fairs.Also in the case of shops, many will combine digital activities and create real extensions of the physical shop to open the doors to greater experiential engagement.

Augmented reality: the potential scenarios.

When we talk about augmented reality, we are talking about a high technology that allows to interact with the external environment, using elements already present in the area, to gain a more specific and in-depth knowledge and to improve everyday actions and behaviors.Augmented reality is based on the overlay that allows, for example, a camera to read the object in the frame so that the system recognizes it and activates a level of communication that overlaps and integrates perfectly with reality, increasing the amount of information available about that object.Many companies have already started to use this technology, for example:as "smart packaging" to show the use of the product inside the boxon promotional flyers in supermarkets.Also in the industrial field, AR has numerous application horizons: for example, it can be used to explain the functioning of a machine, show its components and help staff to replace parts during maintenance.The scenarios of use are numerous because the rapid and continuous development of this technology increases day by day, making it within reach for any company.

The structure of a CMS.

The CMS (Content Management System) is a software tool that allows you to manage the content of your website by editing, creating and deleting it and it offers the possibility of implementing sections and content on your own site.It has two parts:An application section (front-end), the public part of the site, which the web user uses to make use of the site's content and applications.An administration or management section (back-end) which is used to organise and supervise the production of content; it is the "behind the scenes" part administered by those who manage the site, through an interface and control panel accessed by username and password. Changes can only be made from here.Through the back-end, the website or e-commerce administrator can carry out a series of operations that change according to the complexity and characteristics of the CMS.The functionalities that can be developed are:Creation and editing of web pagesManagement of files and imagesManagement of graphic appearanceActivation/deactivation of certain website functionsUser managementProducts and services managementSales managementAt Moko, we develop custom-made CMSs, mobile-friendly too, to help you achieve your business goals.Discover our projects here

Apps linked to management systems.

Working on internal organisation is a key aspect of boosting work and improving sales. In addition, with the growth of the mobile world, many companies need applications to expand their communication channels and interact with customers.As a result, having an app linked to their management system, such as SAP or AS400, is beneficial in terms of efficiency and productivity.From the app, users will be able to access data from the management system that is functional to the project, such as access to the customer database or the product catalogue: not only in the office, but also on the move, so as to carry out their work quickly and easily.Moko develops customised business apps connected in a secure and predefined way to internal tools such as SAP, AS400, Salesforce, etc., and able to communicate with them.Discover our projects

What web services are.

Web services are software systems that allow two environments to communicate in order to facilitate and simplify the processing and exchange of data.It sounds complicated, but it's actually a very simple concept.A practical example is the online booking of a flight or a hotel room: you can perform these operations because your computer queries a server that collects all the different availabilities (based on your search criteria) and thus gives you the possibility to choose.The development of web services is based on languages ​​that allow communication between different programming languages ​​and operating systems. They act as an intermediary for information that is exchanged from machine to machine thanks to correct data transmission.They also make interoperability between different applications possible; they are very intuitive, simple to use and can be combined with each other to increase or offer new services.Find out more with our projects.

What is the intranet for?

The last few years have shown companies how crucial it is to find digital solutions that allow employees to work easily even remotely, accessing all the tools and functionalities they can find comfortably in the office. Indeed, more aware of this need and the value they bring to the work they do, companies are increasingly looking to find tools to make it easier to work from home, but also in the office. An effective solution is the intranet.An intranet is a corporate network for exclusive use, accessible only by a small circle of people, where you can find the information, tools and services you need to do your job, using any internet browser and from any computer.It allows you to share and view sensitive and confidential documents, e.g. contracts, project development material, company news, etc.It allows you to improve your data management, carry out daily tasks quickly and easily, and monitor and optimise your company's work.Obviously, the focus when creating or improving your intranet should be on your employees, so that it is easy for them to use and provides all the necessary elements to enhance business processes and their work.Take a look at our solutions for companies working in different sectors and contact us for more information.

IoT technology

Technology, which is constantly developing, has become widespread in various business sectors and in everyday life, leading to enormous changes.For example, everyday objects can be controlled by smartphone or two devices can be connected to each other. In addition, in recent years, technology has enabled objects to talk to us and us to talk to them. All this has been made possible by IoT technology.IoT (Internet of Things) is a system of devices that collect and communicate data about themselves and/or their environment via the network. With a dedicated app, one can communicate with an object to interact with it and make it do certain things. This technology can be used in many different areas, from machinery and manufacturing plants, to sensors for tyres and brake pads, to everyday objects such as lamps, boilers, ovens and dishwashers.At Moko, we are big believers in this technology and have developed apps that use IoT to communicate with objects in different sectors.Take a look at our projects and find out more on our dedicated page and landing page.

A simplified access to corporate resources.

To ensure a better user experience, simplify IT management, improve IT security and reduce help desk time and activities, a valid tool is Single Sign On.It facilitates the use of network resources because it allows a user to perform a single authentication process (i.e. enter username and password only once with a single set of credentials) to access multiple software systems, digital services and applications or corporate IT resources (for which they have the right to access, depending on the company hierarchy), without having to repeat the authentication for each individual application every time. The advantages are many:it simplifies passwords' management and access to the various servicesit improves identity protectionit increases corporate securityit increases the speed of access to corporate services.To see the use of this technology on different applications click the tag below.

Competing towards digital maturity.

It may sound like a cliché, but those who are more digitally mature are more successful at managing change.If we then talk about marketing, this research has identified four main points:Know how to deal with proprietary data, to gain important insights for strategies to followOptimize end-to-end measurement to be able to measure the impact of different interactions from users, regardless of the channel usedAgility, in other words means being able to react to continuous changes of this markey in a quickly and effectively wayCompetent people and partnerships allow to understand the market in a relevant way and use the right tools.The race to digital maturity will be won by those who are fast, and less mature companies must increase their efforts to catch up. It may seem daunting, but it's not impossible.

The roadmap to a successful e-commerce.

Setting up an e-commerce site can be a valuable tool for increasing and securing sales for your business.The first thing to do to plan your e-commerce is start with a proper analysis, in order to identify your market, your target, your competitors and your goals, so that you can build a good strategy to promote your website, find new customers and build customer loyalty.Afterwards, in the creation of the website itself, attention must be paid to Google's requirements, in order to be perfectly indexed on search engines, with pages optimised for SEO, with a UX and UI designed down to the last detail to maintain the brand identity of your business and to guarantee perfect navigation for your users.It is also a good idea to develop a custom CMS, built for your needs and the type of business you offer, so that you always have excellent performance.Click the tag to discover our e-commerce's case histories, developed following these guidelines.

SEO mistakes you should avoid

When it comes to SEO, one should try to be as honest as possible and always explain that most of the things one says/does are interpretations of experience, because no one really knows exactly how Google works, and especially for how long a rule can continue to be valid.There are, however, a number of mistakes that can compromise your website's ranking:Keyword repeated too frequently - exceeding the use of keywords, as well as making the site's ranking worse, also makes it boring and unnatural to read the text, worsening the user's experienceIncorrectly managed metatags - the main ones are Title and Description, which must not be repeated on the pages, must not be too long and, above all, must always be present.Well structured links - interlinked pages within our site should always be active.Copied content - copying texts from other sites potentially exposes you to being penalised by the search engine.Badly written content - texts must always be interesting and relevant to who we imagine to be the end user of our site, otherwise we will not get traffic that matches our expectations.Inappropriate URL of pages - the address of the pages should be as in line as possible with the content of the page.Do not generate a sitemap - providing the search engine with a sitemap means showing the way for the bots to scan the site, i.e. making it easier to read the content that is most important to us.

A marketing tool: NFC technology

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, an evolution of RFID, enables contactless two-way data transmission between two devices that are just a few inches apart (four or five, for security reasons).NFC tags are small chips that allow this type of interaction with an NFC reader, which can be a smartphone or tablet.Tags can be programmed to perform different actions, for example they are widely used for:Transmit information in public places, in fact it is a technology widely used in shopping malls or museums and places of interestConnect different devices in a simple and fast wayGive an immediate reading of the condition of an object or machineryActivate or deactivate a phone setting (e.g. alarm clock)What many people don't know is that it can be a valuable tool for marketing activities because, if used properly, this technology can stimulate engagement and improve the relationship between the customer and the company, so that the customer is more motivated to buy a product.For example, tags placed on the product can offer useful information on how it was made, what materials were used and the processes involved; they can also give information on how to use and take care of it.Moreover, thanks to the unique ID of the tag, the product's authenticity is guaranteed and counterfeiting is impossible. It also makes it possible to link the product to its legitimate owner and this can be a tool for the company to know who has bought from them, who is the possible second owner (second-hand market) and thus establish a relationship that can lead to complete customer loyalty.We have used this technology to create some very interesting projects.If you want to know more, click the tag.

Online purchasing dynamics

By conducting various research and trying to understand consumer trends, Google has analysed the factors that influence purchasing decisions.The main ones can be summarised as:The brand influence - when talking about the brand, everything related to image, expertise and loyalty should be taken into account. Fluid purchase process - usually the online purchase path is fragmented and tortuous and therefore, the abundance of channels must allow a fluid and transparent interaction with consumers.Most popular channels - Google and Youtube are the most used platforms to search for information.Innovation - the main expectations of consumers are about the use of multiple channels (omni-channel) and about innovation.More generally, it is always important to keep in mind that consumer expectations should be anticipated, and focus not only on the purchase phase but on the whole shopping experience.

The right app for your business.

The mobile world is constantly evolving, both because of the exponential spread of smartphones and tablets and because this new communication mode has led companies to start providing themselves with new effective tools, such as apps, for marketing purpose and to remain in constant contact with their customers.The development of an application involves a study and analysis divided into several stages, from the initial idea to its planning and design, from development to release.During the analysis phase, depending on the company's goals, the type of app to be developed is decided: a native app, a cross-platform app or a web app.Native apps, as the word itself implies, are applications developed for a specific operating system with a specific programming language: for iOS we use Swift, while for Android we use Kotlin. They provide excellent performance and leverage the features of the phone, adapting to each platform to provide users with a better experience in terms of navigation.Cross-platform apps, on the other hand, are apps with the same code base, which can run on both iOS and Android. Compared to native apps, they are easier and quicker to develop and the maintenance of the app is also easier as there is only one version to update for the different platforms.A web app is an application created using languages such as JavaScript or HTML that does not need to be installed on the device but is used via a web browser. They are simple to make and less expensive, and have evolved so much over the years that they are now very similar to mobile apps in terms of graphics and functionality.If you are looking for a digital solution for your business, contact us. Our team of experts will advise you on the best choice for your business.

6 trends for e-commerce

Around the world, e-commerce continues to grow at a dizzying pace, an indication that purchasing habits are changing.The market shows us what the next driving trends might be:Mobile shopping - we've been hearing about mobile first for a few years now, and surely in 2022 you can't imagine having an e-commerce that isn't mobile responsive, with a user experience that helps the end consumer.Voice search - smart speakers are spreading rapidly in everyone's homes and more and more people will also use them to make purchases. So it will be important to make sure these devices can talk to our system.AR & VR - the real and virtual worlds are definitely linked by these technologies, which, a bit like smart speakers, are becoming more and more widespread. Not only in games, but also in business sectors, as, for example, Ikea or Bulgari did.Omnichannel - the customer must have the opportunity to experience the same shopping experience across all channels we can provide.Instalment payments - more and more often we find ourselves being able to pay for what we buy in instalments. Well even e-commerce can not stay behind on this issue, in fact, more and more payment circuits, make available this type of purchase.Social Commerce - social is also constantly evolving and all of them provide functionality to create an e-commerce within social media.

What is an app finder for?

Within a large company, it is important to manage information and communication in an organised way, so that data, that is often found in different files and links, can be easily found. Furthermore, a single secure access point for all employees of the company, where they can benefit from all company services (from accessing the intranet to expense reports, from the product catalogue to the company address book and news) in a dedicated app is certainly an effective and efficient solution to improve productivity and facilitate business processes. This is why there is an increasing interest in and demand for the development of professional apps capable of aggregating all this on a single platform. Moko develops app finder that allow employees to access all the available company services managed by CMS, according to the different types of users in an easy and organised way. The advantages of using an app finder are:Having a smarter and faster tool, accessible also offlineHaving a simple single access point, thanks to Single Sign-OnOptimise business processes by facilitating access to resourcesIncreased productivity through better internal managementMoko has developed various app finder solutions for multinational companies to meet their needs.Discover all our projects ↓

Benefits of collaboration between marketing and finance

In a growth and development journey, culture and processes are often the biggest barriers and there is nothing more crucial than the relationship between the marketing and finance teams. When these teams work together, companies unlock the opportunity for further growth.As the research here demonstrates, there are some clichés that tend to push this desired collaboration away:Research budgets need to be set in advance - as it is a very volatile environment, setting a budget in advance is an old-fashioned mistake, and it risks putting a limit on company growth. Relating this expenditure to revenue would help to have more room for manoeuvre.Bidding strategy is just a marketing task - if finance and marketing no longer bicker over budget levels, but instead work side by side to better understand customer economics, they will maximise profit growth.Only perfection is enough - the road to model perfection is endless and while it is being travelled, business decisions still have to be made.

How to support the sales force with sales apps.

Over the years, many companies have felt the need to develop applications aimed at their sales area to improve and support the work of the sales force. There are a number of tools that can be used to implement and digitise key Trade & Sales activities, such as Sales Apps.A Sales App allows you to have an optimal commercial management and to administer sales activities, even in offline mode, in an intuitive and simple way. All information about customers, catalogues and price lists can be entered in the app, and it can also be linked to your business management system.This type of app is the ideal solution for all companies that want to improve their commercial objectives and, consequently, are looking for a simple and secure tool for the benefit of the sales force, which needs access to all the data on the move in order to carry out its work in the territory.In this field, we have created several partnerships, which have lasted for years, with some of the most important multinationals at national and global level.Click the tag to find out more.

App development

There are three different types of mobile app development:Native apps - developed specifically for each operating system (Android or iOS). They allow a high degree of customisationWeb App - very similar to a normal apps, but in reality they are actual web pages optimised for the mobile worldCross platform or hybrid apps - they use standard development systems and their level of customisation is not always flexibleBehind the development of an app or web app there must be an idea and a good market analysis to know your target audience and your competitors. Once the analysis is done, you can start developing your idea, taking into account your audience and the goal you want to achieve.If you are looking for a digital solution and have an idea for your business, contact us. Our team of experts will advise you on the best choice for your business.

The difference between UX and UI.

Two different but important concepts for your website and apps.UX means user experience, and it is all about the reactions and emotions a user feels when using an app or browsing a website. Obviously it affects conversion goals because it aims to achieve the best navigation path and experience through a study of problem solving.Obviously, to ensure that the experience is smooth, intuitive and efficient, you need to put in place a series of strategies to put users at the centre of the design process of your website or app, starting with an analysis of user needs and requirements to establish all the functionalities that the final product must have, in terms of graphics and programming.The UI, user interface, on the other hand, is the set of all the graphic choices and elements that allow the user to interact with the site or app (colours, fonts, images, buttons, sliders, texts), which are studied and designed so that the aesthetics of the project are attractive, stimulating and in line with the brand identity.Both are useful in terms of SEO as Google actively promotes in its search results sites that have an excellent UX and UI and are important for Moko to enhance each of your projects and your brand image.We design by putting the end user first to make their experience easy and simple and to create value for them.Discover our landing page and our projects.

User experience test

In this survey, you can find some tips to improve the User Experience. You have three goals to keep in mind:Capture attentionGenerate engagementDrive into actionThese tips can be summarised in the following points:the message must be incisive, i.e. it is preferable to use a very clear value position and bullet points instead of a single block of textreduce text to the essentialthe eye needs its part, i.e. the graphic aspect must be optimisedgive more space to the action expected to be done on the pageassociate a clear value position to the CTA and give the reader a reason to take an action

What is a blueprint and how it can help your business.

The blueprint is a document of analysis which aims to describe the process of achieving the required system.It defines all the business processes in detail, by area of competence, in written and graphical form in order to have a clear view of what the productivity requirements are, the work needed, the goals and the expected results of the project.Once drawn up, the blueprint becomes the reference document for the entire project and is used as the basis for all subsequent activities, in fact it can be a useful document for drawing up the business plan.Moko creates blueprints to help you define all the steps of the project you want to realise and to better understand what resources are needed and how to manage them in order to achieve your goals and expectations.Are you interested in creating a blueprint for your project? Contact us for more information.

The Videocaller's Guide to the Galaxy

2020 is the year in which meetings have moved from physical meeting rooms to digital platforms.At Moko we have approached this change with internal protocols aimed at maximizing usability and effectiveness.We have made it a guide, in our way, to share our experiences hoping that they will be useful to everyone, even to those who are already Webmeeting's Addicted.It is free of rights: you can copy it, brand it, forward it, (NOT) print it (please think environment !!!), publish it as you like: we will be happy.

Download Pdf EN: webcall_guide_EN.pdf (linkare)Tip: Copy / paste the text below or customize it as you like to include it in a Webmeeting invitation:----
A short guide is available at the link below to make the webmeeting fluid and focused on content:
Download Pdf EN: webcall_guide_EN.pdf (linkare)

Unique entry point app (or App Finder): business applications that improve efficiency and communication

Within a large company it is important to have an organised management of information and communication. It is also important to be able to easily find data that is often found in different files and links. This is why there is increasing interest in and demand for the development of professional apps that are able to aggregate everything (data, files, links, news and communications) on the same platform.
The advantages of using an app finder:Single point of access to business tools: easy access, also thanks to Single Sign-OnOptimisation of business processes with the associated increase in productivity, thanks to factors such as efficiency in processes and activities for better internal management;Moko develops app finders that allow employees to access all available company services, with different types of users: admins (access to all functionalities), users (selection of functionalities and management of customisable permission hierarchies) etc. The home page provides access to all links to company resources, managed by CMS. The latter is the tool chosen to control the contents agreed in the app, accessible via login with appropriate credentials.
It is also possible to insert news with management of priority, visibility and clusters of interest that will appear to users according to categorisation.
With the possibility of using them offline and facilitating access to resources, app finders can therefore be valuable allies for managing work in the company.

Android Auto & Apple CarPlay: l'infotainment evoluto

Technology runs fast, yes.Technological progress now embraces many sectors of our daily lives: the use of smartphones, notebooks, smartwatches and of course the world of cars.
In this latter field, mirroring systems are emerging: the direction is to bring the devices used every day closer to the infotainment systems.Current standards allow the connection of Apple and Android devices via Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.To connect the smartphone to the infotainment system you will need a car model that supports the 2 technologies, a USB cable or, in more recent models, only the WiFi connection.
Once the systems are connected, the smartphone will have a new interface directly on the infotainment screen thus allowing access to the smart functions that we are used to using.From interacting with voice assistants to checking the phone, from browsing on Google Maps, to sending Whatsapp messages rather than listening to a playlist on Spotify.
Both platforms will be able to receive notifications and read the text of the messages received from the major messaging platforms on the market today: it will also be possible to respond and interact via voice commands, without ever taking your hands off the wheel.More and more mobile applications designed to be compatible with mirroring systems thus offering new ideas and opportunities for manufacturers and developers, so much so that they deserve a dedicated category in the Apple store and in Google Play.To find out if your car is compatible or to be guided in the purchase, here are 2 useful links:Android:

Predictive Diagnostic Techniques for Electric Machines

On 5 November we attended the Forum Meccatronica 2019 in Florence, with a speech entitled “Predictive Diagnostic Techniques for Electric Machines”.From the processes and phases of diagnostics and prognostics to the case studies analyzed, our presentation can be consulted as an attachment.Spokesman: Claudio Bianchini.Click for the article.

Moko, November appointments: Florence and Nuremberg.

With our Digital Plant business unit, we will partecipate in two major events in the digital and innovation world in November. Here are the appointments:November 5, 2019: Forum Meccatronica 2019 in Florence, Stazione Leopolda. In partnership with Arrow we will hold a speech on “Predictive diagnostic techniques for electrical machines”. Click for more informationFrom 26 to 28 November: SPS Fair in Nuremberg. We will be present on the stand of ST Microelectronics and on that of Siboni srl for a condition monitoring project on an electric motor. Click for more information We are waiting for you!

Digital Plant in SPS Nuremberg 2019

The Digital Plant team will be present at the SPS exhibition in its German leg from 26 to 28 November.We will present the condition monitoring project on electric motor in the space dedicated to us in the stand of ST Microelectronics, partner for the development of a platform for the acquisition of mechanical quantities based on the new family of three-axis digital accelerometers, ultra-wide band and high stability in temperature, and in the stand of Siboni srl, manufacturer of the electric motor on which the project was developed.The system allows to monitor the operation of integrated drives in order to avoid machine downtime and anticipate maintenance through predictive algorithms.The Siboni integrated drive will be appropriately sensorized for the detection of accelerations, temperatures and voltages. The data collected will be exchanged raw with the cloud.The cloud platform will take care of post processing to get the data received. The result of the analysis will be presented in the app with the possibility of receiving push notifications on alarms and malfunctions, with timely verification of the same. Click for the preview of the solution.

Digital Plant at the Forum Meccatronica 2019

The Digital Plant team will partecipate in the Forum Meccatronica 2019 in partnership with Arrow, the world's leading distributor of electronic components and products, services and solutions for the industry.We will hold a speech on "Predictive diagnostic techniques for electrical machines".We will illustrate our concept of condition monitoring on an electric motor with data display in dashboards and mobile apps.Some of our publications from which the contents of the speech will be taken:Bianchini - CocconcelliBianchini - Fornasiero

Food apps and applications in the food sector

Food apps for every need: from the management of the local to orders for home deliveries. A success of the gastronomic and food theme, for which, despite the countless cooking programs, often the stoves are turned off to order something exotic or gourmet from one or the many delivery services. The apps are of different types, essentially covering three macro areas:- Home delivery is the most favored, with apps that are very popular thanks to their immediacy and ease of use, much more practical and intuitive than the web. Available for fast food, restaurants and even to get home shopping;- Fundamental are the reviews, which allow users to pre-select the locals in which to go, between starlets, scores, captivating photos and more or less positive comments;- At last, there is the health side of food, with healthy food apps that allow you to keep fit bu recommending food and exercises, calculating the daily intake of calories, fat, vitamins, etc. They also allow you to order and buy fruit and vegetables from local growers. There are also more professional and specific types of applications, which concern individual all-round restaurants. In the catering sector it is possible to choose to join existing services, such as the different delivery platforms, or to create a specific and original app, customized according to needs. And in this case it is all above the figure of the waiter to change.More and more often in fact, in restaurants and bars, the paper pad is being abandoned to take orders. The handhelds connected with the kitchen where the first step in this evolution, then moving on to tablets and finally to apps. In these cases, it is self-ordering, in which customer can order browsing the digital menu. It therefore breaks that traditional customer – waiter relationship to make room for different efficiency and timing. The advantages of a restaurant app are many:- Facilitation of work and communication room – kitchen thanks to the sharing of orders in real time;- Better management of time thanks to online orders and reservations;- Possibility to retain customers thanks to the creation of events or customized offers and coupons, based on the most frequent preferences and orders;- Improved workplace efficiency thanks to real-time sharing of information via connected apps and platforms. Many are the users who already use apps for food and catering, denoting a real evolution in the sector. Tradition is giving more and more space to innovation, benefiting in terms of time, costs and quality.

Technology and talking objects: the Simplehero project

Industry and ecology: two poles that can match in technology: it can offer - and already offers - significant contributions to environmental management. Just think of digital devices that are alternatives to the use and waste of paper, or to sensors that allow greater control and prevention of faults, or even to NFC technology that allows you to track products and monitor environmental services. We therefore decided to support and implement the Simplehero project in this sense, using our expertise in the sector.Simplehero represents a strong and clear message to companies and individuals, which consists in the diffusion of reusable bottles made of Tritan, a resistant and ecological material as it is recyclable and without Bisphenol A, a molecule that is harmful for the environment and the organism. These “Simplehero” are a commitment and above all a habit that we should all - and must - adopt. In fact we think that reuse is essential, and spreading a correct habit is a must.Thanks to the inclusion of an NFC tag in the cap, we can now offer a more complete and conscious experience to every customer who decides to adopt Simplehero. We have already talked about connections and information sharing through this type of technology, and we believe it fits perfectly with the project. The bottles are now “talking” and can tell us how many refills we have done and how much plastic we have saved by choosing re-use.We think that technology at the service of the planet, as in this case, can do great things, one step at a time. Being aware of what we do and the consequences of our actions is a beginning that can really lead to change.To learn more about the Simplehero project you can visit the dedicated site and social networks Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Simplehero: the talking bottle

The simple heroes are becoming “talking”! We refer to Simplehero, which renews itself and becomes animated. By putting our competence at the service of the project, we have decided to offer users an ever more complete and conscious ecological experience. Through the NFC tag in the cap it is possible to access a specific app that monitors the refills carried out and the plastic saved. An engaging and innovative way to become aware of what we can do every day and what we do in our own little way, with big goals. Discover more on the dedicated website and on social networks Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin, and request your bottle immediately!

Connected production lines: SPS IPC Drives Italia 2019

Even the industrial automation and digitalisation fair has come to an end, introducing new solutions of IoT and connections devices.The three central pavilions (4, 4.1 and 7) formed the District 4.0, dedicated to new technologies and the digitalization of processes. Digital Plant was present here at the STMicroelectronics stand thanks to the concept of an app for the monitoring system for an integrated unit. The challenge was to monitor the operation of an integrated drive to obtain predictive maintenance data and real-time alarms. The support app is able to show the status of the unit, alerting the user to adnormal behavior, with the possibility of verifying the type of report.Schneider Electric and Siemens stands were relevant, bringing the innovation of IoT platforms to the fair. Schneider Electric, with its EcoStruxure Experience walls and the slogan "Life is ON", has created an ecosystem of digital screens dedicated to intuitively and interactively developing all the concepts of connectivity, industrial applications and analytics. From the app with the Health functionality to monitor the state of the machines in a predictive way (EcoStruxure Machine Advisor) to the virtual reality simulator to support the operators (OTS - Operator Training Simulation), Schneider Electric showed an industrial world connected to 360 °.The Siemens proposal, which dedicated an area and an interactive surface to its MindSphere platform, is different but nevertheless innovative. It is an open, cloud-based and IoT dedicated system to connect the machinery and physical infrastructure to the digital world. Practical examples of its effectiveness were also shown at the fair: ICAM chocolates and the Digital Airplane Factory. ICAM has chosen MindSphere for the development of the Pumpanalyzer app, which analyzes the control of the production process ensuring optimal management, while HMS Networks and EFA Automazione SpA presented a small paper aircraft factory built in Lego, whose production data was sent in real-time to MindSphere, demonstrating how a sensorized and interconnected system can facilitate a production line in terms of costs, timing and simplicity.Panasonic Industry presented two previews in this edition, one European and one worldwide: FP I4C, the new IIoT Gateway that captures and transports data to the upper levels of the company, and MINAS A6 MULTI, the “true modular, Japanese mechatronics” servodrive platform. The latter optimizes the overall dimensions and implements performance in contexts in which power and precision are needed (such as for assembly, metal processing and packaging), and can be managed remotely thanks to the EoE (Ethernet over Ethercat) function.Improving the connection and therefore the efficiency of production was the challenge won by the devices presented in SPS IPC Drives Italia 2019, with different solutions to make the IoT the protagonist of the industry 4.0.

STMicroelectronics in SPS IPC Drives 2019

Digital Plant is in SPS IPC Drives 2019 at the STMicroelectronics stand. We have developed the concept of an app for the condition monitoring system for an integrated unit, of which you can find more informations here.Come and visit us, we are in Hall 4, stand A016!

Predictive Maintenance, the evolution of fault prevention systems in Industry 4.0

With industry 4.0 the systems are increasingly connected and the machines more efficient. This also involves an evolution in the fault prevention method, which sees predictive maintenance as a valid alternative to traditional and manual methods, being able to provide precise information in real time on the health status of production systems.Predictive maintenance is carried out by acquiring and subsequently processing physical quantities relating to the production system. Subsequently, using mathematical models or algorithms, raw data are processed to obtain information on the health status of the system.The objective is to identify physical quantities of reference to obtain information on the production system in useful time, through their analysis, in order to prevent a problem. By analyzing magnitudes such as speed, acceleration, temperature, electric currents, vibrations and noises it is possible to monitor and estimate the time to failure.For the acquisition of physical quantities, the sensors used can be of different types, to be chosen taking into consideration factors such as working conditions, corporate technological maturity, costs, etc. Below is a list of some types of sensors divided by technologies:MEMS technologies (Micro ElectroMechanical System): it is considered one of the most promising XXI century technologies. The main features of these sensors are: compact dimensions, low costs and reduced power consumption. The fundamental advantage is the easy integration of these sensors in the system;Radio technologies: they are the privileged channel for data exchange and transmission, making the connection between devices independent of the laying of dedicated conductors. These technologies make very easy the application of sensors for predictive maintenance even in retrofit conditions;Piezoelectric technology: it exploits the correlation, typical of some materials, between tension and pressure on the faces of the crystal lattice. This technology allows the creation of sensors such as microphones or microactuators for indirect measurements;Resistive technology: it uses the modification of the resistance of the sensitive element, opposite to the passage of current. This technology is used for the creation of a very wide range of transducers such as: temperature sensors, strain gauges (for measuring sample deformations).There are many advantages in choosing this type of maintenance:Access to accurate and precise information about the state of health of the system, useful both for the prevention (or solution) of the fault and for the choice of spare parts, technologies and production plans;Reduction of production times and costs lost for plant shutdown and repair;Reduction of labor and machinery costs, thanks to the preventive identification of the components to be repaired/replaced;Creation of a database, also useful for future analysis;Increased safety and efficiency thanks to the continuous monitoring of the health status of the system.For the development of a system for predictive analysis, first of all we must study the diagnostic needs and define the project specifications with the client. The measured data are then subjected to an analytical study whose main objective is the identification of two or three physical quantities of reference for system diagnostics. The cost-effective specifications are then defined so that the system can be managed and maintained by the end customer. Finally, it is possible to customize the hardware sensors with the aim of controlling the physical quantities of interest, by first performing a pre-processing of the data at the local level near the system and then a pre-treatment of the firmware level data on the microcontroller.An interesting case to show the effectiveness of the application of predictive maintenance, can be that related to the bearings of asynchronous motors. The main faults can be traced back to these components, whose defects are detected above all by analyzing the vibrations present in the mechanical quantities. Generalized roughness is one of the main consequences of the mechanical defects present in the bearings, difficult to identify with the classic methods of estimating defects (such as the spectral analysis of the vibrations or phase currents). The proposed predictive maintenance method was therefore aimed at identifying a generalized roughness failure index, and divided into two parts. In the first part of the activity, statistical analysis techniques of mechanical vibrations and stator currents were used to identify the frequency bandwidth(s) in which the phenomenon occurs. A fault index was then defined based on the energy contained in the previously identified frequency band(s). This method was finally validated by experimental tests on different levels of roughness and rotation speed, resulting in good reliability.Predictive maintenance therefore represents the evolution of traditional maintenance methods, which can be more complex and inaccurate.

NFC technology: smart objects and IIoT

In the world of the Internet of Things everything is connected and objects are smart objects that communicate data and information, helping the user in a more effective management, even in an industrial environment. A key to this connection is the NFC, acronym of “Near Field Communication”, technology capable of providing short-range two-way wireless connectivity.NFC Tags are small chips connected to an antenna that allows interactions with an NFC reader, such as a smartphone or a tablet. The small size of the tags allows it to be integrated into multiple supports, although the most common form is the sticker, an adhesive label that can be applied anywhere.NFC technology is activated through the magnetic field generated near an information reader device, ensuring that the tag does not consume energy and results sleepy when not in use. This feature is very useful in terms of time: the NFC can work for several years, continuing to share data and informations. The memory is variable according to the type of chip, always including a unique code (UID, not modifiable) and a rewritable part of memory.There are many possible uses allowed by this technology, ranging from identification and authentication of consumables to combat counterfeiting, to parametrization and diagnosis of machinery. NFC Tags offer advantages that can be applied to different fields, from daily use to industry, simplifying and improving the management of objects. Here are the most significant:You can have an immediate reading of the status, use and diagnostics of an object or a machine;Communication and flow of data and information take place through magnetic fields therefore without the use of a dedicated battery, guaranteeing a high duration of the Tags;It’s possible to quickly combine the devices and the connection can also be made with objects that don’t have access to the network;Data security is higher than open network, and can be further implemented by entering passwords, limiting the possibility of data interception.In relation to the world of industry, we have already seen how the connections are radically changing the way we manage work, improving efficiency and quality. NFC represents one of the possible and certainly most interesting solutions, which already has engineering applications such as the Zebra TC75 touch computers, able to give the user access to information about the machinery in real time, even with damaged or dirty barcodes, improving mobility in the field. There are also dynamic NFC sensors such as the AS3956 from ams, used for industrial applications exposed to difficult operating conditions, able to withstand extreme temperatures (from – 40°C to + 125°C) or to an extended operating life for equipment and wireless sensors for infrastuctures such as bridges, roads and public services.Already used for cards, bracelets, flyers and even t-shirt and bibs, NFC technology is therefore able to perfectly marry with IoT and also IIoT, resulting in considerable importance for the simplicity of application and management on any device.

Fault detection techniques with CONDITION MONITORING

In the algorithm implementation phase of a condition monitoring based system, there are two factors to be taken into account: the first is the detection of eventual faults, the second is their diagnostics. For each of these phases there is a detection technique: Data-Driven is specific for the detection phase and Model-Based for the diagnostics.Data-based techniques (Data-Driven) are not related to the sensor, but to inputs, and basically provide a metric of similarity between the data. Those of machine learning can be an example of data-based techniques. To be implemented they require a training phase, in which the data set for healthy and defective components is defined, and a test phase or the application of machine learning techniques to the new input data. Once implemented, machine learning techniques don’t require high computational efforts and return a fast classification of the new input data. For those reasons, they are particularly suitable for cloud-computing and can be used for cloud-processing.The techniques based on models (Model-Based) can be explained through the definition proposed by Venkatasubramanian, a Columbia University professor, for which these techniques require first a knowledge of all the failures and the relationship between causes and effects. This relationship is developed using dynamic or frequency-response models. Venkatasubramanian also notes two types of models, both developed on process knowledge: qualitative and quantitative. "In quantitative models this understanding is expressed in terms of functional mathematical relationships between the inputs and outputs of the system. - he explains - On the contrary, in the equations of the qualitative model these relations are expressed in terms of functions centered on different units of the process ”.Because of the complexity and the calculation time they would require, model-based techniques are particularly suitable for off-line calculation of specific subsets of data. The results are generally better than those obtained with data-based techniques, since the description of the cause of the failure is better identified. Data-based analysis is useful for the technical development of the components, in order to optimize the geometry and maximize the expected life of the same. A criterion of choice could be the level of detail required, however the development of a model-based technique takes more time than a data-based model.It is not possible to indicate a common development methodology that could be extended to an absolute system, but it is thanks to the relevant literature that these issues can be studied in depth, thus making the choice more consistent with the system.

Man - machine connections: BAUMA 2019

From 8 to 14 April the city of Munich was tinged by innovation. We talk about Bauma, beating heart of industry and the most big trade fair in this sector with more than 3.700 expositors. Many Italian stands of this edition (558), second only to Germany (1310), boasting a great detachment compared to other European countries. Interesting numbers which show how much Italy in active and present in the flow of modernization and digitalization of industry.The common denominator of Bauma 2019 was certainly the increasingly close connection between instruments and between man and machine. A focus on safety and management is also essential, fundamental to improve efficiency and productivity.Talking about smart connections, it is impossibile not to have noticed Hatz Diesel with the slogan “Strong. Advanced. Connected.” which has reserved two world previews to Bauma: E1 technology for single-cylinder diesel control and the Hatz Connected Service, a network of digitally controlled engines with innovative cloud-based platforms and apps. Diesel machinery become smart and efficient thanks to IoT, like the solutions showed by Sick. These are smart sensors for special and municipal vehicles, agricultural and forestry machinery for safe outdoor automation, which sees an ever greater collaboration between man and machine. Connections are possible even in the open countrysude thanks to automated processes applied to machinery, which become automatically guided in the field of logistics.Other intelligent connection tools were presented by MTU: Go! Act warns, via smartphone, of the presence of errors in connected systems, allowing to identify and eliminate the fault, while Go! Manage is a platform that connects the customer’s system with the database. These solutions are aimed to ensuring efficient communication between MTU partners, distributors and Customer Assistance Center, with security and data protection as key priorities.Innovations have also been presented in fleet management, as weel as individual machines. The Mercedes service Pro Connect allowed to connect vehicles and people in a smart way, increasing efficiency and productivity. Vehicle data are always available to facilitate fleet programmation and to optimize the planning of any maintenance interventions. Amman offer was very interesting too, with the telematic system ServiceLink that allows companies to have a total control of machinery and fleet data, also applicable to existing machinery. Vehicles owners can access to key informations like battery status and maintenance details online or by the app.For remote maintenance, Trimble’s Software WorksManager is a unique, powerful cloud-based application that enables contractors to manage data and technology resources on civil worksites, increasing efficiency and improving productivity. It includes the possibility to insert data like 3D drawings in wireless modality directly from the building site, while a control panel show a data and resources overview to managers in real time. This software allow a real connection between digital world and physical world, allowing the prevent of expensive errors.Finally, it’s impossible not to mention Caterpillar, not so much for the pavilion almost entirely dedicated to the brand’s most innovative products, as for the installation by its foundation.The Caterpillar Foundation, with the Together.Stronger. platform, ha created a network of non-profit organizations, governments, citizens and business united in fighting poverty, staging a Water Walk in this edition of Bauma. This installation consisted in letting the partecipants feel like walking with cans full of water, reproducing only a fraction of the way women and children take every day. The tanks weighed from 0 to 20 kg and each finished route represented a donation of 5 euros to the foundation.BAUMA 2019 brought with it an important glow of innovation in the industrial world, in which the connection and collaboration between man and machine seems to be keys to the evolution of the product process.

EasyContact: your data in a smart app

We are pleased to present EasyContact, a MOKO app designed to simplify contact and data collection.We realized that very often during fairs and meetings, the paper form is still used to collect business cards, with the consequence of having chaotic paper envelopes to be reviewed and reorganized once the event is over. We therefore decided to simplify and speed up this process to reduce the impact of this waste of paper too.As the designed name suggests, EasyContact wants to be an easy and intuitive app to use, which is and will always be free. Available for Android and iOS tablets, it will be the perfect ally to face fairs, exhibitions, meetings or any other events that requires the collection of contacts.It’s also available offline and the contact archive can be downloaded in a digital format and easily managed. The entered data will be securely synchronized in the Cloud and they will be viewed by your private user only! In fact, we decided to guarantee a private access to users, protecting them in compliance with personal data dictated by the GDPR.Visit EasyContact to know more!

The industry becomes smart

The fourth industrial revolution is in place and even the Italian manufacturing sector is evolving and digitizing: research and innovation are the keywords for the industry of the future.The 18th edition of MECSPE, the reference trade fair for industry 4.0 and innovation in the manifacturing sector, has iust ended at Fiere di Parma. A precious appointment for the exchange and sharing of new projects and ideas also in the field of IoT.Many were the mechanical arms presented in this edition and used in numerous fields, from the plastic to the logistic, up to trespassing in everyday life with the resolution of the Rubik's cube and food field with the preparation of a Spritz.The collaboration with the National Technological Cluster "Intelligent Factory" (CFI) was significant and the four Lighthouse Plant projects presentes were the beating heart of the entire exhibition called “Innovation Tunnel”. The production plants of ABB Italia, Ansaldo Energia, Hitachi Rail Italy and Tenova / ORI Martin were analyzed as reference points for manufacturing development in Italy and Europe, thanks to their constant research and industrial development aimed at innovation. In fact, each project aims to direct Italian manufacturing into the future, digitizing and revisiting production facilities according to industry 4.0 innovations and thus becoming points of contact between research, innovation and production. The Lighthouse Plants presented were an interesting and formative appointment for the publoc too, with installations that allowed to touch the effects of a digital evolution of work.The solutions seen in the Bosch Rexroth stand were also innovative, with smart approaches for connection and above all for the strong collaboration between man and machine. Production systems become intelligent and communicate, speeding up decisions and solutions that optimize work. This is what the interactive ActiveCockpit platform does, and it is a link between production, the corporate IT network and man. The IoT-Gateway is also fundamental, a solution aimed at monitoring and improving the production processes of new and existing machinery, equipped with hardware that can be installed in the electrical panel and a practical management app.The MECSPE innovations have shown that a true synergy between man and machine is already in place, from which a valuable communication and collaboration are derived to optimize time, costs and production quality.The industry becomes smart and industry 4.0, connections and IoT are the keys to productive change.

Development of an algorithm in CONDITION MONITORING

As already mentioned in the introductory article "Cost reduction and efficiency increase with Condition Monitoring in industry", in the CMS development phase the specific case of each plant will be evaluated, beacuse each system is based on different cause and effect processes.However, there are macro levels to refer to that can be extended to most manufacturing companies. Different algorithms are suggested in the scientific literature as each component has specific failure modes, due for example to consumption, its geometry or dynamic conditions. As an example we can mention the ball bearings, one of the most common components in the mechanical field, whose failure modes can be traced back to the different parts that compose them. For example, due to the different times of consumption and periodicity of impacts, we can trace the fault back to a specific component rather than another.The choice to base the condition-monitoring on an algorithm means that it’s possible to refer to a series of systematic answers and therefore a response mode is associated with each error. This process allows monitoring the machinery conditions and reduce false alarms.The data flow starts from the acquisition of raw information, generally of limited size, often binary, through sensors and subsequently sent an output. This flow can be divided into three main classes:Data cleaning: preparatory procedures activated to remove inconsistent data, empty, damaged measurement files, disconnected sensors and malfunctioning cables etc.Fault Detection: includes all the appropriate procedures to recognize a failure in the system. In this phase output is the reporting of the presence of a fault, but not of the type. In some industrial fields this is enough if the component is to be replaced in its entirety.Fault Diagnostics: includes all procedures that characterize the error of a specific component and the level of component damage. Fault diagnosis techniques are also useful for redesigning a component: detailed fault knowledge may suggest a better design to reduce loads in working conditions, extending the expected life of the component.Implementing an algorithm is the first step to ensure that the whole condition monitoring system is functional to identifying failures and sending a response.

Cost reduction and efficiency increase with CONDITION MONITORING in industry

Companies in the industrial sector prefer increasingly automated and efficient machinery that requires equally reliable maintenance methods.If so far the most widespread method was based on the preventive scheduling of periodic maintenance (time-based maintenance, TBM), today it’s joined by a new process based on the conditions of the machinery: condition-based maintenance (CBM). This method consists in performing diagnosis on machinery in real time, allowing critical failures to be predicted several weeks in advance and drastically reducing downtime.In recent decades, the scientific community has developed new technologies and methodologies in the context of condition monitoring, in accordance with the hardware available and adopted by the industry. Furthermore, cloud computing has become the symbol of 4.0 technology. The result is a data-based analysis, which refers to the ability to analyze large sets of information collected in the Cloud, often through the use of expert systems.In the development phase of the CMS the specific case of each plant will have to be evaluated, since each system is based on different cause and effect processes. However, there are macro levels to refer to, that can be extended to most manufacturing companies.Condition-based maintenance is a four-step process: Data Acquisition, Data Pre-Processing, Data Cloud Processing and Data Post-Processing.The Data Acquisition phase involves setting the sensors on the machine to acquire and manage the recording of data through a central unit. Data sampling can be monitored both continuously and periodically according to programmed time intervals.The data acquired from each machine, before being archived, are pre-processed, to reduce the amount of information to be sent to the Cloud platform and the latency in the decision-making process. The Data Pre-Processing also allows to reduce costs, since quantified on the Cloud platform based on the number of processed data, for this aggregate allows you to reduce costs.It’s in the third phase, during Data Cloud Processing, that the collected data are stored on the Cloud platform. The main functions of this step are:Data analysis through machine learning techniques, thanks to which the system can be interrogated from time to time on specific data.The transfer of offline data which therefore does not need further processing. In this case the Cloud platform plays the role of archiving the various data coming from the machinery.Finally, Data Post-Processing consists of analyzing the information collected. Here are the 4 main purposes:Reporting: the condition-monitoring outputs are divided into different reports on the status of the components of the subsystem. This is done to simplify the consultation of different types of data from the various parties involved (service technicians, managers, consultants and external service providers, etc.).Decision support: the reports must then be processed by a performance management center, a structured support service that updates and analyzes the history of the data collected to provide a critical response to the work.Model-based analysis: once you receive an alarm from the Cloud platform, you can use more advanced signal processing tools to evaluate more details on the fault.Service: if problems are identified, a report of the situation can be automatically sent to the service technicians.Condition monitoring based systems increase productivity and reliability. An attentive service, in which the customer can get very precise planning and a constant activity, thanks to the reduction of unexpected interruptions, also improve the relationship with the customer.In the next article we talk about algorithms in condition monitoring.

The five keywords to win the challenge of productive and energetic efficiency

Speaking about productive and energetic efficiency we aren't referring only to the moment in which production starts. Efficiency is guaranteed thanks to the implementation of a series of strategic tools that we can identify with 5 keywords.1) Digitization as a basic cultural attitude.
As essential element for progress, digital innovation must be the starting point for optimizing business processes. We think of digitalization as a tool for solving real and specific organizational and production problems, as well as for marketing purposes.In 4.0 industry, digitalization goes further and allows machinery and equipment to be communicated to us, providing solutions to problems such as:- manage the massive amount of data, making sure that the information reaches us thanks to timely and legible data visualization models, allowing, even where required, to go in depth;
- acquire standard platforms that do not conform to the real needs of the business process. Thinking and approaching digitally the production process, - from data collection from plants to their analysis and use, helps to implement standard platforms or develop totally customized environments;
- to dissociate the cost of digitization from the real benefit. The digitalization of processes avoids unplanned downtime, avoids delays not considered as costs, avoids production waste and non-compliance. It will therefore be possible to monitor this real benefit by developing further improvements.2) Analysis of the aspects to be improved.
If digitizing processes allows us to collect more and more useful information, they are valuable only if analyzed.
This is why it is fundamental for development, to think of productive, organizational, procedural and communicative processes as something that is constantly evolving, always improving. For this purpose it will be useful to compare the analysis of the internal systems and the inputs from the external world.3) Comparison.
Include in the companies the method and the intelligence of professionalism that contribute to find solutions to real problems and seek a constant comparison to set a progressive and continuous development.4) Economic and environmental sustainability.
Real innovation is possible in the short, medium and long term. Each intervention must therefore be accompanied by a specific cost-benefit analysis document, both economic and environmental. For some time now, and even more so in the near future, the customers of our companies, whatever their nature, will no longer be able to disregard the requirements of environmental sustainability, whose requests are increasingly deeply rooted in the conscience of all the inhabitants of the planet.
On the other hand, there are multiple sources of financing for real improvements in energy, production and environmental efficiency.5) Expertise
Those who do business know well that exchange based on mutual trust, both between internal resources and external ones, is a difficult but tremendously necessary science.
A stable and well-functioning production organization is the result of complex activities that are carried out by people who, by definition, must enjoy the trust of their collaborators. The measure of trust is an objective fact: expertise.
"Interdependence" will be one of the key concepts of the way of conceiving and living of companies in the present and in the future, where there will be real revolutions due to the entrance of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics that can evolve into more and more forms. of an android nature. These instances that today seem to be the prerogative of large organizations, are actually already closer than you think and adaptable to companies of any nature and size, from manufacturing to services.

Industrial IR

IR market forecasts estimate an increase in investments of up to 20% by 2021, growth due to advances in machine learning and the spread of broadband services.
Companies in various sectors such as e-commerce, automotive, medical and gaming are increasingly oriented towards the use of image recognition technology.Image Recognition, if applied in an industrial context, plays a very important role in everything related to maintenance.The IR allows you to recognize what is framed by the camera of the smartphone even in case of poor visibility, partial or side framing, thanks to the accurate mapping of the object being implemented.Once the object is recognized, the IR technology comes into operation, returning information about the system such as the workshop manual, instructions for use, exploded views and the components, the machine card with historical interventions, etc.
The reordering of possible pieces with malfunctions could be then simplified by skipping the consultation phase of the papery exploded view and the identification of the piece in question: the whole would be replaced by the framing of the plant portion and relative restitution of the components present.This process visibly accelerates plant maintenance procedures, also affecting productivity: reducing waiting times reduces downtime.

IoT projects of ovens and related equipment: integration is really smart

The ice cream, confectionery and bakery market seen at the 40th edition of the Rimini's Sigep fair, showed us the most consistent side of connected IoT machines: the real usability of use, management and maintenance.The paradigm has shifted from mere marketing use, in which IoT, 4.0 and Cloud were the background to prototypes in demo mode, in real use to enhance the characteristics of products in their use in the field.This approach elevates companies that have been able to invest and pursue smart and concrete projects as market reference.A first example is Naboo, the professional oven of Lainox, an ALI Group's Venetian company that has developed an integrated system that allows to manage the entire recipe preparation process via Cloud. In the Lainox Cloud, Naboo is not alone, but we find Neo, the blast chiller that can also be transformed into a temperature maintainer and, if necessary, into a cooking tool. It is a product of the highest quality that, if connected with Naboo, guarantees an impeccable service, eliminating setbacks and delays, thanks to the delayed preparation and maintenance in temperature.Another use of the Cloud in the professional kitchen is MultiFresh® by Irinox, a group born in 1989 near Treviso. It is thanks to the FreshCloud® technology that the blast chiller is always connected to the web app and allows to keep the history of processing cycles in order and constantly updated and to automatically receive all HACCP reports.Another interesting project is bakeAPP 4.0 of Polin, one of the largest industrial companies producing ovens and machines for bread, pastry and biscuits. bakeAPP is the remote management software of the Polin oven, ideal for those who have to control different points of sale or decentralized production. It is a system developed to connect more ovens, even more bakeries, to receive reports on their operation, or to obtain data on production and consumption, valuable even for those who own a single oven.The innovations seen at Sigep confirm that industrial production, even in the food sector, proves to be attentive to IoT technologies, using Cloud connections to give further value to products already of the highest quality.The bet on the near future will revolve around the development of predictive maintenance algorithms to get to zero the downtime and, as seen at the fair, we presage that companies are ready for this future, which is getting closer.

Custom layout value

When designing an HMI (Human Machine Interface), or UX / UI in an app or web app (User Experience / User Interface) it's very important to start from the field analysis of human-machine interactions and work task flows performed by different users who use interfaces.The engineering of the interface, therefore, must be user-based and, in this regard, it's important that within plant manufacturing companies a specific role is defined to explore the needs of each sector accordingly.Consider for example the automotive sector that uses a "natural" interface: when the user intends to turn right, use the steering wheel turning it to that direction.
This simplicity must be implemented in the design of each type of interface, preferring naturalness, thus ensuring an important reduction of errors and a prompt reactivity to any unexpected events.Even the graphic design plays a fundamental role in the design of human-machine interaction layouts.
It is the graphic that allows to present in an intuitive form the access methods, the possibility of intervention on the process.
When designing an interface, therefore, we don't intend to reduce the information available to the user, but to mediate between the complexity of the production processes, order them to make them easily available and interactable.An effective layout is measured on the ability to mediate between the complexity of production processes and the readability of the information necessary for the operator to easily perform his task.

Kanban as processes optimizer

The many IoT's industrial application areas range from predictive maintenance to monitoring of energy consumption.One of the aspects that we intend to focus on is the KANBAN, a Japanese term that indicates an element of the Just in time production system of reintegration of stocks as they are consumed.The goal of KANBAN is to avoid overproduction and that is the most impactful waste on the performance of a production system.This operating method allows information to be circulated systematically within the company and possibly between company and suppliers, eliminating the need for complex production planning systems.Medtronic, a technology, services and medical solutions leader, operating in more than 260 locations in more than 155 countries around the world, has chosen the kanban implemented through Iot to optimize the phases of the production process.

Cloud and Fog Computing into IoT implementations

One of the fundamental components in the implementation of technologies related to IoT is the Cloud, which is a method of storing data made available through the Internet.
However, there is another cloud that is a complement to the real Cloud: Fog Computing.
Like a diffused fog (as the English term suggests) this type of computing moves at a lower level, closer to users and machines.In this sense, the Fog is highly available, secure, virtualized able to provide edge computing, networking, storage and to allow a powerful convergence between IT technologies and industrial operating technologies.Being closer to the sources of data production, they integrate security in real time.The ideal scenarios in which Fog Computing can optimize processes in the IoT field are:Automotive, more specifically in driverless cars, cars that operate independently requiring the ability to locally analyze certain data in real time, such as the surrounding environment, driving conditions and directions;Smart Cities that need a large number of sensors connected together;All cases in which a real-time analysis is required, such as production systems that must be able to react to events as they occur, to financial institutions that use data to inform commercial decisions or monitor fraud .An excellence in Fog Computing:www.caligoo.comCaligoo's analysis://www.caligoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/IoT.pdf

2019 IoT main expositions

The acceleration of the 4.0 paths of Italian companies, is pushing on the one hand the protagonists of the sector to question the future of Smart Manufacturing technologies and, on the other, to seek ever more interesting moments about the future prospects of the manufacturing industry.We have identified the most important events of the year that has just begun, precious opportunities in which the exchange of new ideas and the sharing of projects can reveal new trends and new opportunities.The first appointment will be at the BAU, from the 14th to the 19th of January in Munich, an occasion to meet managers and companies from all sectors to exchange ideas and information.The 13th edition of A & T, Automation & Testing, the trade fair dedicated to Industry 4.0, measurements and tests, robotics and innovative technologies will kick off in Turin in February.
During the 2018 edition emerged the sectors that are more inclined towards implementations of IOT technologies.
In the first place the automotive sector, followed by general industry, then the mechanical, mechatronics and electronics sector.Even though in a smaller part, 4.0 also attracts the food & beverage sector; food is an area that is increasingly moving in this direction.
For this an event that will be an opportunity to discover the innovations around these issues will be the Sigep, in Rimini from 19 to 23 January.In March we enter the heart of Industry 4.0 with MECSPE, the exhibition dedicated to technologies for innovation in the manufacturing industry, in Parma on March 28th, 29th and 30th.
Thanks to the synergy of the 12 thematic halls that offer visitors a complete overview of materials, machines and innovative technologies and unique initiatives such as the Digital Factory 4.0, the event is the Italian way for industry 4.0.Internationally, the most important trade fair of the year will be in April in Hannover.
Selected by the world's most influential companies in the industrial field Hannover Messe is a magnifying glass on the future of the industry.Also in April, from 8 to 14, again in Germany, but this time in Munich, the most awaited event is Bauma.
Digitization, sustainability and efficiency are the three macrotrend that stimulate the industry and Bauma as "Heartbeat of the Industry" is a point of reference for deepening these issues.

Internet of things: Iiot and new business outlooks

The Internet of Things sector has been the protagonist of an annual growth of 50% reaching almost 3 billion euros. These are the data that emerge from the Research on the Internet of Things of the School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic which highlights how the market has been the gas meters and the connected cars, while among the most promising areas of use are the Smart Home, Smart Cities and the Industrial IoT. The research also shows that 79% of Italian consumers are willing to buy products for the Smart Home, but only one in four will do so within 12 months. As for Smart Cities, 60% of Italian municipalities with over 20,000 inhabitants have already started projects especially for the management of mobility and smart lighting (Osservatorio Internet of Things, School of Management Polytechnic of Milan).
"The Internet of Things offers the possibility to give new life to objects" - says Gabriele di Matteo in the workshop "Dialogue between a washing machine and a toaster - The Revolution 4.0 generated by the Internet of Things" online at www.smauacademy.it and in his book published by Hoepli. - "Imagine the advertising billboard: an instrument already known 5,000 years ago and that today, with the IoT is able to provide information in real time. This is what a famous airline in London did in Piccadilly Circus, placing an apparently normal advertising poster. As soon as the sky is flown over by an airplane of your company, near the square, the billboard indicates the origin, the destination of the flight and in some cases the minutes of delay. In the same way the tennis racket is no longer just a racket, but with sensors installed in the handle it is able to give detailed information on sports performance: on the speed of the blow or on how many times it is wrong and why ". "The Iot however," - specifies Gennaro Persano, supervisor of Smau Academy with the workshop "Giving life to objects: the Internet of Things" - "does not mean only remote management of hardware devices, but it means completely reinventing business processes and have the opportunity to collect huge amounts of data - Big Data - that can help companies make decisions and develop forecasting models."
Among the areas in which IoT technologies are spreading is Agrifood, an area in which these technologies can provide important support for farmers' decision-making activities. By inserting sensors inside the ground it is possible to obtain important information, for example, on humidity and soil temperature.
In Smart Cities you can find widespread examples of using the Internet of Things, especially within Municipalities with over 20,000 inhabitants. An example is the City of Naples that has launched a real "energy challenge" with other European capitals to reward the most virtuous families. Naples, in fact, is involved together with Berlin and Brussels in the DOMINO project which translates into a challenge on energy saving that involves more than 1200 families for each urban reality. Thanks to the free use of adapters / smart plugs, families can measure the electricity consumption of their appliances and, with the suggestions provided, reduce bill costs and polluting emissions. The most virtuous families, as well as having an immediate confirmation in the bill, are also rewarded with green prizes like electric bicycles and discount coupons of various types. Dedicated to environmental monitoring, the solution of Tree Voice, a startup of Tim #Wcap that, through a small IoT device that is inserted - without being invasive and harmful - directly inside the plant, is able to analyze and collect a lot of information coming from the tree to send them promptly to a central server that processes them and advises those responsible in case of various dangers to avoid numerous accidents resulting from bad weather or tree diseases in the city. Another example of how the IoT can be applied to the concept of Smart City comes from the Nexus startup. The startup presented to Smau Safe Underpass, a system that monitors the flooding status of the underpasses and, in the event that the water level becomes dangerous, warns drivers, blocks the passage and sends an alert to a remote management center who will be aware of the problem in real time and can make decisions much faster and more precisely. The use of the new LoRa technology allows to cover distances of 15Km drastically reducing energy consumption.
In the domestic field there are numerous applications of Smart Home, including Jarvis, "smart robot" for the home and office, created by the Iooota startup in Bologna specialized in IoT solutions, which allows users to manage and control in a very simple way, direct and wherever they are (from the bed as well as from the other side of the world), different parameters such as energy saving, lighting, consumption control, the safety of their spaces and that of their loved ones, their own appliances. And it is also able to intervene in real time in situations that, in a hurry or distraction, can happen in everyday life.
Among the various industrial applications, the IoT can provide an effective aid in the maintenance and monitoring of machinery. The Minerva Omega Group, a consolidated reality in the food sector that deals with designing and producing a wide range of machines and systems for processing and preserving food products, has received the Smau Innovation Award for giving added value to its products through the insertion of the IoT. The company, in fact, has decided to create a Spin-Off, with the aim of doing research and development specialized in this sector. In 2013 he created the DSC Nexus, which today not only produces added value to company products, but also allows the Group to be partners of other companies, even competitors, management customers and customers who request ad hoc projects. To achieve this result, specific hardware has been developed following the specifications of the IoT, while for the software, through the Solair / Microsoft platform, the data acquired by the machines are extracted, processed with specific algorithms and synchronized also with external systems (ERP, CRM, etc.) and then be integrated into business processes. Thanks to the project, in two years, the business has expanded both the company and the end customer with increased know-how that today allows the Group to provide customized, modular and scalable solutions and an expansion of the target of the interlocutors, thus differentiating itself from the other competitors on the market.
The IoT market is booming, interest is growing and new scenarios are developing. In this context, big players and startups, together, can create new projects that can increase the competitiveness of companies and improve services to citizens. In Smau, with its Roadshow around Italy, the task of turning the spotlight on these experiences and sharing them with companies and public administrations of our country.

IoT and 4.0 Industry

Technology has invaded the most diverse sectors: in everyday life we ​​refer to Google for any doubt, we control appliances through mobile app and receive information from our cars connected to the internet while we drive. Even in the industrial world, we are increasingly pushing towards the use of technology with the primary objective of optimizing production and therefore reducing waste. The set of processes that determine a connection between manufacturing production and data is Industry 4.0.
These technologies, through the interconnection of machinery and plants, personnel and production environments inside or outside the factories, will provide a series of data that can be used to obtain a series of advantages, previously impractical. Starting, for example, from an increase in efficiency in production processes and to pave the way for the development of new competitive advantages, for example in terms of time to market and production costs.
The technology that makes these connections possible is the Internet of Things, that is, the set of objects that communicate with each other through networks.
With the increase in opportunities, however, the complexity and volumes of data also increase.
The recent data provided by the Industry 4.0 Observatory of the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan estimate the turnover generated in 2017 by Industry 4.0 2.4 billion, an increase of 30% compared to the previous year, while World level analysts of Markets & Markets estimate estimates of $ 152.31 billion by 2022. The Italian market, albeit on the rise, has a turnover that is slightly more than one billion euros.
Developing a process to transform data into usable information is a key part of the success of IoT and Big Data. Companies need to think about the quality of the data they are inserting and designing their systems to optimize this process. With the continued growth of connected devices, organizations will have more opportunities to use them to gather useful and relevant data that can improve their processes to really start transforming.

5 benefits of 4.0 Industry

We are increasingly talking about Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT), the fourth industrial revolution, the digital disruption. Industry 4.0, thanks to a technological mix of automation, information, connection and programming, allows monitoring the production process and consequently improving the phases. But what are the main advantages of this approach?
Here are the first 5:
1. Improvement of productivity
The technology allows you to monitor all sectors of the company in real time. Understanding how processes take place means that gaps and strengths are most evident and therefore monitoring their productivity.
2. Collection of data
It also allows to collect a lot of data, which if interpreted correctly can also be used to anticipate needs and especially future crises.
3. Energy saving
Having always updated data means being able to control the resources that are used in the production process. Each part of the process can thus be optimized by reducing waste of time and energy.
4. Customer-supplier relationship optimization
Thanks to technological transformation, internal and external logistics also improve and storage costs fall above all. Having a warehouse updated in real time, in fact, allows SMEs to evaluate what to buy and produce, avoiding unnecessary waste. All this translates into a better relationship with suppliers and final customers.
5. Reduction of expenses
The reduction of expenses is a natural consequence of the optimization of any process in which waste is reduced. Thanks to the monitoring of the energy consumption of the plant, thanks to the information provided in real time by the objects of the Internet of Things. Cloud computing systems, on the other hand, make many of the devices used useless. As a result, maintenance costs also fall.

IoT, Internet of Things at the Salone del Mobile

Technologies based on the Internet of Things are used more frequently than one might imagine. The objects we use on a daily basis are often those that are based on this type of technology, which connects the objects of our daily lives to a device or directly to each other via an internet network.A sensor that warns us if the window is open based on the room temperature detected by the thermostat, a video camera that sends us an email thanks to motion sensors and an app that manages the lighting in the house. These are some of the examples that can be given to explain the possibilities offered by the Internet of Things.At the Salone del Mobile in Milan, several manufacturers took the opportunity to present the new technologies implemented in household appliances (browse the gallery here). The stand dedicated to new technologies, FTK (Technology For The Kitchen), is the focal point for these innovations, such as the app that allows simultaneous management of all the appliances in the home.This platform is useful if we want to start the oven pre-heating from the office or switch on the dishwasher from the bedroom. Even the coffee machine can be controlled remotely with the possibility of creating a playlist of different coffees. Imagine you're having dinner with friends and everyone has different coffee preferences; thanks to the playlist, all you have to do is place the cup and the machine will start delivering the different drinks in sequence.The integrated cameras are what we are most curious about: there is the fridge that takes a photo every time it is closed, which is sent directly to our device so we can consult it from the supermarket, or the oven whose door is a touch screen that allows us to watch the cooking situation without having to open it.We have been following the Smeg case closely and the app that allows you to send commands to the oven and dishwasher directly from your tablet. Thanks to this platform it is possible to start the oven by simply selecting a recipe, which can be loaded quickly and easily, or send a washing programme to the dishwasher and monitor its consumption. All these objects have in common that they use the Internet connection to be efficient.
Usability is at the heart of these types of applications that allow the user to understand the functionality of the appliance and make the most of it.
The technology applied to these kinds of products has a huge potential and more and more everyday objects will implement the use of connections through IoT.